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Gods and Generals

This is an American Civil War movie about the Battles of Chancellorsville and Fredricksburg and some of the legendary men who participated. The acting was quite good, although I thought some characters were rather soft for the men they were portraying. Robert E. Lee, Confederate commander, could and should have been played by a better man.

Overall though, a real good movie, and I am happy to say I get to write a 8 page paper over the movie. Yay!

Just watched Nightwatch on DVD.

Its so different, very good, special effects are immense. The story can be hard to keep up with at times (Taylor, I believe you should stay clear of this one :p). I'm glad I'm able to watch it with subtitles (its Russian if you didn't know) on DVD, the dubbing at the cinema pissed me off. The acting is really good and the twist about two thirds in is excellent.

Rating: 4/5
Watched Repo Man in college today. It was actually pretty good. The cast gave a solid performance and there were some pretty funny bits.
But then it did an Idiana Jones and stuck Aliens and UFO's (sorry I mean Time Machines) in it. :)
It's deffinetely worth a watch.
I presume Furie has seen this?

Anyway 8/10
OK, I just watched The Orphanage...

Now, up until the last, say, 15 minutes, I LOVED it! Adored it! I was scared, I was moved, I was jumping, it was great.

... then the ending. It just sort of... fizzled out. I was left a bit just thinking "... huh?!?!", and it was just... I dunno, smacked of trying to be a big "think about the ending", which got a little lost on the way.

And it's SO much like The Others, lol! The parallels are scary, even down to the Latino influences the directors share.

... The Others was a lot better though, cause that ends really well, it doesn't fizzle out in a "I WANT CRITICS TO LOVE ME!" way...

Though the first 90 minutes were excellent.
Ollie said:
Watched Repo Man in college today. It was actually pretty good. The cast gave a solid performance and there were some pretty funny bits.
But then it did an Idiana Jones and stuck Aliens and UFO's (sorry I mean Time Machines) in it. :)
It's deffinetely worth a watch.
I presume Furie has seen this?

Anyway 8/10

Alex Cox? Yep, seen it :lol:

I agree, it was great, but then just went a little bit fruit-loop towards the end.

It's been over 20 years since I saw it though...

Alex Cox used to present a Sunday evening film show on BBC 2 called "Moviedrome". He'd hand pick a series' of films he loved, then give a quick summary of why it's so superb, then put the film on. Repo Man was one he chose.

Essentially, if Moviedrome showed it, I watched it, and it's well worth watching now:

Some have aged terribly actually over the years, but everyone has to love the Original Invasion of the Body Snatchers :)
I found Bond to be awful. ah well you love it or hate it. I hate it, but know many people who love it.

Don't think they will ever beat Casino Royale, and won't be another one till 2012-50th anniversary of Dr. No.
I saw The Ring last night.

It's actually pretty scary. Even at the start. I mean really scary for a 15. I loved the way that if you'd seen the tape, your face would blur on pictures and on CCTV. The CCTV scene was actually quite creepy, especially when his face was the only one blurred.

Overall, I just loved the concept and everything that happened.

Just brilliant.

^I've still not seen the end of that film.
I watched most of it and then had to go downstairs for lunch. I then felt really hot and vomited for some reason (which I pretend was related to the film). :p And Because I had borrowed it from a friend had to give it back the next day not knowing how it ended. :p
... then the ending. It just sort of... fizzled out. I was left a bit just thinking "... huh?!?!", and it was just... I dunno, smacked of trying to be a big "think about the ending", which got a little lost on the way.

I thought the Orphanage was great, and I thought that the ending was great as well. Wasn't it just that her kid died, she imagined him coming back to life, but soon realized it was fake, and then killed herself? I dunno, but that's what I got from it.
^ Ah well, it's not like movies haven't been spoiled for me on here before, so why can't I do a bit of spoilage every now and again? :p

And wait, let's guess.. You were planning on renting the Orphanage tonight :p .
LiveForTheLaunch said:
... then the ending. It just sort of... fizzled out. I was left a bit just thinking "... huh?!?!", and it was just... I dunno, smacked of trying to be a big "think about the ending", which got a little lost on the way.

I thought the Orphanage was great, and I thought that the ending was great as well. Wasn't it just that her kid died, she imagined him coming back to life, but soon realized it was fake, and then killed herself? I dunno, but that's what I got from it.

