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Jordan and Ben are silly. Iron Man is an epic film.

I re-watched Iron Man in the early hours of this morning on Blu-ray.

I still love it, Robert Downey Jr is perfect as Tony Stark and everything just works so well.

Rating: 5/5

Recently got back from seeing Iron Man 2 at the London Imax.

I was scared before seeing the film that it would suffer from Spiderman 3 syndrome (too many awesome characters, not enough time). Yes there are loads of amazing characters and the film does suffer a little bit because of this but Stark, Hammer, Potts and Whiplash get more than enough screen time. The only one who fails to fit in is Scarlett Johanssen's Black Widow, which is a shame because her scene near the end is fecking epic. I think Don Cheadle took over the role of Rhodes really well and he just fit straight into the role perfectly. Also can't forget to mention Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, awesome, would have been nice for him to have more screen time but I think with his 9 film contract with Marvel we may be seeing a lot of him over the next few years :p

It's a very enjoyable film and I don't think fans will be too disappointed when they see it. I think it just about manages to pull it off, a decent sequel. Fans of Marvel will also want to wait till the end of the credits for a glimpse into one of next year's releases ;) This film version of the Marvel universe is shaping up nicely.

Rating: 4/5

Also, news broke in the early hours of today that Warner Brothers (without a script, production date etc) released the date for a third Batman film! 20th July 2012 is when we will be seeing the caped crusader back on the big screen! Lets hope this doesn't mean it will be rushed.
Saw Iron Man 2 last night with a couple of mates.

I cannot stress how much I loved the first film. This film was equally as good. It's plot was a little weaker, but it made up for it visually. Not only were the effects more impressive and spectacular, all the actors looked and acted brilliantly.

I'm not going to go too much into it really, I can't be bothered and I know people don't really care! However, I will say that this film is definitely one to watch in the cinema. Don't wait for the DVD, it'll lose something. Cinema quality sound and picture size worked very well with this film.

Once again I've fallen in love Iron Man. I think it's the fantasy that I might one day be as cool and Tony Stark and own a suit like he does. I've got a feeling that's why the film is so effective. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I finally saw Avatar today...

First thing is "WOW" at the visuals... Probably the best visuals I've seen in any film... The background looked excellent as did the Na'vi, creatures and everything... Just so bloody impressive and immersive...

The story... Yes, it IS Blue Pocahuntas... But hell, it's reasonably different enough that the similarities are kinda way too over-exaggerated...

Na'vi Sigourney Weaver will haunt my dreams for many nights though...

Just watched The Godfather on blu-ray.

It's one of those films that I've wanted to see for years as it's hyped so much. Bloody hell the wait was worth it, such a well made film with some fantastic performances. It tends to drag a little in places and I personally found it hard to keep up with who was who at points. But yeah, excellent film.

Rating: 5/5
Finally saw Avatar last night for the 1st time.

The 1st 2 hours I have to admit I was bored, it was just so slow. Yes I know the history had to be told etc but it just dragged on. I suppose a bit like Titanic did, so just like that skip the 1st 2 hours and its great.

The last hour of the film I thought was really good, lots of action and effects etc.

But all the way through you just new what was going to happen, well apart from some deaths.

The film is visually stunning, I loved all the lighting etc.

Was the film as good as the hype? NO.

The problem is for me the effects have been done before, the new Star War films and even the Abyiss so it was nothing new.

I would not rush to see the film again, I have no idea how people went to see it so many times I just do not get it.

The main tune in the film also reminded me of the old British Airways advert lol.

I agree (shocked) with Benin, the story was similar to Pocahuntas but thats as far as it goes. There are many films that are like another film it happens.

7/10 for me simply due to the last hour. Very pleased I did not see this in the cinema now.
marc said:
7/10 for me simply due to the last hour. Very pleased I did not see this in the cinema now.

I'm the opposite. I really enjoyed it at the cinema, purely due to the large-scale visuals, excellent use of 3D (best I've seen by MILES) and immersive atmosphere. I wouldn't even consider watching it at home. It's not really a very good film outside the visuals, but the whole 3D cinema experience made for a very enjoyable few hours. The "boring" start doesn't matter because you're just enjoying the experience. It has no selling point as a home movie for me.
^I agree with Gavin 100%.

I've just finished watching Avatar on Blu-Ray. It's still the most amazing looking film visually I've ever seen. For me this film isn't about the story. It's such a technological achievement and is just great to immerse yourself in that world.
It certainly was more effective in the cinema. The 3D, sound and superb visuals really draws you into the world of Pandora. It's all so colourful and creative. I love all the imaginative creatures, and plants and the whole way their world looks. Loads of people (including myself) left the cinema and it was dark and raining. It really made you want to go back and escape into that world again.

The film is still good on Blu-Ray but alot of the effect you can only get in 3D and in the cinema is lost. I do agree the film can be shortened as you do know it's really long when you think it's finished and then find out there's still an hour left. Although it's all about the journey and the experience.

I gave it 10/10 in the cinema but on Blu-Ray/DVD I'll give it an 8.5/10.
Where the Wild Things Are

Cute movie! I love the fact that the creatures were mostly costumes, rather than CGI, which makes it that much more genuine. It seemed like it might be a bit scary for kids (I dunno, the whole thing about Carol turning mean and wanting to eat him), but otherwise I enjoyed it.

Watched Zombieland the other night, really good film! 6-person cast (one of which is Bill Murray playing himself), really simple, no massive budget, some great actors, it was really enjoyable! Jesse Eisenberg is definitely one to watch, albeit a bit of a weird love child of Michael Cera & Alan Davies, and I can't help but like Woody Harrelson.

