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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Poor old Thorpe. they're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't.

I'm just happy that there is one park out there that is still thinking about thrill seekers and not the ****ing family market.

Ok, so I would have rather had a woodie, or some sort of kingkongmegaubercoaster but this will do.

Hopefully the theme of the ride will be strong enough so even when the films popularity inevitably dies off, the ride will be able to stand alone without trading off the films name.

I won't slag it off until I've actually seen and ridden it. Until then, it's a good coaster and a good addition to a thrill park, which is what Thorpe says it is.
Ian said:
Of course Ollie's going to love it, he's a haunted-thingy fanboy after all. They could have put a turd in a shoe box and called it "Nightmare on Turd Street" and he'd love it.
Lol. I have one of them under my bed. :p
I can't wait to ride this. Saws my fave movie ever and now we finlly get a ride about saw.
^and V: It took almost 21 hours? I'm surprised.

Yet there's no member named "Scenic Railway" or "Chemin de Centrifuge" yet...
I quite like the name tbh

I'm sure the film studio wouldn't let them have the rights to the name if the themeing is going to be crap.
These people signing up with the SAW usernames better not be the ones criticizing Thorpes "lack of imagination"... because thats the most unfunny and least imaginative thing ever, as it was already mentioned by Ian.
Bunch of sheep.
Joey said:
Oh, it also means the saw mill is still totally out of place.
I've not seen any of the Saw films... But I was under the impression that the villain sets up his traps in different lairs he takes his fancy too? Maybe I'm really wrong there. And, was under the impression from screens from the films, that those places are often industrial.

So why is a saw mill totally out of place?

I still think Saw has been childishly super glued to the original concept of a log mill in Canada gone wrong, but this one part of it actually happens to fit.

OK, *puts on movie geek hat*

Jigsaw, as a character, has roots in two areas - one, the cancer root, which makes him, essentially, a psycho, and his other root, his working root, which is firmly in engineering (I think Kerry says he has a degree in engineering in the second one?). This leads him to create very industrial traps, all constructed out of heavy materials - steel (venus fly trap and reverse bear trap spring to mind here), razor glass (obviously the razor glass trap), whatever the hell sort of industrial thing those guys are attached to at the start of the fourth, even a furnace (again, obvious). None of his traps are made of... wood. Since the concept art shows an old saw mill, I'm really ruling out the chance this will have the highest technology in milling available. I mean, you just have to look at the concept art or photos like...


To see we're not talking about the big, warehouse locations Jigsaw favours (this is more favouring the last two films, I admit, but look where he himself is found in both the first and second films, old warehouses).

Also, Jigsaw's traps tend to reflect where they're set, he uses heavy industrial machinery in a heavy industrial area (warehouses) or a BED of needles in the bedroom, or a furnace in the furnace room. He uses his surroundings. The use of... wood and saws, doesn't fit with the films.

So, yeah, a lot of my gripe is how they're trying to mash a heavy, industrial film with a mining station. I'd be so much more excited if they were using a warehouse theme on the station - think, the area he's found in in the second one.

But, I could be wrong. They could suddenly decide to have him start using saws and logs. But, as actually "artistically" fitting in with the films (loose sense of the word), and character, for me, a saw mill just isn't the right way of doing it. And you can tell saws and buzz-saws are gonna play a large part in it on the poster released with the name. Which, it shouldn't do. Seems a little like they wanted to call it Saw and use saws, and then thought "****, we could pretend it's linked to the films that way".
coasterchris93 said:
Hopefully they'll put effort into the theming so you won't see the same thing over again; like different rooms etc.

I never got bored of listening to Queen whilst queueing for Rita; so I doubt this will affect me or the GP :p

And its not the fastest Euro-Fighter, Speed is. :)

(probably just a bit more than on Baco)

Baco had gore? Wine maybe :lol:
I thought the crazy scientist was drowning in his own blood, my bad. :shock:
Maybe I better see a psycologist. :wink:
Ben said:
That's a joke, right?

Someone... please... that... has... to... be...




