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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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^^^They actually talk more about the film that the coaster in that article.

I have to admit I really like the new website for Saw. The design and interactive options are very impressive and the whole movie stroyline is enjoyable.

I guess they will be launching the ride prior to the official opening date of the 14th of March as the article says.
I actually think it's a good idea as well, if it is some kind of sponsorship arrangement maybe it will mean they will at least have the money to make sure it is a properly themed ride, rather than just little touches like most of their rides, although I hope it won't be too graphic!
mjc83 said:
An age cert on a film doesn't stop younger people watching it, so I don't think it will go over people's heads at all, and won't stop the younger crowd from riding it either.

Maxi-Minor_Furie will be tall enough to ride this by the time he is five - do you suggest it's a good idea to allow him to experience this? I'll ride it first before making a decision, but I'd say it almost certainly rules him out of being able to ride it.

It therefore kills any expansion into more 'family' territory. It still means the park has the huge split between toddlers and teens with nothing really in the middle. Okay, Chessington should cover that, but it means, once again, I'm not going to be heading to Thorpe with the family for a few years (unless we go to GhosterForce, but we usually most of the Thorpe day anyway).

It's just bizzare to have a great family coaster, then to put it out of the reach of the family. They may as well have had a decent ride ;)
John91 said:
Just a thought, does this mean they will be showing Saw V instead of Time Voyagers during part of Fright Nites?

The Circus Of Horrors will be using the theatre for their show.
Interesting thought John.

I'm with Furie on this one. All this time, it would have made sense to create something that more of the family can enjoy because of the lower height restriction and then they slap this theme on it.

If you read all the press releases and so on, they are going to town with it in terms of the theme. They want it to be the scariest in the world and that most definately isn't going to happen on the ride alone. So it'll be in the story telling during the queue and pre lift areas that does it. I can expect lots of blood stained walls and so on...

In some ways, I can really see it working, in others...

The other problem with this sort of movie tie in, it already sets some form of standard in which they have to ensure the ride lives up to. I mean the films are extremely gorey, so surely people will be expecting the ride to be the same?
I actually really like the idea and think it could be done really well, I am a big fan of the films but I said to myself yesterday when I saw the Saw 5 trailer "how many of these are they going to make?" I didn't think thorpe would go for a saw movie theme as it's quite weird, like something a studio park would have.

I also see peoples point about the 1.2 height limit, they have now taken it well away from a family audience and wouldn't be suprised if it actually had the rumored age limit.

However I do generally like the idea and I am looking forward to how they theme it, it could be awesome.
It could certainly be awesome during Fright Nites.... Ohhhh live actors in queue potential? Nah, woul alienate too many rides, but still, it was something that just sprung to mind.
Ben said:
That's a brilliant idea! Spend all the money on rights for a film, and then theme it to something absolutely nothing to do with the films!


Dun Dun Duuuuun!
I think it is a great idea. Depends how much they have spent on the rights for the film!
I hope it will be themed really well tbh.
Maybe the theming in the pictures was just ganeric to give people an idea of what it would be like before they finally signed contracts or something.
The little hut over the drop would've had to be MASSIVE to make it safe though, it would've looked pretty awful in my opinion.

I don't see a huge problem with it being themed on Saw, all it is is a name and style, doesn't really change what the ride is! Does seem a bit random though, would've suited a full dark ride much better than a part dark, part outside ride.

Although i must say, with the drop... the way the blades are positioned, you will go headfirst into them, then pull back on yourself as it goes 'over' vertical. When pointing 90 degrees down it will look a bit like you would hit them.
I really CBA to read through the past four or so pages to check if this has been posted or not.



Rollercoaster Based On Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures’ Megahit ‘Saw’ Franchise

The UK’s thrill-capital, THORPE PARK, leading next generation film studio LIONSGATE (NYSE: LGF) and TWISTED PICTURES today announced that they will launch SAW – The Ride, the world’s first ever horror movie-themed rollercoaster, in Spring 2009. Based on Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures’ ‘Saw’ franchise, the most profitable horror franchise in movie history, SAW – The Ride is the scariest ride in the world. The latest installment in the series, ‘Saw V,’ premieres on Friday 24th October, and THORPE PARK will be inviting visitors to ‘Face Your Fears’ on their new terrifying attraction next year.

