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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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You're right Ben, the title Saw has to do with the name of the villain mastermind Jigsaw in the movie, who receives the nickname for cutting a jigsaw shape of skin from his victims.

The title also plays in most in the first movie when victims need to use a hacksaw to escape from a room.

As the video promo suggests, the theme of the coaster will most likely pit riders into one of Jigsaw's experiments, where riders must "Face their Fears" to pass the test.

I would imagine the queues and station would feature dilapidated walls and rooms with dim lighting and remnants of previous experiments. Blood splattered walls, torture devices, etc.

The theming is very easy to do as we've seen in the movies, and there's no reason why Thorpe can't make it work for the coaster.
As far as I can see, everyone who was saying, "this'll be different, it's merlin now" may well have been wrong, and all merlin have done is given them the money to make lots of crap, rather than just some like before.

The enthusiast part of me hates this, but part of me is actually looking forward to it.
I never look in this topic, but after hearing about this whole Saw thing, I had to come in here. I honestly don't see why it's a bad idea! I'm so glad they went with something "scary" and different rather than something generic like a racing theme or a western theme. It'll be great if they can pull it off well, and if not, meh, it's the coaster that counts and it's still a creative idea!
furie said:
Anyone else here think this is most likely due to all of the budget going on a movie license? ;)

I bet it had a really good name before Lionsgate approached Thorpe and bribed them with this idea.
Come on everyone.
The names settled so moaning about it isn't going to change anything.

Immediately people are cutting Thorpe's throats for themeing it to a film and pointing out all the little things that don't matter like "that part isn't in any of the films".

At the end of the day it's the ride experience that counts and some themeing is better than none at all.

At least they've given us:
A theme that everyone has heard about,
back story,
great layout for the coaster of it's kind

So I think that it's a great move for Thorpe. They've listened to their customers (via the poll sheets) and they know they're main audience is those in the teenage to adult brackets.
Ok in the short term, but long term? Will start to lose appeal. If they've actually wasted money to purchase the right for the naming of it, then I'll be annoyed.

As for hope for Alton? Epic movie woodie? A flat, lifeless effort at something which only the creators think works...
Also here's some artwork which backs me up to carry on thinking that the themeing will be top class. :D


Station from outside:

Possibly a pre-ride section:

Hopefully we will be faced with this before the indoor drop to avoid it last second

And a couple of other photos:

Ollie said:
Come on everyone.
The names settled so moaning about it isn't going to change anything.

Course we're gonna moan, it's an unoriginal effort for something a lot of us were quite looking forward to before the name was released...

Ollie said:
Immediately people are cutting Thorpe's throats for themeing it to a film and pointing out all the little things that don't matter like "that part isn't in any of the films".

Who's saying stuff like that? Mostly it's people going what a poor idea it is and how the mill idea contradicts the stories in the films with the industrial settings used in EACH ONE...

Ollie said:
At the end of the day it's the ride experience that counts and some themeing is better than none at all.

But the ride experience mostly continues on into the theming, especially on a ride like this one...

Ollie said:
So I think that it's a great move for Thorpe. They've listened to their customers (via the poll sheets) and they know they're main audience is those in the teenage to adult brackets.

What poll sheets? The problem most people on here are having is the contradictory nature of what is generally a family coaster being themed to an 18+ film...

As is obvious I'm mightily disappointed with this... So much originality was available for this new major attraction but it seems now it's all gone out the window...
I'm not saying that the theming will be poor in the end, but the choice of the storyline and general theming disappoint me more than anything...
Despite my first reactions to the name being 'meh, they could've done a bit better than that'. I'm now totally in favor of it.

In my opinion, the ride itself without any themeing looks great. Much better than what Speed looks.
But, there is so much they can do with the themeing of SAW and if they get it spot on then this will looking absolutley fantastic and make a fantastic ride. If those red things, whatever they maybe that Ollie posted was to be on the pre drop, then that would look fantastic. With that pre lift section, they have so much they can do.

