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tomahawk said:
How to Train Your Dragon 2

It's no secret I hate how overrated I feel Pixar films are and that I prefer DreamWorks animation.

I though I was the only one that thinks Pixar is overhyped. (Don't get me wrong I do like Pixar) I just prefer Dreamworks better. Much vivid animation and creative stories.

My Neighbor Totoro (not in theaters but whatever)
For my first Anime movie, it was a great movie! Love how the backgrounds look so real! The moral and story was beautiful. Whoever came up with the idea is the world's most creative animator. Now I HAVE to watch the ENTIRE Studio Ghibli film collection.

Transformers 4
I can agree with Gavin. Mark Whalberg sucked. I hate that they did not mention: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO SAM WITWICKY?!? Wasn't the series first based on how his family had to do with the Deceptecons coming back to life? This basically just sums up the movie:
^My face is my warrant! I'd forgotten about that line. That was sooooooo **** ing bad!

I think the whole thing was even funnier watching it in Hong Kong since everyone recognised all the Chinese brands being shamelessly plugged as well as the Western brands that are popular the world over. It was so obvious that China bankrolled most of it. That and the way they just teleported instantly between different parts of the city that are nowhere near each other, usually involving crossing the harbour, and the whole "The central government will save us!" stuff when there have been huge protests to keep them the **** out. It really was like watching a comedy based on the audience reactions.
Watched The Grand Budapest Hotel over the weekend. Fabulous!

It's wonderfully paced, gorgeously shot, witty, touching and Ralph Fiennes is brilliant. Some awesome little parts for a few superb actors too like Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray and Ed Norton.

One of the best films I've seen all year - 10/10
Saw a few last week... First was The 100 year old man who escaped from a window and disappeared

It's a fantastic Swedish film based off a best selling novel I'd never heard of. It was quite bizarre but so funny and crazy. I look forward to the home release so I can re-watch it.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

The first prequel was amazing, this one went a step further. The first like 20-30 minutes is just with the apes and it's a brilliant piece of film making. They've got to the point in vfx that the apes look real and that they're actually there interacting with everything, it's all so believable. There are so many emotional scenes too where you actually feel for the apes, it's so well done. It's just a brilliant story too well told. I think it might be one of my favourite films of the year, it's just excellent.

22 Jump Street

Really enjoyed this, not as funny as the first one but I loved all the jokes about how sequels are never better than the original etc.
Sex Tape

Love Segal and Diaz isn't awful, so of course I was this. It was enjoyable, but probably would've been better by a full theater. It's ridiculous and hilarious, with large amounts of stupid.

Enjoyable if you have the time to see it.

Mrs Browns Boys D`Movie.

I didn`t expect this to be as funny as the tv show but it honestly made the tv show look like a cartoon loved it. As Mrs Brown would say that was fecking awesome.
"Pierre"]Watched Wolf of Wall Street the other night (with themissus....)

Anyway, how do I get my brokers license? Excellent film. Intrigued on the full story behind it now. I reckon mcgoughchris could be one of my whipping boys.[/quote]

Id more likely be the wolf mate! Or at least jonah hills character lol

Anyway, on topic, wolf of wall street is the best movie of 2014 that I've seen so far. It has been quite a barren year though.

I loved American hassle so id recommend that also

Great movie but a bit slow. The action was fast paced though and the comedic relief was spot on. The movie needs more Greek gods. 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy in IMAX 3D.

I've been really looking forward to seeing this and boy it didn't disappoint. It's very funny, the visuals are stunning (if a little rushed in places) and it's just a joy to watch. It brilliantly introduces us to this bunch of misfits who beforehand we know nothing about and by the end you just want to watch more of their adventures (which is handy seeing as number two has already been greenlit for 2017). I honestly can't praise this movie any higher, if you love sci-fi it's perfect, if you love a good action film you'll love it and if you like humour you'll adore it. The 3D IMAX visuals in some of the space sequences were so immersive that I felt myself moving along with the on screen movement. Excellent stuff, will definitely be seeing this again within the next few weeks.
I also thoroughly enjoyed the LOLfest that was Guardians. It had two niggling problems with it, first was that they clearly wanted the Rock but he was unavailable (Batista still did a really good job considering), and secondly the whole film and its amazing visuals were constantly let down by everything being horrendously out of focus at vital points. It was almost like the director didn't know what to follow and kept making the wrong decision.

It's still a solid 8/10 but was so close to being amazing!
Guardians of the Galaxy

Laughed my ass off. Quite funny any just full of itself, which is always refreshing. Sadly didn't get IMAX (free ticket didn't include that) but still, quite good. Can't wait for Hulk to (allegedly) team up with them in GotG2, setting up Avengers 3.

I don't like Josh Brolin at all, but he naturally looks like Thanos, so that was a good casting move. Benicio del Toro, though, spare me.
I took Maxi-Minor_Furie to see Guardians of the Galaxy for his birthday.

I feel mixed about it. I think it's the best of the Marvel films so far by a country mile. It's off-beat and unusual and a great sci-fi film. It never feels like a Marvel heroes film - so it's great. Possibly one of the best sci-fi films I've seen since the great deluge in the late 70's/early 80's.

The problem for me is that it's further perpetuating a genre which is steamrollering the film industry at the moment. I like the fact Marvel/Disney have this wonderful story arc across the films. I like that the films are high quality produce. I just think that they're all pretty much the same though. They never hold any surprises and there's only so much in the way of karate and explosions you can live through in your life before you need to move on. It's perpetuating the popcorn flick, possibly at the expense of some really good films (like the shelved Abarat that would have been a stunning Disney production).

However, GotG had a lovely tongue in cheek feel about it. It was fantastically paced and the 2.5 hours flew by.

There were a few very stunted bits though. The bad guys never really got enough screen time or padding. Quite often I felt that the entire baddie back story was edited to the point of almost losing sense. It's a shame, because a really good bad guy can make a film. People died, but you never really cared for them
(the squadron leader in the final battle getting crushed for instance - it would have been nice to have a bit more of him to make it feel like a loss)

Overall it worked well though. It was amusing, fast paced, almost intelligent at times. A few underused and underplayed roles and some bad editing - but worth the watch. 8/10

Also watched Sharknado 2: The Second One. It was crap. Like, I know the point of the film is that it's meant to be crap, but it was actually just crap.

I caught the first film on its premier and really enjoyed it. It was clear the team behind it knew they had a comedy idea and then used it as a fantastic vehicle to over cliché and have tremendous fun at the expense of serious disaster movies. They were also aware that as the film was utterly preposterous, there was no point in having effects at a great expense - the poor production values added to the comedy of the film.

It worked as a deliberate piece of comedy.

The second one didn't. It was obviously too self aware. It tried almost to ridicule the first one, which just didn't work. Even worse, the clichés were removed and instead it was a constant stream of "odes" to films - many of them tongue in cheek comedies themselves (I can't remember all the references now, but lots of Sam Raimi). So instead of a wonderfully awful comedy, it was just an awful pastiche that was aware of how awful it was in a way that wasn't amusing.

Can't believe I've put so much effort into analysing such an awful and worthless film :lol:
"Now Showing"

Finally watched the Lego movie.

Wtf was that can I please have that 1 hour 40 back and my £4.99 it cost to rent it.

It was just pointless.

Yes great effects and it looked great.

What probably did not help was I new the ending. It's clever but a one watch film as when you know the ending the film is actually nothing.

Maybe I'm being to harsh on it just don't know what I feel about it lol.
Saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes a couple weeks ago. Really great film, a bit better than the first one. As peep already mentioned there really isn't any spoken dialogue in the beginning. It looks great and there's some surprisingly emotional scenes.

furie said:
Also watched Sharknado 2: The Second One.
I watched a bit of it when it was on the other night (little bit in the middle and the end). Never saw the first one but if I did I probably would have a different opinion on the sequel. It's just one of those "so bad it's good" movies. The plot and special effects are so terrible that you can't help but laugh out loud, especially when someone's getting eaten. Even the idea of it is just great!

That being said, it's still horrendous. :lol:

Also recently saw Lilo & Stitch for the first time ever. I thought it was nice to see a 2D Disney that wasn't a musical. Thought it was fine and I liked it.
Guardians of the Galaxy

I was excited for this Marvel movie. The movie was terrific! It was funny and action packed. The ending was a bit odd though and a bit bland. Overall the effects were vivid and the movie kept me pumped. 9/10
Saw a few films today. I started with Earth to Echo

It was a little dull, the camera work didn't make sense (meant to be a hand held movie) and most of the child actors were tedious at best. It was trying very hard to be the new Goonies, it succeeded because I didn't like that and I don't like this either ;) I think the only positive I can fathom is that it was a nice concept of a film, like an updated E.T.

Step Up 5 in 3D

3D was once again really good (it's like the sole reason I watch these ones, they seem to be one of the only groups of people able to make a 3D film look good). However it was just very dull and tedious. The storyline is obvious and unoriginal and even the dance sequences managed to feel uninspired. The finale dances are usually pretty entertaining in these films but this one was just unrealistic and it annoyed me.


Actually an enjoyable action film. It has a decent cast and the action sequences were nicely shot and edited (so rare these days). It's not incredible but it is enjoyable popcorn fun.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So, idiots around the world have moaned for two years because: A) they claim Michael Bay was directing (just a producer you **** heads) and B) they are aliens (spoiler alert they aren't). Then, you have people freaking the **** out because turtles have nostrils. After hearing people bitch for years, my excitement went down, just slightly.

I really enjoyed it. It kept (generally) with the Turtle story of the original comic, and was entertaining. It wasn't too long, the snow scene was phenomenal. Reviews hate it (half of these idiots claim Bay directed which just shows people hate it just because he is associated) but it is blowing expectations out of the water. Megan Fox was decent, and pulled off the character.

If anyone expects anything great, you aren't very smart, but enjoy it for what it is.