10,000 B.C.
I dunno, it's not as bad as the reviews made it out to be. It has like, a nine percent on Rotten Tomatoes and a four out of ten on IMDB, but really I think it's worth a bit more than that. It was blatantly copying Apocalypto in certain spots, and nothing pisses me off in a movie more than when it copies and all you can do is sit there and look for other similarities between the two movies, but oh well, there were some parts which weren't copied. It seemed like it was stereotyping the Aboriginals a lot as well, which got annoying. Everything was described in a weird way, like snow was white rain, something else was the eye of the snake, and it seemed like a lot of things were not called by their actual name.
As for historical accuracy, I think this is the movie's biggest fault. Dinosaurs in 10,000 B.C.? As far as I'm aware, 10,000 B.C. was only 12,008 years ago, and also, I'm pretty sure dinosaurs and huge birds like the ones in the movie were dead quite before then. I also have never seen landscape change from snowy mountains, to a rainforest, to a desert with pyramids so drastically.
Anyway, 6/10 overall. If you can look past the inaccuracies and the copying, it's not too terrible.