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Smelly said:
Error said:
(known as foreshadowing)

LOL!! Thank you for the lesson! I've learned a new word! LOL!

Dirty, ditry man :p

Smelly has something though. Personally, I thought the Dark Knight was going to be average at best (having not enjoyed the first very much at all), and was still pretty cautious when the ZOMGIT'SAMAZING reviews gushed all over it.

It was far too fun to watch to be a bad movie though, like the Prestige (which I also very much enjoyed). So, for me, I couldn't not like it. A lot.

CP6 said:
For one thing, it was too long.. by the end I found myself looking at my watch wondering how much longer it would be.

Oddly enough, I thought it was fine. Really, though perhaps this may say something about my patience, I was glued to the screen for the entire film.

In other words: it's a matter of opinion?
Ploddish said:
In other words: it's a matter of opinion?

Hit the nail on the head there.

Some peeps hate it most peeps love it, you are going to have this sort of split of opinion on EVERYTHING.

With the Dark Knight though I'm a fan, I mean I did see it three times at the cinema, I just loved it. Like Ploddish I was also kept entertained throughout, wasn't bored at any time (even on the repeat screenings).
It irritates me that people thought that Ratatouille† *had* to be funny because it was Pixar and a family movie. Le sigh.

I didn't think Ratatouille was a funny movie by any means. Yeah, of course it had funny parts in it, but it was more a heartwarming and cute story more than anything.

And for whoever it talking about the Japanese anime crap, well, it's crap.
Ploddish said:
...it just grates that no one else thought that maybe adults would like to watch something that has to include slapstick in order to keep the small ones interested.
There is some adult CG out there - Renaissance and Waltzing with Bashir come to mind.

No-one's making you watch Madagascar 2: Recycled Poo ^_^.

As for Dark Knight, it's by no means perfect, but it's of a much higher quality than most of the studio rubbish that gets released, particularly for a "blockbuster". I was highly impressed.

Oh, and the current rumours of Eddie Murphy as The Riddler and Rachel Weisz as Catwoman (with Shia LaBeouf in there somewhere) are total bull. They've not even got Nolan on board yet to direct, never mind write a script.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And for whoever it talking about the Japanese anime crap, well, it's crap.

And the stuff that Hollywood produce is top notch then...

You clearly have missed out on a lot to say the least. For instance, anything by Hayao Miyazaki pawns all movies that Disney have produced in recent years. There is just so many quality shows/movies that are to be discovered over there.
So the problem is that all the good stuff is still in Japan.
loefet said:
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And for whoever it talking about the Japanese anime crap, well, it's crap.

And the stuff that Hollywood produce is top notch then...

You clearly have missed out on a lot to say the least. For instance, anything by Hayao Miyazaki pawns all movies that Disney have produced in recent years. There is just so many quality shows/movies that are to be discovered over there.
So the problem is that all the good stuff is still in Japan.

Loefet is smart

Taylor is not.

<3 Hayao Miyazaki. Spirited Away and Laputa: Castle In the Sky are amazing.

I want to see Howl's Moving Castle and **** it... The rest of his movies.
I want to see 'Bolt'. But it doesn't come out in UK cinemas until 6th February. :(

I also liked the look of 'Bedtime Stories' but haven't heard good reviews about it. Inkheart sounds really similar to it as well though.
I don't know what to see next in the cinema. :(

Also was browsing IMDB today and found out that the guy who plays Nathan Patrelli in Heroes was in a film ages back called 'Like a woman' where he plays a transvestite. So might hunt it out to have a look as It'll be weird to see him as that sort of character rather than the leader in Heroes. :p
kimahri said:
loefet said:
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And for whoever it talking about the Japanese anime crap, well, it's crap.

And the stuff that Hollywood produce is top notch then...

You clearly have missed out on a lot to say the least. For instance, anything by Hayao Miyazaki pawns all movies that Disney have produced in recent years. There is just so many quality shows/movies that are to be discovered over there.
So the problem is that all the good stuff is still in Japan.

Loefet is smart

Taylor is not.

<3 Hayao Miyazaki. Spirited Away and Laputa: Castle In the Sky are amazing.

I want to see Howl's Moving Castle and <img> it... The rest of his movies.

You are both wrong.. and Anime is ****.
^The Anime series things like Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto and stuff are. They are too hard to get into

Hayao Miyazaki however. Is win
You can't call me dumb for saying I don't like anime. I hate the animation and from what I have seen, the stories are kind of crap and repetitive. The only anime I ever liked was Sailor Moon when I was like, five.
^Tay if you like Disney style movies I recommend you watch My Neighbour Totoro, a Ghibli film which is classed as anime, it's got Japanese directors and stuff, but yh, it's really really good. As is Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away. They were released in English dub too so you don't have to read English subtitles. Some of the most amazing animation out there I garuntee. It's nothing like Sailor Moon and stuff, much more Disney style.

And whoever said they want to see Bolt needs a smack in the head or something, seriously, a film with Miley Cyrus AND John Travolta is bound to be epic EPIC fail.
*whacks head on metal table*

Peeps don't seem to like to read posts do they? Why get into a battle of opinions, you're ALL wrong, both anime and Western animation is amazing, both in their own unique ways. Leave it alone!

Disney films are amazing (well, most are anyways), they tell great stories and have always been top of their game in animation. Anime etc is a completely different thing, more diverse if you like. Miyazaki is ace, no doubt about it, his movies were introduced to the Western World because of the Walt Disney Company too, so there.

Re Batman rumours, LOL. I was reading an article on Totalfilm.com today where they put the main ones together for a laugh, its ace. Eddie Murphy as the riddler, best joke this year.

Fans are also putting together their own campaign to get Dark Knight Oscars, I'll grab a link for ya laters. Some really cool media is coming out from it.
kimahri said:
^The Anime series things like Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto and stuff are. They are too hard to get into

Hayao Miyazaki however. Is win

Actually, I rather enjoyed FMA. Of course, I was generalizing with my post.. as most of you do.. as there are like 1... or maybe 2 that are ever interesting enough to keep any sort of attention without venturing into complete annoyance.

But.. mostly ****. :p

So I'll talk about The Thing. It was on television the other night so I watched it for the first time.

I liked. I thought the effects were good... but the whole brash "HERE'S THE MONSTER. BE SCARED" approach doesn't work for me as well as the subtler "you can't see the thing that just killed him" of Alien.

Still, it was good at paranoia, and all this, which was good. Oh, and the whole defibrillator thing made me jump a mile and a half.

Benin = fail.

Anyway. I've seen another film tonight.

Just like a Woman:

Came across this movie while searching IMDB. I was looking up the TV show Heroes and saw the list of movies that Adrian Pasdar had been in. I couldn't believe it when I found out that he'd done a movie in drag. And thought it would be interesting to see as I'm used to see him on screen as a high up man (senator in Heroes).
The movie was pretty good. It had some good humour and Adrian was pretty convincing in his role. I didn't understand the scene at the end much. Overall it's a decent watch. Not sure if most people would like it but I did purely because of knowing Adrian in other program/films and this was a weird change of tone for him.

Gerald is a yuppie-like transvestite in his thirties. His wife arrives home earlier than expected and discovers female attire spread over their apartment. Not knowing anything about his habit, she mis...( read more read more... )interprets this and throws him (and the attire) out of their home and marriage. He rents a room in Monica's house, recently divorced and around 50. Their relation- ship evolves from landlady/tenant over friends to lovers. Monica learns about, begins to understand and finally appreciates and supports Gerald- ine, Gerald's alter ego. His transvestitism, a rarely filmed subject, it's ups and downs, is treated with a lot of respect, warmth and humour.