I'm honestly looking forward to seeing what Merlin pull off with this. Bring on March 13th/14th when it opens to the public! (Calculated that from the countdown clock on the website)
I can immediately turn around and say that I won't ride it until I know exactly what happens scare wise. I don't like horror films with a passion and not particularly keen on dark areas. (If anyone saw what I was like in the pre-show for Hex you will have an idea of how much I don't like them) They are immediately alienating a group of people who won't go on it just due to the theme even though they would enjoy the ride. Or is this just me being a complete wuss?
I can't say I'm not dissapointed by this. Its a gimmick, and in a couple of years people will be WTFing at it. I think Furie hit the nail on the head with what he said though.

Also.. I didn't know the saw films were set in a Canadian Creek? Or even Atlantis for that matter..

Does this mean that they are making a new 'area' for the ride? Will it be bringing Samurai in with it?
Personally i really like the idea of a roller coaster themed on SAW. Its scary, (like roller coasters) and im pretty sure it will create atmosphere. Depending on how the Themeing is pulled of though.
Deano123321 said:
Depending on how the Themeing is pulled of though.

Exactly, altough I'm not keen on the name, I think it could work if the themeing is done well. The theming needs to be good for it to live up to the name.
Even though people don't seem to like the name, nothing else seems to have changed. Everyone is still saying that it'll be good as the long as they can pull off the theming, so it can't be that bad.
Oh well. This is a bit like Thorpe New Ride ala Stealth v.2...

Everyone bitched and moaned and whinged on and on for god knows how many pages....

Same will happen here I think?

To be honest, no I am not overly thrilled at the movie tie in of this new coaster. Not because I don't like the films or any of that malarky. The general idea of a horror film coaster is actually quite good. I kinda wish they had just gone it alone in terms of story though. The whole 13, box, dylan thing lent itself to a story of their own making. I'd have rather seen an original creation, but meh, oh well.

In terms of it being Saw, I hope they do go to town with it, proove all of us doubting thomases wrong. I really hope they pull something out of the bag and it has us all screaming for mummy and giving us nightmares like they promise. I don't see it happening but it might happen....

For the opening of the ride that is. I mean it sounds like they are going to do a premier screaming style event (anyone remember those?) for the launch of this. Like Pierre (I think) pointed out: the countdown is actually to the midnight of that date. The are possibly just saying that is the launch date, or they are implying that they could open the park up really late at night for a launch event. Hence the few coming soon things on the website for "Be the first to ride" and "Disciples of Saw" all as coming soon. Ie Details for a special event coming soon. So yes, there will be big fanfare and the ride will open up with a massive big deal and everything working so well...

Fast forward a few months and we see the usual budget cuts and so on and the rides special effects and theme objects throughout the queue and the ride have stopped working. Screens broken et al, you get my drift. What will stop this being any different from any other heavily themed ride regardless of the fact it is a movie tie in?

The whole thing reeks of tacky movie tie in will need a retheme in 5 years when the license runs out...
SnooSnoo said:
No.. NO NO NO!

Thorpe.. can we PLEASE learn to name a coaster? Jesus <img src='http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_censored.gif' /> Christ.

Yer, because Batman - The ride, is any better?

I don't know what the fuss is?
I think Saw is going to be awesome, mixing scare, show and ride elements together. It's the best move Thorpe Park have made in a long while and knowing Merlins reputation, I'm sure we have nothing to fret about.
2009 Rollercoaster Quick Facts:

• 100ft, 100º ‘beyond vertical’ drop
• 3 inversions
• Each individual car holds 8 passengers
• Up to 8 cars on the track
• Ride duration: 1min 40 seconds
• 30 seconds (30%) inside the station building
• Track length: 2362ft

3 Inversions??

Either they are keeping the indoor inversion quiet...


Or this isn't an inversion..?
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