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Anyway, if you havn't seen it before, where have you been?

I've seen it, but it's not like a world recowned amazing film that everyone should see in their lifetime. Things like Wizard of Oz and classics like that should be seen before I, Robot.

It was a pretty good movie though, won't lie. I'm not into robots, but I watched it while I was at my hair dressers, so it helped to pass the time as well.
I thought I Robot was OK but didn't it only get like 2/4 stars when it was in theaters?

Anyway I saw Juno again with a couple friends who had not seen it last weekend and it was still pretty funny and I would recommend seeing it.
Saw National Treasure: Book of secrets today/yesterday. I enjoyed it, although some chavvy little kids really didn't help my viewing of the film, little sh*ts. Nicolas Cage, once again, annoyed me, but I was able to put up with it. Dame Helen Mirren is so random , but she fitted in really well which I wasn't expecting. I also love the fact that they set an awesome car chase in London, that made me happy. Rating: 4/5
Digging a couple decades back, I watched James Bond's The Man with the Golden Gun this weekend. I remember first seeing this and being really impressed by it as far as Bond movies go. As it stands now, I still like Roger Moore a lot and the whole premise of it all, but for the most part, it's not near as good as it used to be. 6/10, I suppose.

While we're out it... I watched Serenity for like the 4th time this year... not really diminishing in quality. Still my favorite movie.
All About My Mother

A Pedro Almodovar film, tis so good, the plot is fantastic and how its acted it magnificent. Makes me want to get more of his work :D.

Saw Kung-Pow: Fists of Fury yesterday when I couldn't sleep (if you find me awake at 2 AM, talk to me. I'm really bored)

The movie is great, and original. It pretty much was making fun of redubed kung-fu movies by not only redubing it to be really funny, but editing in their own scenes and even putting in extra people. Very funny with plenty of strange-ness, though it sometimes got a little off in the sillyness. But, hey. All movies do it...

I saw Juno last night.

Really good. There were some great comedy scenes, Ellen Page played Juno brilliantly, and the storyline was really well put together.

Worthy of the four Oscar nominations, and worthy of winning at least one.

Saving Private Ryan


Mehh, I have to disagree. The first fifteen minutes is amazing though, and apparantly it's the most accurate portrayal of what that battle was like. Chilling, really, but the rest I didn't find to be great.

Glad you liked Juno, Johnny. It was a pretty good film and I definitely think it deserves awards.
The Golden Compass. Hmm. What to say. My friends had all warned me to stay away from this film, but when my cousin dropped off a "Special" copy I thought I may as well watch. I wish I hadn't.
It is without a doubt the single worst film I have ever seen taking the mantel from Scary Movie 4 and Signs. I would warn anyone on earth never to watch this absolute drivel.
I finally finished watching Pan's Labyrinth, which is one of the most surreal films I've ever seen. It's like half war film, half weird scary fantasy thing, with some horror and swearing thrown in for good measure. It was good, just strange I guess.
^Yeah I expected it to have more fantasy in it, but still a good movie.

Here's some movies I've seen recently:

Pet Sematary - It was quite a good movie adaptation of a Stephen King (which I've also read). Nice bit of horror and excitement, the actors are a bit stiff, but that was to be expected. 6.4/10.

The Chumscrubber - Strange movie. It was kind of a weird teen-drama movie, but too weird and mature at the same time. It was very different and somewhat interesting. Ralph Fiennes and Glenn Close were really good although only playing 'side roles'. 7.2/10.

28 Days Later - Completely different than I expected, it was much better and I really liked the atmosphere and "road movie"-parts. It was great and interesting and captivating overall and I am looking forward to see the sequel. 8.4/10

Twin Peaks:Fire walk with me - Prequel to the TV-series. You don't want to see this if you're going to watch the series as it's got a major spoiler in it. The movie was quite 'heavy' and disturbing at times, it was also quite exciting and also interesting portrayal of a life some people can be living. There was also a nice atmosphere here as in some other David Lynch-movies. 7/10.

Adaptation. - This was a bit boring at times and the end was a bit of a dissapointing, however rest of it was a smart drama, with quite well developed characters; Streep and Cage acted well. It quite reminded me of the Hours at various times. Also this was a bit different from your average movies in a good way. 7.6/10

American Gangster - epic and long over 2.5 hours, really good acting, nice realism, touching, thought provoking and interesting. One of the best movies I've seen in quite a long time. 9.3/10.

Get Shorty - Quite funny and well... an al right 'chill movie', the plot wasn't too bad either. Not bad. 6.5/10

Be Cool - The sequel to Get Shorty, a bit worse, however still quite funny and fairly interesting, 6/10
Jordan, I totally agree. At first I thought it was going to be a completely innocent fantasty film, but it made me cringe quite a few times, and not even many horror movies can make me do that! The guy who chased the chick after she ate the grapes was like, horrifying also.
Bee Movie

I'ma fan. I thought it was pretty funny in some parts.. although the story was a bit.. meh.

thx said:
28 Days Later - Completely different than I expected, it was much better and I really liked the atmosphere and "road movie"-parts. It was great and interesting and captivating overall and I am looking forward to see the sequel. 8.4/10

If you enjoyed 28 days later, do NOT watch the sequel, its terrible.

I agree about the Get shorty/Be cool films, they are enjoyable and a good laugh.
^I have to disagree there. I thought that the sequal was really good. It had a great opening scene and was easier to follow than the original. :)
In PSD/PSHE (or whatever) the other day, we watched Let Him Have It, starring Christopher Eccleston.

Set after WWII, it's about an epileptic guy who falls in with a group of young criminals, and who eventually lead him in to trouble. Not a bad film overall.


Oh and in case anyone's interested, a Cloverfield sequel and a Mighty Boosh film have been confirmed.

http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/movies/a892 ... irmed.html