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"Terminator" Woodie for SFMM

I know it's been said, but it's such a surreal decision that I have to chip in... Terminator, the wooden ride?!

Presumably they are paying somebody to artistically direct the park right? There are some decisions which cost money and for that reason you might make compromises. But naming a ride... that costs nothing! SFMM have outdone themselves here. I'm praying for even a shred of relevance to the subject matter to prove me wrong. A red LED or two? Maybe a free sawn-off shot gun for every rider?
Anyone know when Mamma Mia-The Coaster/Ride is being built, or what about Love Actually-The Coaster/Ride :lol:

No seriosuly :shock:
Jewls1993 said:
Anyone know when Mamma Mia-The Coaster/Ride is being built, or what about Love Actually-The Coaster/Ride :lol:

No seriosuly.
But Pinchcliffe Grand Prix doesn't even get an attraction. Humph. (Though, the car from the movie is on display in Hunderfossen Familiepark in Norway)

And bradleyhart, uk.youtube links don't work here.

I have to say, I have mixed expectations for this. SF are so hole-in-the-head for naming every coaster of theirs after an established franchise. Boo them. My feelings for the ride just gets much lower when the name is stolen from somewhere else, to market the ride even more. Greedy (not pure dog breed)s.

On the other hand, we're speaking fairly tall GCI here. It can't be that bad, can it?
Actually, to focus on the ride for a bit and not the name - it does look to have some nice moments. I could swear they are trying to get some airtime into a big positive g turn there, seriously, about 46 secs into that video - respect for that. In fact, GCI seem to be doing for wooden coaster layouts what the B&M freeform track did for steel coasters in the 90's... and i like it.
I find this video quite good. It consists of pieces of POV footage from the videos, clipped together to an almost complete POV:


And it looks great. Bet this will be one of the 5 best coasters at MM (according to a friend, following Tatsu, X2, Riddler and Batman).
Darn, everyone else got there first with the not a steel coaster thing...

Still, what would look even cooler is if they painted the track and trains grey and covered the supports with massive sheets of silver so it looked like some big mountainy, wall kind of sci fi thing...

Lots of fake mist everywhere aswell...
Perfect! SFMM needed a good woodie to balance out the steel/wood scale. I contacted GCI through my sources, to see if I can get some pictures of the 3D model, so we'll wait and see...

And I'm definately scheduling a visit the day the park opens. Gotta get there at like 12am though :D
Uhh, incase you're totaly oblivious, wooden coasters (except some intamins) are underbanked throughout. This provides a lot of lovely joyful laterals, and allows for a unique ride.
I can not wait to ride this next year.
I am going in late October/early November.
Is there many people at SFMM that time of year.

As a fan of the whole Terminator franchise this is interesting news, what with the return of The Sarah Connor Chronicles to UK television this week and now this, exciting times!

Having a wooden rollercoaster somehow themed around Terminator does seem a bit odd though, it will be interesting to see whether it works well.
Yeah, Its been re-named from "Terminator: The Coaster" to this...


Terminator Salvation™: The Ride.

http://www.sixflags.com/magicMountain/index.aspx Just in case you thought it was fake :wink:
ANything is a definate plus on Psyclone, so no complaints from me, and now Movie Park need to follow suit and knock Bandit down, I've ridden both and IMO it's just as bad.
Xpress said:
Uhh, incase you're totaly oblivious, wooden coasters (except some intamins) are underbanked throughout. This provides a lot of lovely joyful laterals, and allows for a unique ride.

You seriously know ****ing totally dick about everything man, stop posting.
We all realise this name change is to coincide with the forthcoming movie, right?
So it is no longer a rustic old style woodie named after a metallic, futuristic, washed up film franchise but rather a woodie named after a metallic, futuristic, soon-to-be-current film franchise. Slightly more understandable I suppose.
In my opinion, the name change isn't much of a improvement.

And to all the people who said a wooden coaster tied in with a metallic type film, this is six flags, you didn't expect much better did you?