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Ahhh, the first one was awesome. The second one was never going to live up to it. A theme common with many superhero fillums.
Lain said:
Ahhh, the first one was awesome. The second one was never going to live up to it. A theme common with many superhero fillums.

The first one wasn't awesome.

*hits Lain*

And Neal, I think he means that Dark Knight was better than Batman Begins.

... and X2 was better than X-Men.
Ben said:
... and X2 was better than X-Men.

Then X-Men 3 came along... :?

Still on the scale of crap superhero films, as long as it's better than Daredevil, Spidey 3, Hulk and the 2 Fantastic Four films, then it's ok...
Ben said:
Lain said:
Ahhh, the first one was awesome. The second one was never going to live up to it. A theme common with many superhero fillums.

The first one wasn't awesome.

*hits Lain*


Still on the scale of crap superhero films, as long as it's better than Daredevil, Spidey 3, Hulk and the 2 Fantastic Four films, then it's ok...

Yeah, it's not terrible - it's perfectly watchable and does have some cool bits. It's just not something I'll rush to see again.
Watched Avatar the other day.

I liked it, but basing a movie around a love story is hardly genre-breaking.

I'll just put it with all the other LSD-inspired movies.

Watched Iron Man 2 last night.

I really came into this movie extremely excited that it would be great and I actually wasn't all that disappointed. I thought it was a really good movie and a damn good sequel for a superhero movie. Thankfully it did not suffer from "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" syndrome and actually had a storyline, with some humour and good action. And Scarlett Johansson..... was pretty damn sexy I won't lie so that's brownie points! :p Compared to the first movie, I think this scores a little bit higher for me.

Overall, I thought it was really really good.

EDIT: Just got back from seeing Date Night with Steve Carell and Tina Fey.

It was very average and predictable, not as funny as I expected it to be and although I love Steve Carell, not one of his better movies. There were some moments that were funny at the time, but nothing to truly make me laugh afterwords. Average for me.

Iron Man 2

Saw it on Saturday but havent had the internet til now.. yummy tho.. and the walk into the next movie? Yay!

Went to a special evening at the BFI tonight. It was a screening of Airplane! and then there was meant to be a Q&A session with the legend that is Leslie Neilson. Unforuntately earlier in the day he had an accident and was unable to make the session. Instead the BFI put on one of his earlier films, Forbidden Planet.


One of the funniest films ever made. Fact. It's just one of those films that just gets funnier every time you watch it. The film print they used was also perfect, I didn't see a single scratch or bit of dirt! Amazing.

Rating: 5/5

Forbidden Planet

One of those 'classics' that I've never seen. Considering the film was released in 1952 the special effects are absolutely stunning. I found it really entertaining and there are some classic moments in there. Unfortunately the film print they used wasn't amazing but considering how old the film is I thought it looked pretty good. It is a little dated but I still think it's worth a watch.

Rating: 4/5
Just got back from watching the remake of Nightmare On Elm Street

Well, I thought it was a good movie, despite all its negative reviews. The story was kinda good, some things weren't very well explained and required a trip to IMDB to check up. The scares; well I knew they were coming, but blooming heck are there alot of jumpy moments (I'm kinda a sucker for jumpy things) although pretty much all the scares were the usual loud noise, nothing happens scares. The music/score was brilliant, and is what struck me as soon as the opening credits started. Overall, it was pretty much a traditional slasher flick, with quite a good backstory, and an awesome opening scene :)
^^I'm just finishing off the book now. I saw the film years ago, but really can't remember a single thing about it. The book is making me ill though, so want to see the film again to compare.
Best film ever. I'd turn gay for Christian Bale in that film.

"Sabrina, don't just stare at it, EAT IT!" Hahaha <3
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I actually didn't like American Psycho that much. I watched it once and it was just completely average to me.

I agree with Taylor, although i just thought it was dull. THE END IS NIGH!