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The bad reviews seem to be from people comparing it to sleeping beauty. They seem to think they are going to see that type of film when it's not.

People that have never seen sleeping beauty (how they have not I don't know) seem to love this film. Also people not comparing the two films like it as well.
If you compare it to Sleeping Beauty, it's turd. As a standalone film it's very much an "OK" film, nothing more.

But as everyone is saying, Jolie is fab and it's visually stunning.
"Now Showing"

We went to see Maleficent today.

Not 100% sure what I really thought of it tbh, is she evil is she not?

The film looks stunning, and she acted everyone off the screen.

The story was a bit over the place and you really do need to put Sleeping Beauty away as tbh this has nothing to really do with it.

There are some good funny bits it the film as well.

I liked the talk at the end which explains why it's different. I really don't want to give a spoiler.

So yeah it's not sleeping beauty part two it is a stand alone film and should be viewed that way.

It's a brilliant fantasy film but has left me a tad confused and the Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty will be the one I love.

This film could have and should have been do much darker. To a degree I feel they bottled it a bit. Also I do wish they would stop making the prince in films out to be stupid.

The director also gave a nice talk before the film was shown to us.

So for me it's a solid 8 out of 10. Don't expect it to be anything like sleeping beauty and you will enjoy it.
Million Dollar Arm

Kinda ****, definitely not a good baseball movie. Very Disney-fied which bugged me. Glad it was free.

Edge of Tomorrow

I'd kind of wanted to see this since the first trailer, except for the Tom Cruise part, then I put it together and realized he'd die hundreds of times so I saw it last night. It was better than expected, although some of the alien parts looked really really bad and parts were ridiculous. Worth a watch if it's it's cheap, nothing to write home about.


I can't stand Angelina Jolie, I'll start by saying that. I never found her that attractive and she is extremely overrated. This movie had a lot of flaws, and I expected it to be bad. Like, real bad. I knew it wasn't sleeping beauty from the beginning, so I wasn't expecting that, but the little pixies when small, was some of the worst visual effects I've seen in a long long time. It felt like watching an episode of Faerie Tale Theater at parts.

The casting was absolutely horrible. It felt like a community theater play beside Jolie, and her anorexia didn't help the matters. She needs to get help...and a double bacon cheeseburger.

Just wasn't my type of movie, but I'm sure it will win all the visual effects awards because they suck Disney's frozen dick for family movies....
Saw a few film recently. Maleficent

It's good, but had far too many flaws. The three fairies were awful in every possible way (from script to vfx). I found the first like 20 minutes a little dull, like it was a chore for them to try and set up her backstory. However Jolie is amazing and I thought she pulled off the decision of being bad or good really well. District 9 guy as the King was some nice casting but I think his script was a little poor. Overall I enjoyed it but like I said, too many problems to make it great.

A million ways to die in the West

I'd heard lots of bad things and I can see why. It's filmed really well and the cast is ridiculous. There's a cameo which is amazing. However as a whole the film had a decent story but any time there was a random death/cut scene it felt wrong? Like if it was just trying to be a western with some humour it would have worked so much better. It does have its moments but it is a little all over the place.

Edge of Tomorrow

I really liked this, then again I just loved that it was set in Europe and not America. I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise but didn't find him too annoying in this. The special effects were amazing and the ending was quite satisfying.

Jimmy's Hall

Set in Ireland this film spent a lot of time trying to inform you of the history/circumstances but it still confused me. The cast were good but I was left feeling rather meh about it.

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I had heard good things about the book "The Fault In Our Stars," but I was skeptical to believe them because it was in the teen fiction area of the bookstore and I am not a chick flick fan; however, I read it anyway, ended up really liking it and really looking forward to the movie. I went to see it tonight and putting aside sitting in the front row and also spilling red juice all over my boyfriend's new jersey, this is what I thought:

First the actors/actresses, Shailene Woodley is absolutely beautiful. Not in an obviously pretty way, especially with her short hair, but as me and my boyfriend decided, there's just something very captivating about her. Her performance as Hazel Grace was nothing short of perfect. Some people have said their think her character is cold and unlikable, but I think her wit and sarcasm was portrayed very true to the character in the book and personally, I think it was really likable. Ansel Elgort was a bit dorkier than I expected and I don't quite swoon for his looks the way other girls seem to (a bunch of thirteen year olds in the audience "ooo-ing" and "ahhh-ing" when he takes his shirt off of course), but his acting was still very good. It doesn't quite match Shailene's, but he's a likable character and also did it well. To be fair, all of the acting was spot on and a pleasure to watch. I don't think any of them will receive awards simply because this film is associated with being "just" a chick flick, but it's a lot more than that.

The story itself was good and of course I pretty well knew everything that was going to happen, but unlike so many films before it that go from book to movie, this was a perfect portrayal of the literary counterpart. It's a movie of innocent and young love from two people who are dealing with very mature issues. Done before, kind of like "a Walk to Remember," but this is soo much better. It's much more raw and everything about it almost made it seem like I was watching something real unfold rather than just a work of fiction. I won't go into detail for fear of spoiling it (as if many people here and gonna watch a chick flick anyway, ha), but it's not the basic run-of-the-house chick flick that I'm sure many expected it to be.

So yep, the acting for me gets a 10/10 and the movie itself gets a 9/10. It's not ****, but it's just entertaining, emotional, funny, sad... Yah. It's really good, and even my boyfriend did NOT want to see it, but he said he almost cried like eight times and thought it was the best girly movie he has ever seen. Never heard an audience cry so much either!
22 Jump Street.

Went to see 22 Jump Street with a group of friends we were all nervous it would get the sequel strike and be rubbish to find out it takes 21 Jump Street and drops it on its head. The action scenes are better than I thought but its college so their is going to be more drama. The feuding between Hill and Tatum felt that it brung something different with them doing the case there way. ICE CUBE portrayed his role again and he was good and it felt like he needed more light than he got in the first film. Anyway I give this film a 10/10 funnier than the first better than the first I'm expecting sometime in the future a number 23.
"Now Showing"

Watched the new robocop.

Thought it was a brilliant reboot tbh no idea why it got slated.

Lots of action, good story and as normal S Jackson was brilliant lol,

The effect were great, it did not look like a computer game unlike a lot if films that require cgi.

8/10 from me one I would watch again.
300: Rise of an empire: it's **** ****.

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Riddick' it's **** ****. Actually, it's just a remake of pitch black - which was **** ****.

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22 Jump Street

So much better than I expected. They made so many great jokes about the movie, and I was really surprised at how good it was. Probably gonna see it again.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

More enjoyable than I thought.


Enjoyable and stupid
tomahawk said:
22 Jump Street

So much better than I expected. They made so many great jokes about the movie, and I was really surprised at how good it was.

Do you think it's better than the first? I think it's a brilliant film.
Watched a few films during my flights to and from Europe.

Captain Philips

One of the best movies I've ever seen. Really an intense edge-of-your-seat movie, and quite sad at the end. Tom Hanks did an amazing job.

All is Lost

I found the first half of this movie quite amusing, as it reminded me a lot about my dad. My family owns a big sailboat very similar to the one in the movie. The movie itself is good, but I didn't love it. I wished Robert Redford showed more emotion throughout the movie. He did a pretty good job in some scenes, but most of the time I didn't really know what he was thinking. I was also watching it late at night so I kind of wanted it to move along so I could get some sleep. :p

Thor: The Dark World

It was fine I guess. Haven't seen the first one and I wasn't too familiar with the character, so it was a bit slow in the beginning. I did enjoy the little twist at the end though.

I also watched a bit of Spider Man 3 one night on TV. Wow it was bad. It was so bad I actually enjoyed it. Tobey Maguire dancing in the street was the worst but funniest part of the entire movie. Overall it was pretty embarrassing
jj23w said:
tomahawk said:
22 Jump Street

So much better than I expected. They made so many great jokes about the movie, and I was really surprised at how good it was.

Do you think it's better than the first? I think it's a brilliant film.

I loved the first, and I found this even better. Beat expectations both times.
22 Jump Street

I agree with the above, a really great film and better than the first. So many laugh out loud moments and its so awesome when a film turns out to be so much better than you thought it would be.
Smurfs 2

Niece and nephew are visiting so this trash was put on during quiet time. Pretty awful
and what I expected.

How to Train Your Dragon 2

It's no secret I hate how overrated I feel Pixar films are and that I prefer DreamWorks animation. Well HTTYD is one of those films that I felt trumped almost all Pixar. I had way too high of expectations for this sequel, and you know what? Blew them out of the water and is probably now my top computer animated film.

The story was simple, had a surprisingly dark twist, but the way they've made the dragons interact with each other in the background, almost a second thought, was absolutely fantastic. It reminded me of what our dog did, and maybe it just struck a nerve of remembering her, but this was fantastic. It will definitely be a purchase.
The Fault In Our Stars

I'm a big fan of the book and had high hopes for this film and it didn't let me down. The actors were perfect for the roles, they made you care about the characters and the chemistry between them was spot on. It was a faithful adaptation, and managed to keep all the most important parts of the book, I didn't come away thinking "Oh I wish they had included this part" or anything like that. It was funny and sad and made me and most of the audience cry. Even my boyfriend who wouldn't normally watch a sad romance film like this said it was actually pretty good. 9/10.
Transformers: Whatever the New One's Called

I semi-watched the first one years ago, and didn't think much to it. Friends were going this afternoon though, so I tagged along. They wanted to go because a lot of it is filmed in Hong Kong.

It was **** awful. It's literally two and a half hours of CGI robots fighting. I can't remember the last time I saw a film with such a dreadful, dreadful script; the dialogue and one-liners are atrocious.

Then there's all the ridiculous product placement. It got to the point where everyone was just bursting out laughing every time it happened.

Absolute piece of s**t.