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Love Wedding Marriage

Still don't know how I got forced to see this one. Just awful ****. Here is the movie in short. Pompous 20 something marriage counselor's parents want a divorce. She bitches and moans, does illegal ****, ruins her marriage, and gets her way in the end. Overreacting the entire time, being crazy, and using sex as a tool to get what she wants, then turns it down at the last second every time. Just a total garbage movie that enforces negative stereotypes on women.


Titanic 3D

So after going how ever many years it's been out without seeing Titanic, I finally saw it. It was entertaining, but it was just another James Cameron movie, overhyped, overdone, and way too long. He's really not that good. i will say I enjoyed the 3D, but other than that, it was just a way too long rom-com and besides, if she wasn't stupid, they could have shared the door. Stop being a selfish bitch and take turns, or swim to where there is more driftwood. Just dumb. I did reach out at the boob scene after reading it was taken out in China, got hit, totally worth it.

Saw Mirror Mirror earlier.

I really like the director, he makes films with such stunning visuals, this was no different. It really is a beautiful film and its got plenty of humour which I highly approve of. It actually went really quick but it's actually not that long of a film but it makes it a nice film to just sit down and enjoy. I thought the cast was great too, just a nice film.

Rating: 4/5
Soz for the double post guys. Earlier tonight I saw two films, first was The cold light of day.

I was expecting it to be rather pants and well, it was. Well, it's ok, just rather predictable and plain. The car chase was pretty good though.

Rating: 2/5

Then I saw Cabin in the woods.

Been looking forward to this for ages. Filmed in 2009 and finally released this year it's been a very long wait but totally worth it. I absolutely loved it, just great entertainment the whole way through. I really like the whole idea behind it very different and cool. I heard it references pretty much ever horror movie going but not really being a massive fan of horror films I missed most of them. It's got some fantastic humour though throughout and omg, this must be the year of best cameos ever or something, totally didn't see that one coming at all <3

Rating: 4.5/5

Mr Whedon can you just make every film please? The World would be a better place that way. :p

Oh and Salmon fishing in the yemen is released today (Friday). It's a quirky British 'comedy', it's one of those films that trots along quite nicely and has some rather humorous moments thrown in. The cast is great too even if Kristin Scott Thomas just rips off Malcom Tucker from The thick of it.

Rating: 3/5
peep said:
Then I saw Cabin in the woods.

Been looking forward to this for ages. Filmed in 2009 and finally released this year it's been a very long wait but totally worth it. I absolutely loved it, just great entertainment the whole way through. I really like the whole idea behind it very different and cool. I heard it references pretty much ever horror movie going but not really being a massive fan of horror films I missed most of them. It's got some fantastic humour though throughout and omg, this must be the year of best cameos ever or something, totally didn't see that one coming at all <3

Rating: 4.5/5

The references were quite subtle. For instance, the whiteboard in the background with the list of all the possible monsters, one of them was 'Evil Molesting Tree' AKA from The Evil Dead. The puzzle box thing is an allusion to Hellraiser, to more subtle things like certain weapons/locations/etc.

I thought it was amazing too, it really was such a breath of fresh air, a really good mix of humour and some really dark, gruesome horror. Like nothing I've ever seen before but with all the fun of spotting the intertextuality! The only criticism I had of the film was the CGI. The beginning part with the pain-worshipping zombies, the make-up was realistic and awesome and the blood special effects were great. However, the later scenes pretty much all the monsters, and the blood, was CGI and I think it ruined it a bit.
Also, I wish that we didn't get to see the God's hand thing at the end, kind of ruined it a bit =/.

Also, best cameo of the year goes to 21 Jump Street, hands down ;]
Why bother with regular Titanic 3D?

I hate when people say they could have shared the door. Yeah, they would both fit on it if you're considering just the area, but what about the weight and the fact that it was in water? Or the fact that it's meant to be a romantic tragedy? I feel like the gravity of the movie, which focused just as much on the relationship between Jack and Rose, would be lost if they had both survived and lived happily ever after.
I watched 2 Days in Paris yesterday. It's written by, directed by, and stars Julie Delpy (aka: that wench from Cinemagique), and it's shockingly good. I was expecting a typical rom-com romp, but it's a rather enjoyable (and slightly thought-provoking) film about a couple who stop off with Delpy's parents in Paris after a trip to Venice which was supposed to help rekindle their romance.

Think Lost in Translation only in France and with slightly more romance. Delpy's boyfriend is an American (the bearded Adam Goldberg, no less), so the language barrier plays a pretty big role in pointing out just how little the two know about each other (although unlike Lost in Translation the French sections are subtitled, so we can all tell what's going on).

In short, it's brilliant. First film of hers I've watched, but it probably won't be the last. Stuck Before Sunset/Sunrise onto my Lovefilm, along with a few other films she's been in. Looking forward to 2 Days in New York now, although I doubt it'll be as good:


Delpy is also very good at writing taxi drivers :lol:
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I hate when people say they could have shared the door.
They both did try to get on the door in the first instance but it couldn't take them both.

What cheeses me off the most about that scene is that there's HUNDREDS of people in the water and that massive bit of driftwood is unocupied. Jack & Rose have to swim towards it.

Still, when the ship sinks, it's awesome.
OR she could have given him her life jacket, or at least taken turns. Or they could have moved to areas with more driftwood. Stupidity.

Or if she wasn't dumb, she would have just stayed on the little boat and then he could have had the little door for himself.
You're a tard.

Me and my mom rented a cheesy horror movie for old time's sake, and the choice ended up being Haunting at Thompson High. What a JOKE of a movie, haha. Nothing happens for the first hour and a bit besides them talking about racism and unrelated random things, then everyone just dies and the girl escapes within the last five minutes. They try to have a few deep moments in which the girl reveals she's bipolar, but they really add nothing to the story line. Pretty much the worst movie ever. Still, I had a few laughs here and there.

The Avengers (I refuse to give it the extra word on the English title)

It's fab, Whedon is amazing, Ruffalo is amazing, Scarlett Johansson can have much ogling...

Fab film...
