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Alien 3 is a good film - it's just that the first two are stunning! So it pales badly in comparison.

It was also Fincher's first ever full length film, so considering that, it's actually very good, and a real testament to his directional skills.

I recommend just not watching Resurrection at all and save yourself two hours of your life.
Alien 3 on them disks is better than the one in the cinema as long as you watch the one with the cow and not the one with the dog.

Alien 1 on them disks is also better as it shows a whole part that was cut out, and Alien 2 is just a bloody great film one of my top 10.
Technically it's Aliens, not Alien 2 =]

I watched The Butterfly Effect the other day and all I can say is wow. It's just such a good film, fast paced, makes you think and also brought to my attention that Ashton Kutcher actually can act.

I give it 8/10, it loses a few points for getting repetetive in some places. Other than that, it was fab.
I really need to see the Alien films. :p

I've seen bits of the first one and thought it looked OK. :lol:
southend_marc said:
Alien 3 on them disks is better than the one in the cinema as long as you watch the one with the cow and not the one with the dog.


Directors cut > Cinematic release

And ressurection fails as well as AVP.
Saw Fast Food Nation

I'd recommend if you've ever eaten macdonalds/burger king/etc to watch this. It'll make you think twice before ordering a big mac again. It might put you off ordering any meat products - but not me (enjoyed a juicy sirloin steak the day after watching it).

The film itself is a bit messy. Little closure on any of the stories.. but then i guess that's like real life.

Bonus points for having avril lavigne in it. (phwoar!)

Hard one to judge..

8/10 as it's convinced me never to eat a big mac again.
I'm going for a McDonalds later. But nothing will match up to the Double Cheese Burger I got from the market earlier. Big greasy burgers are just so much better.

Anyway, I watched Hancock earlier.

Not bad. It started off very good, with some good humour and brilliant action scenes. But then it hit a point where another storyline was focused on, which detracted from my overall opinion of the film. Still good though, and a good change from your run of the mill superhero film.
Well, I just finished Resurrection.

I liked it, well, a lot more then 3 at least. That is to say, I liked the first 90 minutes, up until the whole newborn thing came along and screwed everything up. Up until that point, it's a fun, silly movie with some good gore, basically, what 3 wanted to be, but with (slightly) better characters and much, much better effects.

Then the whole newborn thing comes along, and nothing makes much sense. And, it's possibly the least scary monster ever put on film (does it remind anyone of a hairless version of the Yeti from Monsters Inc.?).

So, yes, the first two films piss all over it, but at least this one is a fun action movie, as opposed to the... nothing that was the third one.

Saw Hancock earlier. A good film, different from the norm, but had so much wasted potential. I mean wtf, as Smithy said, the film completely changed direction half way through.
Just got back from seeing Hancock

I thought it was great, had some great humour. The film did change its direction halfway through but I thought it was for the better. It's not your average superhero movie and that's why I liked it so much.

Now everyone's probably going to have a massive go at me for what I'm about to say but it is my personal opinion.

Finally got round to seeing Alien (The first original one).

What a load of ****ing tripe. The story's **** the acting is pathetic, and it's so predictable it's unbelievable. I was really looking forward to this because of how everyone was saying that it was such a great film.
The only good thing I can think off is the sets which are pretty good.
I could of used those two hours to do something much better. :roll:

Smithy said:
I'm going for a McDonalds later. But nothing will match up to the Double Cheese Burger I got from the market earlier. Big greasy burgers are just so much better.

A burger from the market probably has more meat and less other nasty stuff..

I thought it was pretty good; it's not really my type of film once again, but it was fairly funny in some parts and is worth a watch eventually. The end was like, almost really sad though, haha.

Just for Ollie :lol:

furie said:
First 5 minutes - some of the best cinematography and direction in the history of film making.

The slow sweeping camera pans across the decks of the Nostromo, with low, sweeping music. The computer sparking to life, the CRT reflected in the helmet.

The slow wake up and building of characters. the atmospheric trek across LV-426, and the first glimpse through the storm of Giger's derelict. The tension and mystery which builds in stunning huge sets, culminating in the attack on John Hurt.

The pacing is sublime, the acting is exemplary across the board, the direction is awe inspiring, the special effects (for a film which is now 30 years old) are (with the exception of the chest burster) still excellent, the climax and fear of being hunted as the film explodes - then the way 'mother' goes against her children in a pseudo-anthropomorphic way is story telling at it's best.

It's what films should be like. A well told tale which you can sink into and let yourself go. It's the antithesis of the wham-bam-no thanks mam mentality the movie industry suffers from today. Formulaic films, identikit story threads, off the shelf SFX - it's all bland.

Alien stood at at the time as a special piece of film, and it stands apart from films today for the exact same reasons. It's as much a moving piece of art as it is a film, but as a film, it's subtle, tense and a joy to watch.

The lack of gore and site of the Alien is deliberate. Ridley Scott understands that fear of the unknown or speculative is much greater than the fear of something present. If you can see what you're up against, you can fight it (or run) - If you have no idea, then it can get you whenever it wants.

I weep for the future of the film industry if people have been so blinded to great cinema by the production line trash hollywood has churned out for the last 10 years since the "CGI Explosion". ILM - I now hate you!

I think the problem is that Ollie is one of those blinded to great cinema :lol: