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SnooSnoo said:

No plot, just sweet sweet zombie killing.

Plus, dude.. its Woody.

That looks sweeeeet. Is the girl in it the one that Seth fancies in Superbad?
Went to see The Hangover and Transformers 2 both on Wednesday...

Hangover was a great comedy, with the situations being silly and verging on ridiculous but I felt never too unrealistic since they were in Vegas...
The ending of it was just amusing due to the obviousness of it all, and there were some great performances from the 3 main characters...


I went to see Transformers 2 to see some giant robots fighting each other and blowing stuff up... This is exactly what I got... Some excellent fight scenes in there and a good number of characters as well who were both amusing and awesome (the twins, old one)...
Some great CGI on the robots as well, and all the greatly amusing parts came from Sam's parents, more of them in future please Michael Bay...
Unfortunately the last fight scene is not too long, but considering you're already in there for 2 hours and a bit before it starts, it's kinda good it isn't that long :lol:
You also don't feel like you've been in there for near 3 hours, which is even better...

*Shakes head in dismay*

Benin said:
Unfortunately the last fight scene is not too long, but considering you're already in there for 2 hours and a bit before it starts, it's kinda good it isn't that long
You're kidding? That final sequence in Egypt goes on FORFRIGGINGEVER! Robot bashes robot! Eats robot! Bashes another robot! Misses humans AGAIN (how come robots have worse aim than Stevie Wonder on T'Ultimate?). It's interminable.

Benin said:
You also don't feel like you've been in there for near 3 hours
Agreed. It feels like 6.

Michael Bay has absolutely no clue about inter-scene logic, narrative flow or plot structure, NONE! I've really seen too much of his **** now, I'm never watching a film of his again (only The Rock is anything like worth it).

It's only redeeming feature (and no Megan Fox's arse doesn't count) is the FX - they show just how bad Terminator Suckation's are.
May give Transformers a miss then after all :) Save my pennies for Harry Potter.

I've seen a fair bit.

Did I review Death Race (the remake)?

I'll do it anyway! Death Race. Plot - some crap about prisoners fighting it out on the race track with modified cars that deal out death. It's basically like Mario Kart with blood.

Erm, there is some more plot, but if you haven't worked it out in its entirety within ten minutes of the film starting, I'll have to call you Taylor :P

Basically, it's just a lot of blokes, shooting the crap out of each other in cars. If that sounds like your cup of tea, you'll love it. I did. The film has absolutely no redeeming qualities and is completely unapologetic about it. Sit, watch people in cars blow up people in other cars for two hours. Pick brain up on way out!

Fantastic 8/10 blowing up car entertainment! :)

Also watched Hellboy 2: The golden formulaic plot and CGI fest. It was more movie making by numbers. Everything worked well enough, but it was bland and flat. Utterly unremarkable movie.

Maybe finally (but I remember another) Prince Caspian - bunch of toffs go off into a fantasy land to be even more toff-like and irritating - but at least they're not in London annoying the salt of the Earth folk. No so subtle preaching from Mr Lewis trying to explain the scriptures in a story form after Jesus... I mean Aslan... returns from death to say his goodbyes and stuff. His disciples do spend a bit of time hacking and slashing the heretics though in a thoroughly medieval Christian way - Huzzah!

Erm, bit tosh really and irritating. I did spend most of the film talking to Taylor, Jerry and Snoo on MSN - so may have missed some of the finer points :lol:
furie said:
Also watched Hellboy 2: The golden formulaic plot and CGI fest. It was more movie making by numbers. Everything worked well enough, but it was bland and flat. Utterly unremarkable movie.
That's a bit harsh! I thought it was a marked improvement on the first one - it's still inconsistent, and the resolution is flat, but the characters are great, and the Barry Manilow singalong is far from unremarkable! (Sticks out like a sore thumb though).
Actually, that scene was almost good :P

I don't find the characters great at all. I find them very dull and bland. Maybe it just doesn't appeal to me (let's face it, Batman is hardly Mr Charisma) - but nothing stood out in the slightest as being anything special.

It was better than Dark Knight mind - so one thing in its favour ;)
furie said:
It was better than Dark Knight mind - so one thing in its favour ;)


Slayed said:
Michael Bay has absolutely no clue about inter-scene logic, narrative flow or plot structure, NONE! I've really seen too much of his now, I'm never watching a film of his again (only The Rock is anything like worth it).

THANK YOU. Everyone listen to Slayed, and absorb what he has to say, for he is right.
Ben said:
furie said:
It was better than Dark Knight mind - so one thing in its favour ;)


Yes. By a small margin, but yes! :P

Ben said:
Slayed said:
Michael Bay has absolutely no clue about inter-scene logic, narrative flow or plot structure, NONE! I've really seen too much of his now, I'm never watching a film of his again (only The Rock is anything like worth it).

THANK YOU. Everyone listen to Slayed, and absorb what he has to say, for he is right.

Yes, but giant computer generated robots beating the crap out of each other need none of that.

It's like saying Wrestling shouldn't be watched for the same reasons. People aren't enjoying it for that - they're enjoying it for loosely based reasons for big things to hit other big things in a loud way.
Last night I got bored so I decided to give Sutherland a chance by putting on Mirrors.

I'm positive this is a remake of some crazy Japanese film, but I'll let that slide because half of the American horror films are remakes nowadays.
For the first 15 minutes I bought this film, I was adequately entertained which I suppose will do.
The setting was alright I suppose, but it does my absolute nut in when horror films try and sell themselves with the use of abandoned burnt down buildings and children that whisper and ATTEMPT to creep the viewer out. Not working.

Kiefer Sutherland did nothing special, just played the victim that ''nobody believed''. Totally predictable really.

I wouldn't reccommend this film to anybody really, unless you can stomach a predictable cringeworthy horror remake.

Slayed said:
*Shakes head in dismay*

Benin said:
Unfortunately the last fight scene is not too long, but considering you're already in there for 2 hours and a bit before it starts, it's kinda good it isn't that long
You're kidding? That final sequence in Egypt goes on FORFRIGGINGEVER! Robot bashes robot! Eats robot! Bashes another robot! Misses humans AGAIN (how come robots have worse aim than Stevie Wonder on T'Ultimate?). It's interminable.

In regards to this bit, I meant the final part between Optimus and Fallen/Megatron, not the overall battle...

Which was awesome because of the awesome-massive-made-of-10-decepticons bot...

And it's always the case that the bad guys have extraordinary bad aim, this can be seen in any form of war film or a film involving soldiers, dare I say even in the Pirates films the aim of the bad guys is generally bad... It's definitely a film thing to make the good guys seem better and more heroic...

Slayed said:
Benin said:
You also don't feel like you've been in there for near 3 hours
Agreed. It feels like 6.

Michael Bay has absolutely no clue about inter-scene logic, narrative flow or plot structure, NONE! I've really seen too much of his <img> now, I'm never watching a film of his again (only The Rock is anything like worth it).

Definitely didn't feel long for me, I take all lengths by LotR time-frames, if it feels longer than that, then it's too long, this was fast-paced in most sections I felt and generally wasn't too boring in many scenes...

The only two films of Michael Bay I have seen are the Transformers films, so I cannot be a direct judge on his entire works, but for what they are (as I said at first, all I wanted was giant robots and explosions) they deliver perfectly... No-one seemed to be disappointed with it afterwards for me and there was a wide spectrum of people, films like this definitely show the varied tastes of people overall...

Slayed said:
It's only redeeming feature (and no Megan Fox's arse doesn't count) is the FX - they show just how bad Terminator Suckation's are.

The FX is quality and is even better than the first one, which shows how quickly the advancements in CGI is going, but the explosions always help a film, as do giant robots made of 10 of them...

Megan Fox is over-rated as well, I compare her to Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom's perfect renditions of a piece of wood in the Pirates films... Defo only there for the eye-candy role for the main target audience... Her opening shot said that enough :roll:

I still enjoyed it though, I got what I wanted from it so it's a good film in my eyes...
Just finished watching "Gran Torino"

Best f-ing movie EVA!


Although i may re-evaluate tomorrow when i'm sober.
I saw Transformers 2 on Friday afternoon.

Well I was disappointed, the storyline was boring, it didn't link that well between scenes, it dragged like hell and I was actually waiting for it to end. The FX were brilliant and probably it's only redeeming factor (that and Megan Fox :P). Shame it wasn't as good as the first, which I loved.

Change of pace (like Malk's).

I watched Casanova the other night - the Heath Ledger version.

Really, really enjoyable film. I remember seeing about half of it when Madame_Furie rented it. It was one of those - "yes, I'm coming to watch it" kind of yells from the kitchen while I stabbed my eyes out in preference to watching another craptacular 18th century costume drama.

However, after about 45 minutes, I sat down and watched the film and really enjoyed what I saw.

So, this time, I got a chance to watch it from the start.

It's a real light hearted farce/swash-buckler. Ledger is actually fantastic (shows much more acting potential here than in the cruddy B:TDK) and really suits the role as the womanising Casanova. Okay, he's a bit cheesy and pantomine and over the top, but everyone is. It never quite reaches camp, it treads that fine line just inside and is amusing and doesn't take itself serious.

There are some superb performances from the supporting cast like Tim McInnerny (Percy and Darling from Blackadder) as The Doge trying to stop Casanova from being killed by the church, Omid Djalili as the much put upon manservant and friend of Casanova and Jeremy Irons playing a baddy for a change ;) :lol:

Costume and locations are generally top notch, but the film doesn't have the panache of something like Plunkett and Mclane. There's also some absolutely abysmal CGI :lol: - Transformers 2 this is not :P

Anyway, the story is fast and as complex as farce often gets (Taylor would spend most of the film trying to work it out), lots of ducking and weaving, fast talking to get out of situations and generally a great underflow of comedy. You'll rarely laugh out loud, but it's great fun.

Leave your serious ideas of 18th Century history at the door and have fun in a silly film! 8/10