Well, yeah, and I got that, lol, but... the way it was done with her imagining things and all that felt like they were trying to make everyone think about it, when you should just... think about it on your own, like you do at the end of Pan's Labyrinth. It felt forced, in other words.

As I say, the 90 minutes up until that were excellent, and one of the best 'horror' (I have a problem calling it that...) films I've seen. Dunno what it is with those crazy Spanish-speakers and their amazing horror films... I say Spanish-speakers so I can include The Others :p. Actually, counting The Others, Rec and now this... well, there would be my three best horror films (if we count Alien as a Sci-Fi and ignore Halloween!)
^ Ah, yeah, I guess I see what you are saying.

Anyways, I watched Surveillance today, which I have never heard of in my entire life, but was on a random CD that my dad borrowed from my aunt. The actual movie was extremely strange; it started off very slow, but got you thinking, and man are the characters ever screwed in the head! Overall, nothing amazing, but it was different from your conventional horror/action movie.

The Day The Earth Stood Still

I heard bad things, but those were mostly people comparing it to the previous version. As a stand alone movie, it was pretty decent, but not blow me away.

^ As a comparison. Yesterday I saw the 1950's version of The Day The Earth Stood Still

I just have to say that I really enjoys watching early B&W sci-fi movies, they are just so much fun, and I spent most of the movie laughing my ass of :)
Havn't seen the new one so I can't really compare the two, but I guess that the original version is much more fun.
I just have to say one thing:

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto.
^Agreed. I liked the old one, thought it was cool.. but the update was better imo.. and that doesn't happen often. But the old one was classic.
I watched Max Payne last night, not really knowing what to expect seeing as i've never played the game or anything, and it quite surprised me!

I think the combination of computer game to film translation and Mark Wahlberg just forced me to expect something run-of-the-mill, but despite a possibly slightly slow start, it did pick up, and then about 3/4 through, just went mental and picked up the pace hugely, upped the visuals massively (all obviously necessary to the plot) and really made itself clear that it had roots in a computer game.

I did find it a bit odd at times, but i've no knowledge of the story prior to watching, but it really wasn't that bad!


Also saw full trailers for both The Spirit and Watchmen. Both look beautiful (especially The Spirit) and epic!
Saw Inkheart at the cinema yesterday.

I wasn't expecting much as Brendan Fraser has gone way down hill in the last few years. I hadn't heard rave reviews or anything amazing. Overall though I enjoyed it, nothing spectacular but still decent enough for a re-watch on DVD or blu-ray. The performances from all the actors were good (especially the kid). I suppose my main beef with this film is that it lacks magic, it just seems a bit dead, like the film was experiencing a hangover so it lacked an extra layer of goodness. Another problem I had was the blatant use of blue screen, probably the best example in years of how not to do it, gah, even I could do a better job than the guys that worked on it. I did like the story though and imo is better than (what I expect to be) cripe film Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler, why can't he just go away?

I suppose in a way it felt more like a TV production than a big blockbuster, hmm.

Rating: 2.5/5
loefet said:
^ As a comparison. Yesterday I saw the 1950's version of The Day The Earth Stood Still

I just have to say that I really enjoys watching early B&W sci-fi movies, they are just so much fun, and I spent most of the movie laughing my ass of :)
Havn't seen the new one so I can't really compare the two, but I guess that the original version is much more fun.
I just have to say one thing:

Gort, Klaatu barada nikto.

Best post I've read for weeks :)

I love the original, and may have started rambling that while drunk at the weekend :lol:
^ He he

Watched another Sci-Fi classic yesterday, well I wouldn't really call it classic since it would fit the "Worlds worst movie" list without a doubt.

It's called: Rymdinvasion i Lappland or: Terror In The Midnight Sun for you English speaking people.
It's a joint Swedish - American B&W film that was made in 1959.
Bit's of the movie is actually in Swedish/Sami, and the rest of it is in really bad English with a Swedish accent :) (Ok, so there is 2 Americans in it but they don't really count)
The plot of the movie is that there is a mysterious crash in the northern part of Sweden and that there have been some strange stuff happening after it. So a team of scientists are sent up to investigate...

Then follows a story with snow, monsters, aliens with psychic powers, angry mobs, did I mention snow, random screaming, etc. just like all other "Good" movies from that time :--D

Mot a film I would recommend to anyone but a fun way to spend 1:10 though...

Next up is another classic...