Roller Poster
March 1st Update!
Today's Terminator update begins with a shot of the first drop looking pretty much complete!
Here's the signauture overview shot thanks to Mr. Sky Tower.
You can see a lot of REALLY BIG popsicle sticks stitting out there. Lift Hill perhaps?
More popsicle sticks. The supply is certainly getting depleted. They need to send out more decepticons to collect energon in order to create more.
This area still looks about the same.
Not much has changed here.
From the fround level it looks very similar to last week.
Terminator Salvation: The Ride and Deja Vu are a good mix!
Fence crack view.
Peep hole view #1.
Peep Hole View #2
We see you Mr. Sneaky Terminator!
Today was a BEAUTIFUL day to be at the park!
Here's an update from the rest of the park....
I'm kind of bummed the bridge got removed. It really seemed to add something to this area.
Does anyone know what used to be here? The first 5 people to email the answer to Dan win a TPR Bag-of-Crap! The first person to send a PICTURE to Dan of what used to be here gets a HUGE box of crap! EMAIL DAN:
Did I mention today was BEAUTIFUL???
Candy lady hard at work makes me happy!
Wow! Looks like the new Flash Pass center is almost ready to open!
Here you can get an idea of what rides will be available (the ride list can change day-to-day though)
Looks like a few more signs need to get placed.
Add X2 to your flash pass for just $5! You'll be given a reservation time in which to go to X2.
The pricing is very interesting. If these are the final prices, then the upgrade to Gold is a no-brainer!
You can get a sneak peek inside of the cash registers.
Pre-show room! "How to use your Q-Bot!"
The blah, blah, blah, part of the show...
Blah, blah, blah part deux!
Oh, look! They now have them electric buggies for people like Jeff Johnson.
Cold Stone is now open! Yay!
Today was the 2nd day of the Magic Mountain job fair! Let's have a look around...
This guy looks awfully familiar....
Where is the line for "I just want to take pictures and steal some cotton candy?"
This is where I would FAIL!
Time for my intereview!
Sylvester is hoping they will hire him.
The test seat applied for a job in valet parking.
Security is looking to hire the members of ZZ Top.
All sexy men and women apply here!
I want her job!
The news were here to cover the job fair. Sorry guys! We beat you to it! =)
Don't forget! You can ride in May!
Any idea which coaster this is?
Don't forget to buy your combo pass and meet up with TPR at Hurricane Harbor this summer!

Today's Terminator update begins with a shot of the first drop looking pretty much complete!

Here's the signauture overview shot thanks to Mr. Sky Tower.

You can see a lot of REALLY BIG popsicle sticks stitting out there. Lift Hill perhaps?

More popsicle sticks. The supply is certainly getting depleted. They need to send out more decepticons to collect energon in order to create more.

This area still looks about the same.

Not much has changed here.

From the fround level it looks very similar to last week.


Terminator Salvation: The Ride and Deja Vu are a good mix!

Fence crack view.


Peep hole view #1.

Peep Hole View #2

We see you Mr. Sneaky Terminator!

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day to be at the park!
Here's an update from the rest of the park....

I'm kind of bummed the bridge got removed. It really seemed to add something to this area.

Does anyone know what used to be here? The first 5 people to email the answer to Dan win a TPR Bag-of-Crap! The first person to send a PICTURE to Dan of what used to be here gets a HUGE box of crap! EMAIL DAN:

Did I mention today was BEAUTIFUL???

Candy lady hard at work makes me happy!

Wow! Looks like the new Flash Pass center is almost ready to open!

Here you can get an idea of what rides will be available (the ride list can change day-to-day though)

Looks like a few more signs need to get placed.

Add X2 to your flash pass for just $5! You'll be given a reservation time in which to go to X2.

The pricing is very interesting. If these are the final prices, then the upgrade to Gold is a no-brainer!

You can get a sneak peek inside of the cash registers.

Pre-show room! "How to use your Q-Bot!"

The blah, blah, blah, part of the show...

Blah, blah, blah part deux!

Oh, look! They now have them electric buggies for people like Jeff Johnson.

Cold Stone is now open! Yay!

Today was the 2nd day of the Magic Mountain job fair! Let's have a look around...

This guy looks awfully familiar....

Where is the line for "I just want to take pictures and steal some cotton candy?"

This is where I would FAIL!

Time for my intereview!

Sylvester is hoping they will hire him.

The test seat applied for a job in valet parking.

Security is looking to hire the members of ZZ Top.

All sexy men and women apply here!

I want her job!

The news were here to cover the job fair. Sorry guys! We beat you to it! =)

Don't forget! You can ride in May!

Any idea which coaster this is?

Don't forget to buy your combo pass and meet up with TPR at Hurricane Harbor this summer!