So... bad... can't... even...

*dies inside*
Ultimate Coaster said:
Okay, NOW this is appropriate:

SnooSnoo said:
No.. NO NO NO!

Thorpe.. can we PLEASE learn to name a coaster? Jesus <img> Christ.

Pretty much sums up my view on the topic.


neo said:
Oh for crying out loud:

http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/1 ... W-The-Ride

She is an extreme thrill enthusiast and will draw on her extensive background in theme park and theatre set design, working with the project team to make it the scariest ride in the world. Candy was also responsible for the creative development of THORPE PARK's Stealth ride, Se7en maze, and Oblivion and Air at Alton Towers Resort.

Se7en and Stealth (which they still claim as the fastest ride in Europe) don’t fill me with confidence.

*deep breath* .......doubtful.
I hate to say i told you so, but:

ciallkennett on Sept 13th... said:
silenthillXD said:
ciallkennett said:
Jewls1993 said:
Actually I still have a feeling the story is that the mad ass that stole the blue prints and stuff, will kill the workers with a saw or an axe or something, hmm, sounds quite good to me :p

Wait, isnt the killer in Saw called Dylan?

Hmmm...i thinked ive cracked the mystery of Project Dylan's name :D

+ the "zero-g roll" looks like a barrel roll :p Don't look like it'll be taken like a zero-g either...

The killer in saw is called John..............

Damn... :lol:

EDIT: The director of the saw movies is called Darren Lynn Bousman (Dylan?)

+ the themeing of PD is a 'saw'mill


Haha! I cracked the name :D

The "scariest ride in the world" is in reference to it being the first horror movie-themed coaster.

UC and I know that Raging Wolf Bobs in the back, watching the train shift 4 feet to the left and right is some scary ****. :razz:
Seriously, as much as I agree with you, you're reading WAY too much into this.

Oh, I know.

And that's fine.

But, that's why it's going to piss me off, and a reason I'm against it, despite being quite a Saw fan. Just me being a geek, and not enjoying it for it. A bit like how I hate certain historical films cause I can't help but cringe through it over geeky inaccuracies, but others think it's fine :wink:

Though it more bothers me about shafting the GP basically out of a 1.2m coaster.
Ian said:
What I'm waiting for is for new peopel to sign up on CF with the word "Saw" in thier username. "Saw2009", "ThorpeSaw" and so forth.
Bit like me then :p But I was with the blue and white ride instead.

I had a laugh on my own this morning when I told Ciall, he was just happy he guessed the name though :roll:

I personally hate the name, I would be happier if they dropped "The Ride" part, but I can't do anything about it so eh.

If they can pull it off then hooray, Thorpe did something right! Still I will be there opening day, even though it's probably a school day (feck school)
Almost everyone is ending their posts with 'But we can't do anything about it' or ' We'll just have to wait and see', so why don't we all quit moaning and do just that.
Stealth.thorpe said:
Ian said:
What I'm waiting for is for new peopel to sign up on CF with the word "Saw" in thier username. "Saw2009", "ThorpeSaw" and so forth.
Bit like me then :p But I was with the blue and white ride instead.

I had a laugh on my own this morning when I told Ciall, he was just happy he guessed the name though :roll:

I personally hate the name, I would be happier if they dropped "The Ride" part, but I can't do anything about it so eh.

If they can pull it off then hooray, Thorpe did something right! Still I will be there opening day, even though it's probably a school day (feck school)

Opens to the GP on saturday the 14th march
Just been reading through the comments to the Youtube video and someone asked...

How true to the films is the ride going to stay?

To distinguish between the films and the ride. A decision made between both THORPE PARK and Lionsgate.
Not sure exactly what that means. :?
Sounds pretty good to be honest!

It'll probably be immense this time next year during Fright Nights. It'll just be quite funny first thing on a Summer morning and midday.

I'm sorry, I'm not reading through all these pages.. is there an age restriction? If young people become inclined to see the series, and then become disturbed and complain to Thorpe, that'd be pretty funny.
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