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"Now Showing"

Yeah. Battleship starring Liam Neeson. Sounds like it's just screaming cheesy. Almost want to see it just for that reason, haha.
You need to leave if you are going to insult Mr. Neeson. Inappropriate on all fronts and uncalled for. He is a man with a very unique set of skills.

The saddest thing is that it isn't even Michael Bay. He's too busy **** up TMNT. you need to get 4 things right for this movie

1) They are Teenage
2) They are Muntants
3) They are Ninja's
4) They are Turtles

Making them aliens destroys 2 of the essential things you need for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Sorry about the Rant(y) post but It needed to be said
Re: "Now Showing"

^^ & ^^^ I love how when I saw fhe trailer for the first time it showed Neeson dieing :lol:

^ Isnt it just being called ninja turtles and is going through an obscurely and little known fact that the original comic involved alien technology in some weird manner?

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Intricks said:
^^ & ^^^ I love how when I saw fhe trailer for the first time it showed Neeson dieing :lol:

^ Isnt it just being called ninja turtles and is going through an obscurely and little known fact that the original comic involved alien technology in some weird manner?

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I got the original series. Still says the same ooze made them the way they are so far.
It is just a rumor about the aliens thing, so calm down a little bit. Regardless the movie will be hated by all because it IS Bay doing it, and not someone else. The script just started being written a few weeks ago, not something to act like you are going to kill yourself over. The turtles (supposedly) are going to be done in the way Smeagol/Gollum was done, not sure what that technology is called, but someone can say the exact name.

Again, chill the **** out.
Saw two films today. First was The Raid

Heard quite a lot of good things about this film and I can see why. It's full of action and it's got some amazing fight sequences. There isn't much plot but it doesn't really matter because everything that happens is pretty awesome. I thought the direction was pretty cool too and I look forward to more films from this new British director.

Rating: 4/5

American Pie Reunion

Turd. Basically a rehash of most of the jokes from the first three films with a couple of new rather funny moments. There wasn't really enough in there for me to really enjoy it though and it all felt a bit too predictable and awkward. Shame.

Rating: 2/5
I saw the Dictator the other day and it was really immature, but very funny. I expected nothing from it and there were definitely more than a few moments that made me laugh pretty hard! That's about all there is really, there wasn't like, an insane plot or any exciting twists, just a lot of mindless humour.

Saw two films today. First was Snow White and the Huntsman

I intended to see this in a DBox seat because I thought it was an unusual film to use the motion seats with but their system for those seats was busted so I had just a regular seat. The film was ok and nothing really more. With so many re-tellings of every single fairy tale at the moment (especially with the Snow White tale being told a mere month or so ago in Mirror Mirror) I think each of these films have to do something unique to really impress me and this one didn't. If anything it felt more like that Robin Hood film a couple years back rather than a new unique look at the classic story of Snow White. The biggest mistake they made when making this film though was casting the emotionless lass from those awful Twilight flicks. The rest of the cast were pretty good, I actually liked Charlize Theron as the evil Queen. I was actually surprised as to how many big names they got to do the dwarfs, that really shocked me, but I felt they came really late into the film and we weren't really introduced to them as such, they all had a couple of lines each, most of which were semi-amusing one liners. Hmm, oh and it had the guy who ruined Pirates 4, I think this is a trend as once again he doesn't really add anything to the film. So overall it was a bit meh, but watchable and no where near as good as Mirror Mirror.

Rating: 2.5/5

Men in Black III in 3D.

First off, there were only a couple of scenes which looked good in 3D, the rest was a bit pointless. I went in expecting to not like it and came out semi-satisfied. It was better than I was expecting but still not as good as the first two. I really liked how this film ties up some things though and it wasn't something I saw coming at all. Overall it was enjoyable and good to chill out in front of for a couple of giggles.

Rating: 3/5
Men in Black 3

Agree for the most part with above, didn't bother seeing it in 3D for that reason. It was entertaining, nothing more.

Men in Black 3

Agreed with both of above. Ending was completely out of left field.. makes ya love K that much more.

Snow White and the Huntsman

Seriously, how does Kristen Stewart still get jobs? She is awful. She made this movie not near as good as it should have been. Charlize Theron was phenomenal, for her part, but the lack of emotion (and looks) of Kristen Stewart killed it. Snow White is supposed to be gorgeous right? Well, they missed the mark on this one!

^ I haven't seen it yet, but my brother who has says you don't need to know too much from the previous movies to enjoy MIB3 (he only saw the first one). So I'd go to that, but that's just my preference.

So these movies are in no way new, but I just re-watched Star Wars episodes 2 & 3 today for the first time since seeing them in theaters, and I somehow found them to be a bit better than I remember them being. Hayden Christiansen's acting is still awful, and the script is at times cringe-inducing (Attack of the Clones is the worst offender in this regard), but the action sequences are still pretty epic, and I thought the writers did a pretty good job bridging the gap from The Phantom Menace (which was kind of a mess) to A New Hope. And John Williams' score is completely fantastic... probably the most underrated positive aspect of the entire series.
Prometheus was really good! Not sure if it will stand the test of time like Alien has though...

Prometheus was really bad. Like, nothing happened. And it half wanted to be an Alien film and half didn't and just ended up a non-scary, non-dramatic, non-interesting mess.

The Dictator was totes hilar, loved it.

Moonrise Kingdom was cute and different, qutie cool.

The Raid was pretty kick ass.

Dark Shadows was pretty dreadful. Awesome characters sidelined and given nothing to do in favour of Depp being bland.

American Pie Reunion was decent enough for what it was. Enjoyable.

(can you tell I got one of those Unlimited cards a fortnight ago?)
Just got back from a midnight showing of Prometheus. Unfortunately it didn't really live up to the expectations I had for it. I really liked Alien & Aliens, but this offering pales in comparison. It has some great special & visual effects, and some effective moments of suspense, but the plot seemed convoluted & confusing at times, raising questions it never even attempted to answer. Too much of the movie was too similar to Alien, without really offering anything new. This doesn't work quite so well when Sigourney Weaver's female protagonist is a lot more kick-ass and just a better, more well-rounded character than the one in Prometheus. I'd give it a 5/10.. not a total waste of money, but it was a bit disappointing.

Still waiting on Dark Knight Rises..