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Ender's Game

This steaming turd is rejected by dogs that only eat ****. Wow. One of the worst movies I have seen in a long LONG time. The graphics were ****, the acting was WOW bad, and they cut out major story lines from the book (not really a bad thing since the book was awful as well). I understand you are restricted by young actors, but it was such **** I hate myself for suffering through it.

Holy **** it was bad.
Monuments Men

I was looking forward to this as it has a great cast. Unfortunately it just doesn't work. The soundtrack is constantly trying to take centre stage (maybe to distract from the poor script?) and most of the time really doesn't fit the scene. I felt like none of the characters were really developed to a point where you cared what would happen to them. There's the occasional humorous moment but it feels a little out of place? I think the whole film was just very mis-judged, which is a shame because it had the potential to be great.
Lego Movie

First time I'd been to the cinema in ages and ages. After reports on here and in general (apart from Neal and my sister) no one had a bad thing to say about the film so I went in with high hopes of a good film.

I have to say I absolutely loved it. Everything just worked so well. The whole cinema laughed throughout the whole film. I won't give away any spoilers but I thought the plot was simple but it was so genius. Despite Neal giving the game away ( ;) ), I went in expecting certain things to happen but I soon forgot about that and got so immersed in the plot and then when that DID happen, it came as a surprise :p

It was just clever and didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't. It was a film about lego! Not a hollywood blockbuster. It was so random, it was so tacky but in the words of CF, it was FAB.
The Lego Movie was more than "awesome," it was genius. I was dying of laughter the whole time. The entire Lego environment was mind-blowing.
Had a couple of hours to kill at the weekend so stuck on Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj

My god it's crap. The first Van was fab, watched it weekly when I was younger, but this story line is weak, most of the acting is extremely poor and there is no warmth to any of the characters. Admittedly "Pip" is a character you'd love to punch with a iron glove and Lauren Cohan is nice to look at, in fact, she's the only thing giving this film any marks at all, both bedroom scenes are pretty win.

Won't be watching it again - 3/10
Re: "Now Showing"

Another +1 for The Lego Movie being fantastic. I went to see it last night and it's just so funny. Yeah, the plot is simple and obvious, but it really doesn't matter with this one at all. Great stuff.
Saw the Lego Movie yesterday.

There were 3 points I was crying with laughter in that movie. It's been a very very long time since I've done that in a Cinema. Well worth watching.

On Valentines day I went by myself to go and see The Lego Movie. I don't even care. It's so fantastic! Definitely one where the adults were laughing more than the kids. I might actually go and watch it again today. :D

Yesterday I finally got round to seeing Cuban Fury. I was really looking forward to this because, on paper at least, it's exactly the sort of thing I love. I am a sucker for a British comedy about a quirky underdog. Plus, the cast list got me excited. It's a shame, then, that it just isn't very good. It doesn't help that (I've said it before and I'll say it again) Nick Frost can't act. That made it hard to really feel for and get behind his character. *sigh*
Lego Movie was cute and funny. It didn't blow my mind but it lived up to my expectations and actually made me laugh more than expected. My sister enjoyed it too.


For two bucks my mom found "You Don't Know Jack" at the store which waa a great bargain as the movie was fantastic. I'm very much into the assisted suicide debate and this whole movie was about Jack Kevorkian. At the end I got so worked up as I simply can't fathom how anyone could be against it, let alone send this man to jail after telling him he couldnt use the defense that the patient was suffering as part of his testimony. **** pisses me off.

This is a funny one. I feel like it's been critically acclaimed because it's quite an arty sort of film. The sort of thing that makes you feel more intelligent if you say you like it. Full of the kind of elements that a film text book would probably advocate.
I can't help but compare it to Lost In Translation. To me that's very similar in that it's beautiful to look at but nothing much really happens. I think that does a much better job of getting the balance of emotion and comedy right though which means its better at maintaining your interest throughout. In Her, didn't feel that much of a connection to the lead character, and whilst there were a few chuckles, it wasn't laugh out loud funny. It is really lovely to look at, although the instagram lens flare gets a bit much at some points. Plus, I don't understand why all men in the future have moustaches and Simon Cowell trousers?
Don't get me wrong, I love the concept. It's the kind of computer-geeky, close enough to reality to make it feel plausible, kind of sci-fi that I actually like (I generally can't be dealing with all that aliens in outer-space crap.) Trouble is, it clearly wasn't a big enough idea to stretch it out to a whole film. There's so many dead patches that it feels like its never going to end. There were actually several people in the screening I went to that walked out (although, I was pleased - they were annoying!) I'm glad I stuck with it, but I don't feel like I was as well rewarded for my efforts as I deserved to be.
So yeah, I can kinda see why the critics love it, but don't bother if you have anything less than a massive pounding desire to see it.
Omg. I completely agree with Nic about a film. The world will now end.

Yep, I agree with absolutely everything. I'm terrified.

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Monuments Men

I saw this at the weekend, more because it was on at the right time than because I was particularly interested in it. Meh. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, but it's all just a bit dull to be honest.

Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa

It's the sort of thing I wouldn't normally like really, but parts of it were really, really funny. There's a very basic story which is used to link together a bunch of hidden camera stunts, which I don't think I've seen done before, so in that respect I liked the originality of it. The kid is absolutely brilliant as well. It's puerile s**te really, but it's entertaining for the most part.

Paris is Burning

I hadn't watched this documentary for years, but gave it a rewatch a couple of nights ago. For anyone who's interested in drag culture - you'll recognise where a lot of the terminology from Rupaul's Drag Race comes from - it's really interesting.
Captain Phillips: 9.5/10

Possibly my new favorite movie, if not one of them. Even though you know what happens, you forget because the movie is so exciting. I really hope that Barkhad Abdi will do more in the future, He has a great start and I think he will win Best Supporting Actor this Sunday.
^Totally agree, great movie and it really did the story justice.


That Awkward Moment- 9.25/10

Don't normally like those kinds of movies...or that kind of humor for that matter, but a student organisation I'm part of was going to see it so I ended up seeing it with some of my friends. It was HILARIOUS!!! As Peep said a few pages back, it's supposed to be a romantic comedy for guys (though of the five people going to see this movie at 10 pm on a Wednesday, two of them were girls and they seemed to enjoy it just as much as the guys did) and while it is a little, erm, extreme in terms of some of the jokes, I still managed to enjoy it. The plot was pretty predictable but I don't think that movie's strength is supposed to be the plot, it's the humor. But it was the first R-rated movie I saw without my parents around and I enjoyed it to the point that it made up for getting home at 1 in the morning and then having a 9 o'clock class the next day. Definitely a good movie for college students to see together.
Looking forward to seeing the "Need for Speed" movie. Looks great :D I am a big fan of the Fast & Furious series, so thats why this movie intrigues me so much.



I gave in:


It was very good, probably the best "traditional" Disney film since the Little Mermaid/Beauty and the Beast/Aladdin era. It looks gorgeous, especially the "Let it Go" sequence. The obligatory annoying sidekick character - the snowman, whatever his name was - was actually quite funny for a change. Could've done without the stupid reindeer though.
Watched Saving Mr Banks over the weekend.

Emma Thompson was fantastic, absolutely superb.

Tom Hanks also played the best Tom Hanks so far in his career. He's really doing Tom Hanks fantastically now - he seems to have a total handle on how to play Tom Hanks.

The film itself though...

I thought it was a brilliant tale of a strong, determined woman who was slowly battered, beaten and tricked into accepting the fate of something she loved in a tragic end to mirror the death of her ideals. This mirrored the tragedy of the death of her father - a tale told mixed in with the film.

The film carries you on a journey of hope for this woman, only to have it all dashed at the end as she is destroyed by the cajoling of the Americans who simply don't understand... Anything!

It's a sad tale - poignant - and a stark reminder never to trust film makers (or others) with your prized ideas.

Worth 9/10 simply for Emma Thompson. It lost a mark for the schmaltzy house building with the driver bit which marked the end of the character as a true grit hero.
Had a cinema day yesterday. Was going to start off with The Book Thief but I just wasn't in the mood for a 2+ hour film about Nazis burning books. So instead I watched The LEGO movie again.

It was just as fun second time around. The animation details still blow my mind, the guys that made it are crazy good.

Dallas Buyers Club

Been meaning to see this since release but only just got round to it. It's absolutely fantastic, the performances by the whole cast are superb and they deserve everything that's currently being thrown in their direction (awards and praise). However I did feel the film felt short (which it isn't), like I felt there must have been more to fill in some of the gaps they put in?

Anchorman 2: Legend continues - extended cut

This new cut was 20 minutes longer, some scenes played out very differently, sometimes it worked better and sometimes it didn't. There's a bit when they arrive at GNN covered in bandages etc from the car accident scene but then in the next shot they're all absolutely fine? Just takes you out of the film a bit and you know it was a pure continuity error and not a joke. The musical numbers were odd. There are definitely some added moments of hilarity but overall I feel like the film is a bit awful? (opinion has changed a lot since first viewing) A lot of the film just doesn't work and isn't funny, some of it is almost too offensive or too off-the-wall to actually be funny? Shame because it definitely has it's moments.