Definite 8/10.
Well its back out in the cinema in June so maybe I will go and see it then and give the 3D a try.

But thats the problem with these new films, it just does not work for me if you cannot watch them at home :(

Maybe the slow part of the film would be better as you would have something to watch and look at. So yeah I can see what you mean, rather than waiting for something to happen you would have the planet to look at.
Cinema day today!

First up was The Ghost which I was looking forward to due to the cast.

It was good but so much of it was so dull, nothing really happened. The cast, as expected, were great but it didn't stop it from being quite a dull film.

Rating: 2/5

Then I saw The disappearance of Alice Creed.

This is a small British film with a noob director and a cast of three. Bloody hell get this writer/director to make more! It was absolutely phenomenal. It was just so well made and there were twists in the story every now and then that were just superb. It's a simple film but the acting and direction were just so brilliant. It's so gripping and intense (with a little light humour chucked in there for good measure every so often) and reminded me a little of Reservoir dogs. If you can I highly suggest you go and see this film, it needs all the support it can get really deserves it.

Rating: 5/5

I then saw Iron Man 2 again, this time in London's Leicester Square.

I still think this is a great, fun film. The whole cast are just fantastic and the action scenes and special effects are just top notch.

Rating: 4/5
Ollie said:
I love all the imaginative creatures, and plants

Horses (with six legs)?
Tigers (with six legs)?
Pteradons (with four wings)?
Trees (blue)?
Lanky monkeys (blue)?

I just don't see what's so imaginative about taking something common, adding an extra set of limbs and painting it gaudy?!?

Yes, the film is a fantastic visual effect fest and superb to watch on the big screen - but please, will people stop trying to make out it's actually anything really, actually, good? It's leave your brain at the door action/adventure at its absolute most basic.

It's great fun, does the job it set out to, but it's NOT imaginative, it's NOT deep, it's NOT clever and it WILL be old-hat, outdated and showing its age within two years.
^See thats the thing I do not see how it was ground breaking, maybe the 3d part yes but watch it at home and the lips dod not sync 100% on the Avatars just like on every other CGI film. The effects were done in the new star wars films so it is nothing new already.

The animals like you say are all based on current real life ones, so again no real imagination.

We keep getting told the film story is 15 years old or whatever, yes you can tell it is as things have moved on.

Dont get me wrong the film is good if you skip the 1st 90 mins, as people say maybe in the cinema it was better. But in order for a film to have a long life it needs to work on the big screen and at home. So far everyone that I know that did not see it in the cinema but at home feels really let down.

I have heard though that another version will be out at xmas and there will be a 3d bluray version.
It was seamless at the cinema. It was difficult to tell where the CGI ended and the real life took over... Well, obviously the unfortunately numerically limbed creatures and bright blue things where CGI - but you know what I mean?

You watch Star Wars, and the CGI "jars" with the real life footage. It's good, but you constantly watch it thinking "the actor is playing against a bit of card on a stick and the (obviously) CGI muppet was added in later".

Avatar was the next step from "real" CGI films like Final Fantasy and Polar Express. Where the lines are blurred between CGI and real actors. In both those films, there are times you easily forget it's CGI - but it's not constant.

I'm not saying that Avatar was completely there. You still knew it was CGI - but it's the closest to "real life" CGI I've seen yet. It's the seamless way it mixed the two so you didn't see the move where a character stepped from real world to CGI. It happened several times, but you had to really look for it - a human actor would become a CGI human type of thing. The human actors in the CGI environments too just worked very very well.

As I say though, in two years time it'll look very dated and nowhere near as good. The major CGI scenes will look very fake and lots of people will be wondering why on earth they ever thought it was so good. Is it just me, or is that something James Cameron suffers from ever since getting "big budget"?

T2 - okay, it's still a good film, but far from faultless.
True Lies - massive box office hit. Rave reviews. Actually dull as ****, but was a great "special effects showcase".
Titanic - Has anyone ever seen this film twice? Again, SFX groundbreaking film in parts, looks like turd now. Made billions mind...
Avatar is just the next in line...
What I can't understand right now is the huge number of people, who've seen it in the cinema, now going out and buying it on DVD/Blu-Ray. It makes NO SENSE. Obviously, pretty much any film will be better on the big screen, but, generally, if you like a film at the theatre, you'll like it just about as much at home.

Avatar can not work on the small screen. Obviously, it's different for anyone who didn't see it at the cinema, and is now curious about what all the fuss was about, but why anyone who saw it the way it was supposed to be seen would want to put themselves through what is, essentially, an incredibly mundane film again, without the escapism that the 3D environment created, is completely beyond me.

At least with James Cameron you basically know what you're going to get these days: a huge-budget, visual spectacle, which makes you leave the cinema thinking "wow," but within the hour, when you actually think about the film, turns into extreme disappointment, mostly at yourself for being taken in by the shiny things.
I found that it wasn't even spectacular in the cinema. The story, as you say Gavin, was mundane (and that was in the best places).

3D doesn't really do it for me visually, the CGI was impressive, but nothing we hadn't seen before. Admittedly it synced a bit more convincingly with the real-life visuals. But I need a plot, and I'd had it before in Disney's 33rd animated feature. ;)

If a film can't translate well to home viewing, then in my opinion it's failed and is nothing more than a money making gimmick. Great films are those that you can watch time and time again without getting bored of them. Avatar was boring after the first viewing, in its so called "sainted cinema" form.

I'm still not sure what all the fuss is about, I've put it down to human curiosity derived from hardcore Cameron fanboys and girls raving it up myself. :lol: