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"Now Showing"

Taken 2

I defended it without seeing it, now I feel like a **** idiot. It was pretty bad. Very cheesy, especially the end. It really suffered due to the rating IMO. They couldn't do nearly as much it felt. I just pray we are spared from Taken 3.

We watched Saw last night for the first time ages, and for the first time since watching the rest of them.

It really is a great film in my opinion. Especially the beginning and end, the middle bit is a bit faf, but its worth it for the ending.

Its just a shame that they had to go and make 5 films of **** that followed it.
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, oh my god what an actually amazing film! We were mooching around Blockbuster and this really enthusiastic employee comes over and offers to recommend us some films, and he hands us this piece of gold dust from the 99p a night bargain bin. It's essentially a slasher film where some crazy hillbillies are killing teenagers, but you see it from the hillbillies' perspective. It's brilliant, and so funny! I'd really recommend it.

nadroJ said:
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil, oh my god what an actually amazing film! We were mooching around Blockbuster and this really enthusiastic employee comes over and offers to recommend us some films, and he hands us this piece of gold dust from the 99p a night bargain bin. It's essentially a slasher film where some crazy hillbillies are killing teenagers, but you see it from the hillbillies' perspective. It's brilliant, and so funny! I'd really recommend it.

Hear hear! I was very impressed by it too actually. It's a fun, daft, bloody slasher/comedy that's a good laugh.
Re: "Now Showing"

Just watched Apartment 143 and I must say it was kinda meh. The acting was off, the camera shots were dreadful and the plot was just horrid.

I give it 1/5.
Re: "Now Showing"

I didn't like Howl's Moving Castle. Diana Wynne Jones was one of my favourite authors as a kid and I had such a strong sense of what that world looked like in my head that the film just seemed totally wrong

Mysterious Sue said:
I didn't like Howl's Moving Castle. Diana Wynne Jones was one of my favourite authors as a kid and I had such a strong sense of what that world looked like in my head that the film just seemed totally wrong

One of my exes (oddly, also from Kent, you posh bints) said the same thing.

Both minor_Furie's love it though. I think it's okay, but it's not my favourite by a long shot. Then again, they think The Cat Returns is the best :lol:

I watched the remake/prequel The Thing and... Well, it was a remake with a slightly different story and without the tension (though they tried) or Kurt Russell of the original. Too much explaining and "obvious monster". It was still a decent watch though, but The Thing is one of my all time favourite gore fests and high tension horrors. 7/10
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Really interesting movie. It's constructed just like an Agatha Christie novel, where there is mystery all the way up until the very end. The subject matter is very grim, but the cinematography and setting also complement this to enhance the film's dark atmosphere. I also thought it was really well acted, even though I couldn't truly appreciate the dialogue without subtitles since the entire thing was in Swedish! That stops being a distraction pretty soon into the movie though, and just becomes part of the setting. Definitely going to have to watch the other two movies in the trilogy now that I've seen this one. 9/10
^I thought the film (the original) was well made. It was harsh and gritty, but the plot was telegraphed from a mile away. I'd spotted the entire thing within five minutes of them turning up at the estate and spent the rest of the film of the film yelling at the stupid main characters what was blindingly obvious.

So that kind of put me off watching the rest, which is a shame because apart from the transparent plot, it was a good film.
I haven't seen the original movie, just the remake and I read the book too.

I'm with Furie, for something that everyone was going on and on about, it's so by the numbers and obvious. Even the whole 'abused women' angle is dull now.

I didn't hate it, but, it's not what it was made out to be. Same with the Fincher film.
^'cos the author's dead, and that's about it. I read the second book as well. I won't be bothering with the third.
Saw two films today. First was Frankenweenie in 3D.

I really enjoyed it, the animation was fantastic and the style of it was cool. As with any stop-motion film the 3D was fantastic. Danny Elfman's score should also be mentioned because of how amazing it was.

Rating: 4/5

Hotel Transylvania in 3D

I wasn't looking forward to seeing this because I thought the trailer made it look a bit rubbish. It was ok, definitely better than I expected but the whole plot was just a bit too predictable. Overall it was alright I suppose, kids would love it.

Rating: 3/5

Got saddled with baby sitting my niece and nephew today, then two other kids, so I opted to take them down to the cheap theater and see this. Seriously this is a kid movie? They loved it but I just don't see how it was a kid movie. Meh, that's just me. it was better than Frankenweenie, but that isn't saying much


Okay, this was actually a really good movie. The acting was decent, the story line was good, the scares were often and it was very very tense. In fact, it was so tense and scary, that I, ME, I was watching through my fingers towards the end. Congratulations to whoever chose the kids, they were really really creepy. And 'Mr Boogie' the demon, was in fact terrifying. I would see this again.

Rating: 4/5

Paranormal Activity 4

Better than 3, not quite on par with 2, no where near as good as 1. The reason I loved the first so much was it was fairly well acted, jumpy, and so cheaply made it should have been an awful film. To some it was, but to me, it was fab. The 4th film had good acting, but a story line that skipped and got muddled up. And also, who in their right minds leaves their laptops off, but open, and doesn't lock their doors, and doesn't even turn off their kinect, creating a creepy night vision coloured sitting room with lots of infrared dots. I found too many faults with the actual family to truly enjoy this film. Though once more, kids were genuinely creepy.

Rating: 2.5/5
IT- 7/10

Never actually watched it before, but it was pretty good. It was really long but it didn't seem like it was three hours, maybe because I was studying while I watched it though. I thought the character development was good as was the flashbacks from adulthood back to childhood; however, I really didn't like the end. I know It had to take the form of something physical or whatever, but I thought it was stupid how he was just a massive spider. I felt like it should have been the clown they defeated since that's what he appeared as the entire film. Another complaint I have is that the characters seemed a bit nonchalant when someone died. It was as though they were sad for a second, like when Eddy died, and then they just go about their business. But yah, overall it was pretty good.

Human Centipede- 6.5/10

Another horror that I had heard a lot about but hadn't actually watched. Yes, it definitely strayed away from some of the conventional horror film plots, so for that it gets points, but it was just weird and I'm not sure it was weird in a good way. I didn't like the ending very much at all, athough obviously not every movie has to end happily for it to be a "good ending." The acting was pretty good, especially the guy who played the doctor. Definitely a sick film, but nothing I'd soon watch again or rave about for that matter. I can see why it got all the attention it did though.

Going to see Sinister tonight, pretty stoked.
Eugh, IT. Tim Curry <3, everything else </3

One of the best horror books ever written (even if it is just a retelling of Dracula) utterly ruined and further proof that King should stay on the page. The spider thing is a bit crap at the end of the book as well, but it works because you can just unimagine the crapness of it ;) The creation of the bond and fellowship in the book though is exceptional and it's a massively emotional tale, penned to near perfection (well, as far a pulp literature can be ;) ). The film is dire. Badly mauled, badly edited, neutered, sloppy and captures less than 5% of the brilliance of the book. Very poor show, but... Tim Curry :lol:
^ Yah I expect the book would probably be better. I have a few Stephen King novels, but I don't think I have IT, so I think I will ask my boyfriend's mom to borrow it one day since she has like every novel under the sun. The movie adaptations aren't always horrible, such as the Green Mile, but I do agree that even the book of that was slightly better and brought me to tears (I say that as if the movie didn't, haha). Dolores Claiborne is another one where I thought the book was great but the movie was just blegh.

I guess because seeing the movie first before reading the book, I don't really have a basis for comparison, which is why I enjoyed it and couldn't pick out too many flaws.