Like the films, THORPE PARK’s new rollercoaster will test the nerve of all who dare ride it and visitors will be at the mercy of the series’ master manipulator, Jigsaw. The ultimate test of SAW – The Ride will be a ‘beyond vertical’ drop of 100º from a height of 100ft, making it the steepest freefall drop in the world. Riders will also endure three inversions that will add another dimension to a whole new experience of adrenaline-fuelled fun for thrill seekers.

SAW – The Ride continues the growth of the ‘Saw’ franchise as an international cultural touchstone. The original 2004 ‘Saw’ launched a new wave in horror films and introduced a bona fide icon of terror: Jigsaw, the philosophically inclined psychopath with an exacting moral agenda and a genius for gruesome games of survival, ‘played’ with those he believes have ceased to value and appreciate the gift of life. Ratcheting up tension and invention with each successive film, the ‘Saw’ franchise has become a part of the zeitgeist while jangling nerves around the world. To date, the four ‘Saw’ titles have taken in over $550 million in worldwide theatrical box office and their combined gross DVD sales are nearly 24 million units.
Candy Holland, Creative Director for Merlin Entertainments Resort Theme Parks, is the woman behind the ride and arguably has Britain’s scariest and most exciting job. She is an extreme thrill enthusiast and will draw on her extensive background in theme park and theatre set design, working with the project team to make it the scariest ride in the world. Candy was also responsible for the creative development of THORPE PARK’s Stealth ride, Se7en maze, and Oblivion and Air at Alton Towers Resort.

Candy Holland comments, “I’m a huge fan of horror films and am utterly relishing creating the scariest ride in the world. Anybody who has sat through a ‘Saw’ film scared and terrified beyond belief will have some idea of what’s in store for them at THORPE PARK. SAW – The Ride is going to be shocking and intense…both physically and psychologically…and is sure to give you nightmares.

“We have worked in close collaboration with Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures on this project to ensure total accuracy of the key elements of the ‘Saw’ films, which when combined with the latest rollercoaster technology will create a phenomenal ride experience.”

Marketing Director of THORPE PARK Carolyn London says, “SAW – The Ride is definitely only for the brave, and will add an element of edge to an already adrenaline packed breadth of thrills on offer. We’re certain the ‘Saw’ theme will set pulses racing and will satisfy the appetite of those in search of the ultimate exhilarating experience.”

‘Saw’ producers and Twisted Pictures principals Mark Burg and Oren Koules remark, “We love scaring people, and SAW – The Ride is a whole new way to do it. The team at THORPE PARK have really impressed us with their grasp of the ‘Saw’ universe and with their dedication to creating a truly edgy attraction.”

Guy Avshalom, Lionsgate COO, and Aubrey McClure, Lionsgate Vice President of Promotions, Licensing & Merchandising, add, “SAW – The Ride is a reflection of how thoroughly the ‘Saw’ franchise has crossed over into pop culture at large. We are delighted to be working with THORPE PARK to continue that expansion with the scariest ride in the world.”

The new ride will be the Park’s fourth major rollercoaster, joining an already impressive portfolio of extreme ride experiences, including Stealth – Europe’s fastest rollercoaster, Colossus – the world’s first ten looping rollercoaster and Nemesis Inferno – the 4.5 G-force experience.

THORPE PARK will open for the full 2009 season on Saturday 14th March but to preview the ride visit www.sawtheride.com. For further information please log onto www.thorpepark.com.




So with Saw in mind, what are the cars going to look like? Wheelchairs?

World's Scariest Ride is an interesting idea, but the potential to EPIC FAIL is enormous. If it's as scary as the ghost train in Brean, I'll be impressed :p.
The only bit I can see being scary on this coaster is the station and queue line. After seeing the film about 50 times whilst queuing it wont be scary anymore :)

I dont find Saw scary anyway its gore not horror thats the thing.

That Ghost Train at Brean was brill :)
Yeah well some people find hack n slash movies scary. The more gore the more scare kind of thing. Personally, seeing someone hack their own leg off doesn't scare me at all. I tend to get more frightened by the psychological head **** type films. So this bears very little consequence too me. Except, will that gore and so on actually come across better for me when actually put into a physical aspect, ie, with the theming? Who knows. We actually know very little about the interior of the building and the queue. Will have to wait and see really.
Hahah, I can now picture Candy Holland going on a fact-finding mission to Brean to help theme Thorpe's new coaster. LOL.
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