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Saw another film at the cinema today, Religulous.

It's a documentary about how silly religions are. I loved the vatican guy who just laughed at how rubbish everything is, he amused me. I thought it was a well put together documentary and the Muslim's text message during the interview was highly amusing. I feel I learnt quite a bit too like how messed up religion is and that there is a cannabis church in Amsterdam lol. Bill Maher is rather amusing and his take on religion is so right. If I end up going to Florida next year I'm making sure I go to Holy land theme park, looks messed up and Christian.

Rating: 3/5

Tomorrows I be going to a screening of all four X Men films (yes, that includes Origins: Wolverine), should be fun.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
^Proof that Taylor hates good films.
If you can find anywhere where I said I hated American Psycho or any of the other films I mentioned in my post, I'll give you a cookie.
Taylor said:
I hate American Psycho! [/staged]
I want my cookie. :)

Oh and Ben, I gave reasons as to why I disliked Alien, I didn't just say I hated it and left it at that.
After hearing lots of rave reviews of "The wrestler" - I watched it last night.

Man that film is dull.

Saved only by the brilliant acting on mickey's behalf, especially during the (predictable) climax.

Film : 1/10..
Acting : 9/10
Ollie said:
Oh and Ben, I gave reasons as to why I disliked Alien, I didn't just say I hated it and left it at that.

I think you mean Lain :wink:

Though he is right.

Only communists don't like Alien. Are you a communist?
Sorry my mistake. Lain then. :p
An no I'm not. I just didn't think it was anything great once the film had finished and didn't think it was anything amazing. It wasn't rubbish, it just bored me.
I liked the sets though. :)
Ollie said:
Sorry my mistake. Lain then. :p
An no I'm not. I just didn't think it was anything great once the film had finished and didn't think it was anything amazing. It wasn't rubbish, it just bored me.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest:
I remember when I saw this in the cinema I didn't like it that much and I considered it the weakest of the three Pirates films. Just rewatched it and enjoyed it much more than I remembered. Probably because I knew the basic plot to begin with so could follow it easier. Even so the plot and story are long and complex and ALOT happens between the start and finish and when you think back at the end at what you've just watched you've realised that you didn't take much in and there were lots of random scenes that just flowed together.
Still it's a good film, the acting is great the soundtrack is amazing and the action scenes are plentiful. Although it doesn't have the same feel as the first film does. They really overdid it on the CGI and special effects and hardly any of it was real sets or props so it lost the feeling that it was happening as there was too much CGI going on all the time.

Worth watching anyway and is easily one of the best series of films ever made. :)

*Goes of to rewatch At Worlds End*
What's so fail about my review. I just wrote what I thought about it. I'm not going to copy anyone else.
I'll assume you meant to say, "what should it have said?"

It should have said that the film is a pile of rubbish made only to cash in on the success of the first film, and frankly is an embarrassment to the genius that was Curse of the Black Pearl.

Same goes for the third one.

Yeah I agree with that, but it's still nice to see the old characters back on a new adventure, and seeing the story develop and the characters get deeper as the films go on. I know nothing can beat the first one but the others are still enjoyable. :)
Went to a special X Men event at the Vue in London's Leicester Square. Basically we got to see the first three films and then the new X Men Origins: Wolverine.

X Men 1-3

Three great films, third one is a bit pants which is mainly due to Vinnie Jone's Juggernaut, twat.

X Men Origins: Wolverine

Umm, was good I suppose. I know some peeps on here will love it due to Jackman running around naked for about 5 minutes but there is so much more to it than that. My two biggest questions I raise from this film though is 1) Liev Schriber makes for a ****ing amazing Sabretooth, makes you look at the first film and go WTF were you thinking Singer?! 2) WANT MORE DEADPOOL & GAMBIT! (yeah I know thats a demand and not a question) Gambit felt so wasted in this film, I wait years for them to include him on the big screen and then hardly use him, wtf. Deadpool = win on so many levels.

Oh, if you're interested, Fox decided to make 4 different scenes for the end of credits bit, different cinemas show a different scene. The one we got was abysmal and made someone yell "you made us wait, for that!?"

Verdict? Good but is definitely not as good as X Men 1 & 2. If this rumour of a Magneto Origins film is true I cannot wait.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
Much better than the second one. But still nowhere near as good as the first (Just to make that clear to please Lain :p).
Another pretty long film but not as much happens in the plot so it's easier to follow and you can enjoy watching the film without having to work out what's going on. The scene when Jack is in Davy Jones' locker is a bit mental. Although it's meant to show how he's gone insane it just seems like an excuse to use lots of CGI to make hundreds of Jack Sparrows, and a mini one in each ear to talk to him.
The films seem to get less believable each time though. The first one was great as there really could of been a curse like that and they didn't overdo it that much. But with the second and third, it just gets silly with all the mythical gods, fish people, the edge of the world. It just seems like they're running out of ideas and it's harder to go along with what's going on as it's more far-fetched. Still, what they do is still good and it's still enjoyable to watch.
When the next one comes out I'll probably go see it (although why does Zac Effron have to be in it?).
I really liked the final battle on this film though, it really did seem mad with lots of cannon-fire bits blowing off everywhere and lots of people fighting. Although the giant whirlpool spoilt it slightly as no-one on the ship seemed to realise that it was horizontally on it's side spinning round.

Still it's worth a watch as it's still a good film.
Another pretty long film but not as much happens in the plot...
Correction: Nothing at all happens in the plot. Nothing at all.
1 was good
2 was "meh"
3 was "Oh, lord, please...(groan)"

And a number 4? With Zac Effron?
peep said:
I know some peeps on here will love it due to Jackman running around naked for about 5 minutes but there is so much more to it than that.

Om nom nom. No films ever need anything more than that to be masterpieces.

Oh, and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was an absolutely terrible film. It was the worst ending of a trilogy since the Matrix.