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Ollie said:
Yeah 2 and 3 have nothing on the first one. But at least they try and break up the seriousness by keeping Jacks character adding much needed humour into it. And the next one should carry on from the 3rd where they're looking for that fountain of youth or whatever. Jack has the map because he took it from Barbosa(sp?). But Barbosa(sp?) has the Black Pearl again, and Jacks left going in the right direction on his little dingy boat.
Elizabeth and Jack have had a child (shown after the credits of the third film) which I think is the character Zac Effron is playing in the next one. Jack is captain of the Flying Dutchman and can only return to land 1 day every 10 years and left Elizabeth with the Dead Mans chest which has his heart in it.
But I agree with Furie. I watched the first one loads of times and it never gets boring. The 2nd and third I'd watched once each but I only watched them again yesterday and this morning to remind myself what happened.

Anyway I'm watching Mulan at the moment as it's been years since I've seen that. :)

I dont think you mean Jack Ollie, I think you mean Will Turner. And please no to Efron.

I did not like Mulan at all tbh, a few parts of it are ok i.e the dragon.

What I always find funny is that the Lion King was meant to be a filler film and it was one of the biggest Disney films. Strange how things work out.
Not as bad as mini-modding, or using the word "like" in any other context than "I enjoy" or "is similar to"

Hey I can mini-mod all I want :p .

Nah I was just pointing a fellow CFer in the right direction, I mean, he has been here long enough to know not to do that haha.

Fair play..... it fought off tough opposition from coursework over here

I knew starting it last night was a bad idea. I hate falling asleep to that movie because if you don't watch the whole thing it really doesn't have the same effect on you as when you sit down and really soak it in. So, it's on in the background but, it's not the same unless my full attention is on it, which it's not, because if I start crying my freshly applied makeup will run.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Nah I was just pointing a fellow CFer in the right direction, I mean, he has been here long enough to know not to do that haha.

Well, he's been here long enough to realise that in this topic, sometimes you can't help but double (or triple) post. If he'd edited, then nobody would have seen a new post, and wouldn't have come along to read his most excellent reviews (tongue firmly in cheek).

So I think Ollie was well in the right to be honest. This is a kind of review situation, and he may not have known he was going to watch other films, or wanted to get his opinions down while they were still fresh in his mind (very important for deep, meaningful, in depth reviews of films (my cheek hurts) ).

So there, I'd have though you'd been around long enough to have learnt such things :p
^ No no, for you see, when I have a review, and then have another one when there have been no new posts, my very wise little self waits until the next person posts before I write my next review.

God I'm smart :lol: .
Yes, but Ollie is smarter because he posted the review right afterwards, which meant he could do it fresh and watch the next film. He didn't have to wait around for three days waiting, when the fresh review would have been lost, and we'd have not got his fantastic, view point of such brilliant films (yes, I am having a dig at Ollie because he didn't like Alien :p ).
southend_marc said:
What I always find funny is that the Lion King was meant to be a filler film and it was one of the biggest Disney films. Strange how things work out.

Same with HSM, was just meant to be a small TV movie which somehow became the massive hit franchise we see today.

Effects were good on Wolverine? Yeah I suppose they were but I was constantly able to tell they used green screen, that bugged me. Slayed did you stay and watch a small clip at the end of the very long credits?
Sorry I meant Will Marc.
And Taylor I was doing what Furie had said. I was writing a review as a new post as people may not of checked back to the topic and noticed it. And I also didn't know I was going to watch each film as I just put them on because I felt like it.
Anyway I'm going to try and get round to seeing Hercules, Monsters Inc again soon, and will also try and see Encharted and Treasure Planet as I haven't seen those before.
Hercules is so awesomely underrated <3

"Don't you mean HUNKULES!?!?"

And it has a great score. And Hades is amazing.


Enchanted is win as well.
Yeah I used to love Hercules when I was young. :)
I haven't seen Encharted yet but I've heard it's good. Monsters INC = <3 as well.

What's Treasure Planet like?
Hercules and Enchanted (went to the World première :p) are awesome.

Treasure Planet is one of the most under-rated films ever! It is full of win.
I've always loved this film. From when I first saw it as a kid and used to watch it repeatedly on video over and over. It's just great. It has amazing songs (although one or two more would of probably made it better), the characters are great and it has a great story as well.
This is such a Disney classic and one of my all time favourite Disney films. Even after all those years I still enjoy it. :)
I also never noticed all the references to other Disney movies before like "I'm an action figure" from Toy Story and when he has the body of Scar from the Lion King when he's being painted on the vase. There's probably loads more I missed but those were moments where I went "oh". So it gets bonus points for that.
So yeah. Amazing film and a true classic which is still highly enjoyable even today.
Sorry. I can't help double posting as no one else has posted yet.

Just finished watching this. I liked how it started in cartoon with all the old Disney fonts and how they used to do they titles to their films. The film was ok. It was done well, but I wouldn't say it's my kind of film. I thought the bit in cartoon at the start was good and when she came through to the real world. But there was so much wrong, like when she cleaned the house she happened to know how to use the electrics such as the hoover and knew what they did. It also seemed to go on for a bit long and could of had some bits cut out to make the film flow better as I lost interest a couple of times.
I just don't think that trying to mix both animation and live acting worked in this for some reason and the plot was really predictable.
Still it was good and I enjoyed it. But it's not very re-watchable. The end scene was good when the queen (forgotten her name already) turned into the dragon, but that bit didn't last very long.
Still it's worth watching at least once I guess.
The Uninvited

I thought this flopped at the box office because that's what I heard, so I thought it was gonna be the dumbest thing ever, but it was actually quite an entertaining 80 minutes. Okay, it wasn't the greatest and it did start off a bit slow, but it was a decent thriller with a twist at the end that I didn't really see coming.

peep said:
Slayed did you stay and watch a small clip at the end of the very long credits?
Nah, I got burned doing that with Matrix Reloaded (credits took forever), so I've only done it with Iron Man since!
Just watched Oldboy on DVD.

It is one odd film (though not as odd as Happiness of the Katakuris), I suppose it moves along quite nicely but I still don't fully understand some of it. Has anyone else watched it, what did you think?

I suppose my rating will be 3/5 as it was well directed the actors were quite good.
Sorry to double post peeps :D

Went to a special screening of the Bond film, The Living Daylights.

I have to admit that by seeing these Bond films at the cinema makes them soooooo much better. I'm not too sure how or why but they seem so much better than when sitting at home and watching them on TV or DVD. It was a lot better than I remember and it has a great storyline, some excellent action sequences (you can't say that the fight on that netting out the back of the plane isn't awesome).

Rating: 4/5

Also got to meet Michael G Wilson (Bond producer) and John Glen (directed 5 Bond films) afterwards. John Glen also took part in a 40 min interview after the film.