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Slap a different studio name on Pixar movies and see what happens. Disney blinders prevent people from seeing that some (not all, I absolutely love Incredibles, Toy Story 1 & 3, Up, Monsters Inc. and Nemo) are not nearly that good. Wall-e being a prime example.
tomahawKSU said:
Wall-e being a prime example.

Wall-E is a work of art... Then human times and"plot" ruin it.

I'm looking forward to Wreck it Ralph, but mostly because GAMING!!! :lol:

I'm the same with a lot of Disney stuff. Tangled had moments of brilliance, but overall the film is bland. Bolt was decent enough (it didn't get the attention it deserved), but again wasn't anything special.

Pixar headed the same way with the really nothingy Brave. With rare exceptions though (like Cloudy with a chance of meatballs), the work Pixar does is higher quality and a better "film" than anything Dreamworks pumps out and Disney are on a lower level with their CGI films. The biggest difference I think is that Pixar/Disney aim their films directly at kids, they are written as solid kids films, Dreamworks tend to try and cross the line where they have the two levels where kids enjoy all the action and slapstick, but there are adult jokes and references in them that go over the heads of the kids. Then it comes down to what appeals really - though to be honest, I used to only go and watch Pixar films to drool over what they'd made computers do now (been a Pixar fan since the 80's and I first saw the lamp animation) :) Now I have kids, I go because it's great to see their reaction and I like that most of the time, Pixar tackle difficult situations/ideas really well - there's a lot of depth to them (especially Nemo ;) :p ).
Re: "Now Showing"

The Master. Oh God, why?! Do not see this movie, I literally don't know what I did with 2 and a half hours of my life.
^ Except that was only a waste of ninety minutes.

National Lampoon's European Vacation- 6.5/10

I had never seen a National Lampoon movie before this one (I know, that's a sin), but I just didn't think it was that funny. I know the European Vacation is usually regarded as the worst one, and even though it definitely had funny moments, I probably wouldn't watch it again.
^ I dunno, my mom and sister made me watch it, and then they made me watch the Vegas one tonight. They then told me "those are the worst two," and I was like, why would you try to tell me something is so amazing and then show me the worst one?! That's like me raving about a certain food and then giving them a stale bit of it as a first impression.

Anyway, National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation-6.8/10

Slightly better than the European one, but still not that great. I'm looking forward to see the two that are actually regarded as being really good classics. Like, this one had more funny bits than the European one, but no moments that were really side splitting I guess. I do like when they go places I've been though, like in the European and Vegas vacation movies <3 I get to be all like woo I've been there! :p But yah, as a movie it was pretty good, just not something I'm in a rush to watch again.

That's a proper Bond movie. Love it. <3

At least 9/10, maybe 9.5/10.

I thought I'd missed it at the cinema so was pleasantly surprised to find it on at a cinema in Leicester Square ^.^

It's one of those films where you're not sure whether to laugh. It's about a high class rich guy who was paralysed from the neck down, who hires a black guy from whatever the French equivalent of the hood is as an experiment. He wants somebody who isn't going to show him any sympathy, and figures this guy will do the job.

Anyway, it's beautiful. It's hilarious, it's enjoyable, it's touching, it's emotional. Really great stuff, thoroughly enjoyable.


Entertaining? Yes. Amazing? Absolutely not. Daniel Craig is just a bad Bond in my opinion. The first 15 minutes were better than Quantum of Solace, but then it went back to the lack of action that Casino Royal and Quantum of Solace were known for.

It's harmless enough. It's really slow to get going though, then everything happens in the last 5 minutes and all seems really rushed. Only watched because of Zooey Deschanel... and she's not even that hot in it.

Ella Enchanted
It's Anne Hathaway, and is therefore exactly the same as any other film she's ever been in. It's alright I guess. Mildly amusing in places. Utterly predictable throughout. Contains unnecessary singing.
Went to see the movie Flight with none other than a few people from my flight school :p . It was pretty good actually, although it had very little to do with flying, which I knew going into the film so I wasn't disappointed or anything. I can't say much without giving it away but the question of "is he a hero, or a criminal?" is definitely one that makes you think.

Seen loads recently, but can't remember what, most of it pants.

However, Madame_Furie made us all watch Cry Baby on Saturday. Jonny Depp in a Grease parody. It's utterly **** and utterly fab at the same time. Currently on Netflix I think, but we watched it Madame_Furie's virgin sealed DVD copy I bought her for her birthday about six years ago :lol:

It's similar to stuff like Hairspray, only not as good, but it's deliberately not as good so it works.
I watched The Lorax in 3D the other night at home. Despite the in-your-face message about the environment I absolutely love it. The songs are fun, the animation is colourful and the little animals are uber cute.

I also watched Pulp Fiction on blu-ray. Wow, what a remastering! It looks like it was filmed yesterday, brilliant stuff. Obviously the film is amazing as always.

At the cinema I watched Argo

Very good film, it's never dull and there are moments of brilliant suspense. The cast are brilliant and once again Ben Affleck shows that he can't act but he can direct a brilliant movie.

I also saw The Sapphires

I was expecting a fun-filled little film about a girl group trying to make the big-time so I was very shocked to find a film about race in Australia, Vietnam and general tales of woe despite lots of very upbeat tunes. Very good film though, it's funny, emotional and like I said it has really good music.
I watched Chernobyl Diaries on DVD the other night. A great build up, and some really tense moments. Unfortunately the whole film went downhill when the group became stranded.

Madame_Furie went to see the new Twilight film last night. Her review was "There wasn't a big fight, the end" :lol: