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"Now Showing"

^ I think you summed up Wolf Street (what I've really been calling it) really well.


Saw it at the Prince Charles Cinema because I could. One of my all time favourite films. So many fantastic songs <3

Sophie's Choice

This film has some excellent performances in it, Meryl Streep is excellent (as always). For an Oscar bait film I really enjoyed it despite it being a very sad story.
Re: "Now Showing"

Watched a film off Netflix this weekend that I'd never heard of before called The Grabbers. Comedy/horror set in Ireland on an island. Aliens attack and the only way to not get eaten is to be blind drunk. Very droll. It passed the time, but was basically Shaun of the Dead meets Attack the Block with less humour.
Worth a watch. #filmstodrinkto?
Re: "Now Showing"

Watched a film off Netflix this weekend that I'd never heard of before called The Grabbers. Comedy/horror set in Ireland on an island. Aliens attack and the only way to not get eaten is to be blind drunk. Very droll. It passed the time, but was basically Shaun of the Dead meets Attack the Block with less humour.
Worth a watch. #filmstodrinkto?
Oh I remember hearing about that film when it was screened at FrightFest. I loved the concept but you're not the first I've heard saying it's not great, such a shame.

That awkward moment

Very good film, I read somewhere that it's like a rom-com for guys, that pretty much sums it up. It's quite funny, even if some of the scenes were way to cringey for me to actually enjoy. Worth a watch.

I, Frankenstein

The concept is ludicrous, the script is dreadful and yet I found myself enjoying it. It's just another stupid 'leave your brain at the door' flick. Anyway it has Bill Nighy and he's awesome. The special effects are actually pretty decent too.

I watched Enders Game again recently and it reminded me how much I loved this film, everyone raved about how beautiful Gravity looked but I think Enders Game was even better. The quality in every shot was just outstanding, the acting was great and the story was really different, felt like the Sci-Fi we were waiting for. I hope they go ahead and make the sequels because it sounds like the story goes off in an unusual direction. Or maybe I'll just start reading the books.
Me again.

Robocop (2014)

Watched this in a D-Box seat today. The vibrations are amusing but I felt like there actually wasn't enough action set pieces in this film to really justify the use of these seats - shame.

Anyway the film was alright, quite watchable. Samuel L Jackson was amazing as always and is quite a good caricature of a typical U.S. political program which is clearly one sided. I felt like the story was brought into 2014 in a decent way with enough nods to the original. Saying that I can't remember much about the original (apart from it being one of the first 18-rated films I ever saw) so I won't be able to provide you with a decent comparison. Overall it's a decent action/sci-fi flick, I'd say there's a feeling of a lack of something that I can't quite pinpoint. Oh and the camerawork was awful.
Lego Movie

Ever since announcement I have been drooling over this one. So I went early enough for the lack of little kids to be enough for me to enjoy it, and boy did I. It starts slow, with lots of kid laughter, but thtere are so many jokes intended at adults, it's just fantastic. The ending is just epic. It was full of nostalgia and I loved it.

The Lego Movie

Went to see it yesterday, I swear I think it's in my top ten. Tomahawk is right the first 20 minutes or so was kid humor but after that it gets hilarious. I am a HUGE fan of Lego so I don't know if that made me like it better, but it wasn't really a "kids" movie, it was more like an everybody movie. I don't want to spoil it but the ending was awesome.


Driving Miss Daisy

Just a brilliant film, Morgan Freeman is awesome, all the actors where awesome, the dialog is some of the best ever. In my top 25.


Batman & Robin

Nowhere near as bad as everyone says it is, I actually liked it, it was a good film and how is Chris O'Donell not done any big movies since then? It has a good cast, Arnold is like the best casting ever for Mr. Freeze and I didn't know Bane was in the film until he showed up in it. Michael Gough will always be Alfred in my mind and it was a shame to see him go. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, sure it's a little colorful but it was good.

Just finished watching Troy for the first time in years.

Historically very sketchy. Even as a pre-teen I was always very disappointed by the removal of Achilles being gay and turning his lover into his cousin. The duel with Hector would have been just as (if not more) poignant if they hadn't.

But we all know that the crowning glory of this film (Peter O'Toole's performance aside), is that in a film starring Sean Bean, nay, that a film with one of the highest body counts in cinema history starring him ends with Sean Bean still alive!

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is exceptional!

The LEGO Movie

It's amazing, the writing is just fantastic. The audience was 50% kids and 50% adults and everyone was laughing the whole way through and the main song is uber-catchy. The animation was also awesome and the voice cast were awesome and yeah, everything about it is awesome. I'm going to see it again because it's just so awesome.

Kinda binged this weekend after LEGO...


Wife was annoying me to see it for past year or so, and I finally cracked. I hate John Malkovich and Helen Mirren to the point where I have refused to watch it for however many years it's been out. It was entertaining, but not good.

Red 2

More of the same, good popcorn film and just kinda lame. Those two just annoy me so much, but Bruce Willis is awesome.

Lone Survivor

I read the book and was fascinated. My father in law (who sees maybe two or three movies a year) wanted to see it so I figured it would be a chance to take him since he really wanted to see it. Fantastic. They changed a few things from the book, quite large things in my mind, but that's Hollywood. The story of survival itself is fantastic and the movie did a terrific job portraying that. Extremely good and worth a watch.
Jason Voorhees said:
Batman & Robin

Nowhere near as bad as everyone says it is, I actually liked it, it was a good film and how is Chris O'Donell not done any big movies since then? It has a good cast, Arnold is like the best casting ever for Mr. Freeze and I didn't know Bane was in the film until he showed up in it. Michael Gough will always be Alfred in my mind and it was a shame to see him go. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, sure it's a little colorful but it was good.


So, The LEGO movie was crap but at the same wonderful to watch someone playing LEGO.

The plot was almost non-existent but that was kinda of the point. It was a perfect realisation of how a 7 year old plays with LEGO. Made all the more hilarious when that turns out to be precisely what's going on.

Entertaining for the nostalgia trip, however there's no need to see it a 2nd time.

Then my apologies. But it doesn't ruin the plot, it's apparent within a minute or two.

John's just being snarky because he doesn't like me not liking it. :lol:
Nope, a kid's film with little/no plot has now been irrevocably ruined forever. ؟
I still agree in principle with Peep, but I don't really have an argument as:
a) I haven't seen the trailer, so don't know how much it gives away.
b) I haven't seen the film so don't know how obvious it is.
c) It's not like revealing Tyrion Lannister gets murdered in his bed in episode 2 of the next series of Game of Thrones. It's unlikely the plot is quite so important so it won't be as upsetting as something like that. It's a kid's film after all.