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Oh I liked Pirates 3 was better than the 2nd one. Agree about the ending though but leaves it open for the 4th one where they will probably start off trying to find the boat again.

X-Men3 so many people missed the part right at the end after the credits.
The first film was superb. It was fresh and new and exciting. There was mystery and intrigue and you didn't know how far it would take the supernatural element. It was well written, birlliantly put together and altogether witty and flowing.

Two and three were none of the above.

I watched the first one three times at the cinema and loved it each time. I watched it numerous times on DVD.

I've seen the others once each. I think that about sums it up :)

southend_marc said:
X-Men3 so many people missed the part right at the end after the credits.
I didn't, because Peep told me about it in this topic! :p
southend_marc said:
X-Men3 so many people missed the part right at the end after the credits.

I hadn't seen it before but I did see it last night. It just creates too many questions and the main question being, why did they even film it? silly peeps.

I love all 3 pirates films. Of course the sequels aren't as good as the first film but I still enjoy them. The part where there are several Jacks annoys me though.
Ah, so it wasn't Peep, but it was somebody here. I'm not searching for it.
Yeah 2 and 3 have nothing on the first one. But at least they try and break up the seriousness by keeping Jacks character adding much needed humour into it. And the next one should carry on from the 3rd where they're looking for that fountain of youth or whatever. Jack has the map because he took it from Barbosa(sp?). But Barbosa(sp?) has the Black Pearl again, and Jacks left going in the right direction on his little dingy boat.
Elizabeth and Jack have had a child (shown after the credits of the third film) which I think is the character Zac Effron is playing in the next one. Jack is captain of the Flying Dutchman and can only return to land 1 day every 10 years and left Elizabeth with the Dead Mans chest which has his heart in it.
But I agree with Furie. I watched the first one loads of times and it never gets boring. The 2nd and third I'd watched once each but I only watched them again yesterday and this morning to remind myself what happened.

Anyway I'm watching Mulan at the moment as it's been years since I've seen that. :)
Ignore me, I was thinking of Iron Pants... I mean Iron Man.

Ignore Ollie, he rates two films at almost a 9/10 and then says they're a bit rubbish :p
Yeah I probably was a bit nice to them. :p
What if I make it out of 20 instead of 10.

Anyway just finished watching Mulan. It's been years since I've seen this. I think it may of even being during a rainy break in primary school. I remember liking it quite a bit even though I'd only seen it once so decided to watch it again.
Overall it's a nice film, some great animation, good songs (especially I'll make a man out of you). I think it's quite an overlooked Disney film. Most people I've asked say they haven't seen it so they probably won't know how good it is.
The film seems quite short but it never gets boring and I was entertained watching it. It's a true Disney film.

By the way ignore my PotC scores. I'll probably go back and change them now.
Mulan II:
Just finished watching this. I have to say it's absolute tripe. It's all about morals and shizz and how arranged marriage is wrong and how you have to follow your heart. It's all soppy and terrible compared to the original. And why did they have to make Mushu so nasty in this one? He was a great character in the first one and now he just wants to break up Mulans marriage for his own gain. Very bad sequel. Avoid seeing at all.
I've had quite the Disney day today. Watched quite a few Disney films looking back. Pirates 1&2, Mulan 1&2 and now:

Aladdin: The Return of Jafar
Been ages since I've seen Aladdin and watching this reminded me how much I like it. Abu is easily one of my favourite characters. Overall this is just an enjoyable movie. I haven't seen the first one for many years and can't remember what happens so won't compare the two. But on it's own it's a good film. Well known characters, good animation, and a few songs which I miss from newer Disney films. I'd recommend this film to those that grew up with and loves Disney. As I feel that the younger generation now would find it boring and old.
Ollie, triple posting is bad.

On the topic of Pirates, seriously, overrated trilogy there. The first one was good, but still not as great as it was made out to be, whereas the second was decent, and the third was complete "when-will-this-be-done-ness". But, Jack's character will still always be hot <3
The Green Mile (more specifically the copy I bought off Ian :lol: )

Fab book, better film. One of a rarity, where the on-screen version tops the novel, and considering the latter was put together by Stephen King then the former's brilliance is no mean feat!

I actually physically cried at the end! I have seen and read it many times, but it still gets me, it's so deep it's unreal (which I suppose magic and miracles and the like is).

Easily a 10/10 which is a bit unfair on it, because it is better than the book and that would also get a perfect score!
^ The Green Mile is ridiculous, and is the most emotionally disturbing film I've ever seen, alongside the Elephant Man. Seriously, it gets you soo connected to the characters, even Eduard Delecroix, who is actually a murderer. I still can't even help but feel bad for him and cry when he gets executed. They just portray the characters as being soo likeable, aside from Billy the Kid, so it makes it soo terrible at the ending.

I literally cry from about twenty minutes before Jon's execution, to like, ten minutes after the film is done. I was watching it one time, and my mom walked in and was like holy frickin' crap what the Hell is wrong with you? Your cheeks are pure black! (From the makeup running)
^ That's the cleverness of it though, to make you feel for criminals.

And I must say, I've never had the makeup problem when crying :wink:
^ Yeah, you really do, like, even Arlen Bitterbuck's execution makes me sad, but the whole story with Mr. Jingles and Del, and obviously Jon's execution are just terrible! I wanna watch it now but it's soo long and I'd probably fall asleep anyway.
Haha I might, but you know, homework and all that. I might put it on just to fall asleep to, but once it gets to like, Del's execution sometimes I just shut it off because it makes me stressed out :p .
peep said:
X Men Origins: Wolverine

Umm, was good I suppose. I know some peeps on here will love it due to Jackman running around naked for about 5 minutes but there is so much more to it than that. My two biggest questions I raise from this film though is 1) Liev Schriber makes for a <img> amazing Sabretooth, makes you look at the first film and go WTF were you thinking Singer?! 2) WANT MORE DEADPOOL & GAMBIT! (yeah I know thats a demand and not a question) Gambit felt so wasted in this film, I wait years for them to include him on the big screen and then hardly use him, wtf. Deadpool = win on so many levels.

Verdict? Good but is definitely not as good as X Men 1 & 2. If this rumour of a Magneto Origins film is true I cannot wait.
I watched it last night, surprisingly (after some of the reviews I read) I really liked it!

I think the director's found a really good way of realising comic-book action on-screen, not easy with so many adaptions already out there. Jackman is great, as is Schreiber and Huston as the villain.

Yes the dialogue is rather cheesy at times but it quite often fits. Unlike some reviews I thought the FX were pretty good, the action was great and the film was full of incident for a change. Some nice nods to other iconic characters too (e.g. Superman and Watchmen).

It's not perfect, it could do with slightly more pacing and a few less character twists, but it's much better than I expected. I'm not worried about the lack of depth for the likes of Gambit and Deadpool, the clue's in the title :p. I much prefer it to X3, more than X1 too, but X2 still wins. 8/10
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Ollie, triple posting is bad.

Not as bad as mini-modding, or using the word "like" in any other context than "I enjoy" or "is similar to" :p

Not sure if I want to see Wolverine now... I'd got bored of the X-Men franchise, but if it's good... Maybe...