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^But you said you didn't understand it though Taylor. Which is probably why you didn't enjoy it to it's full. :)
^Yeah, Rec and Shaun of the Dead are the only two zombie films worth seeing.

Speaks a lot I think for how wonderful Spanish cinema is that they can take a crappy genre and make it work. Plus, a street seen in the movie... totally been there, lol.

Oh, on the subject of Spanish cinema last week I watched Pan's Labyrinth, and I don't think I posted...? Anyway, there was less 'Labyrinth' then I expected, and more 'Movie about Franco', BUT, I loved it. Absolutely amazing. All it needed was for the woman to do a Joker impression when she... does that Joker-esque thing....
What about "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies"?

1964 classic that Jer showed me through MST3K.
Oh, on the subject of Spanish cinema last week I watched Pan's Labyrinth, and I don't think I posted...? Anyway, there was less 'Labyrinth' then I expected, and more 'Movie about Franco', BUT, I loved it. Absolutely amazing. All it needed was for the woman to do a Joker impression when she... does that Joker-esque thing....

Ah, Pan's Labyrinth is frickin' awesome, and it's definitely in my top ten films, but like you, I had the misconception that there would be a lot of labyrinth-y type things, but she's only in there for like, three point five seconds. Really though, I was thinking it'd be like a knockoff of Jim Henson's Labyrinth, but little did I know it'd be like, a war / dark fantasy film with a lot of gore, haha.
Best thing about Pan's Labyrinth? The couple in Asda arguing when they took it back.

"It's not in English! How the **** can you get a way with selling DVD's in THIS country which aren't even in English. It's a ****ing disgrace! I bought it for me mum because everyone said how good it was. 'Ere, mate - don't buy any DVD's from this place - they don't sell the English versions!"

:lol: Chav twat!

Watched it again last weekend actually with Madame_Furie (we recorded it 12 months back, but she never got around to watching it, but I kept it on the V+ box for when she would). She really enjoyed it too, but it lost it's impact on a second watching. Still a great film though.

I've watched two this week!

Ratatouille - I saw this on the plane to the Canaries earlier in the year and just didn't like it. Watching it on the plane though isn't the best experience, so I gave it another go. Rented it on blu-Ray to get the best from it, and sat and watched it with the Minor_Furies. Still, none of us were impressed. Technically it's a great film. It's really, really, really, seriously beautiful to watch. However, it's not re-watchable. The story is too straightforward, and the characters just a little too bland. None of those great Pixar 'giggle' moments. It's very similar in the way it's presented to me like Cars is. It's just a little too formulaic.

Not a poor film, but not as great as the other Pixar films. I use the maxi-minor_furie factor to rate kids films. If he wants to watch them again and again - then they have succeeded to a degree. If I stay with him to watch them time and again - then they're a hit. Both Cars and Ratatouille fail as neither of us wanted to watch them again.

Last night I watched Starship Troopers III: Marauder with Minor_Furie. We're both big fans of Starship Troopers, and Starship Troopers II wasn't bad - in a very similar to Robot Jox 2 way (If you've never seen Robot Jox - go and watch it NOW).

Erm, anyway. ST III:M is awful, just avoid it. It tried to get the level of cheese, violence and entertainment the original had - and failed miserably.

Another measurement I use is the Minor_Furie scale. If he loves it, chances are it's awful due to the fact he's 12. He loved it. It's awful. :)
*cough* Zombie movies are amazing and extremely fun to watch, especially looking at the make up and things, brilliant. Going back to REC, not only is the make-up amazing but the film is terrifying. I want to see Quarantine just to compare though.

So, I saw this film Choke last night and it really wasn't at all what I expected. The cinema's description of it made it seem like it was a messed up sex movie, so I went to see it =] The further on the film got the more it was revealed to not be a sex movie and more of a twisted drama. Really interesting and made me think a lot. The other couple in the screen with us walked out, it was obviously too complex for their chavvy minds =]
Ollie said:
Excuse me. But Quarantine is an awful American remake of one of THE best horror films ever made. The original Spanish film REC is a million times better. Everyone that's seen it will agree with me.
The Americans copied it scene by scene except in English and with worse acting.

Please. If you thought Quarantine was good. Then watch the original one REC.
You'll see the difference in quality. :)

Wow. Seriously?

Guess I'm getting that off amazon STRAIGHT away. The only other horror Spanish film I've seen is The Orphanage, and I really enjoyed that. A tad bit of research tells me that that's coincidence though, and they're not related.

Still, ordering time!
furie said:
Ratatouille - I saw this on the plane to the Canaries earlier in the year and just didn't like it. Watching it on the plane though isn't the best experience, so I gave it another go. Rented it on blu-Ray to get the best from it, and sat and watched it with the Minor_Furies. Still, none of us were impressed. Technically it's a great film. It's really, really, really, seriously beautiful to watch. However, it's not re-watchable. The story is too straightforward, and the characters just a little too bland. None of those great Pixar 'giggle' moments. It's very similar in the way it's presented to me like Cars is. It's just a little too formulaic.

Hmm, I'll disagree with you now as I did when it came out.

I can see where you're coming from completely, it IS too formulaic, thinking retrospectively. But, I don't know... it just doesn't feel so to me. There's some weird inner four year old that goes all wide eyed inside me everytime it's put on. I really could watch and rewatch.

It was a film in desperate need of a month or two more scripting, shame that Bird didn't get any time (considering he rewrote the entire film in a year, and then finished the whole thing two years after that, I think he did a pretty good job). Otherwise I think it would've been everyone else's favourite Pixar (until Wall·E came out, that is), instead of just mine :p

You're completely right about Cars though. Far too formulaic for it's own good.

On second thought, I think it might've been my undying love for Michael Giacchino. That might've biased my opinion slightly.

Also, Pan's Labyrinth is made of win. QED.
The Departed
Wow, blew away my expectations. The first part is a little slow, but after that it never stops! Exciting yet thoughtful. The ending completely caught me off guard! 10/10 Amazing film.

kimahri said:
I too LOVED Ratatouille. Not as a lol-fest Disney film, but on a more 'mature' level, if you like. I thought it was just simply one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen, it was heart-warming and it was brilliant.

Cars, on the other hand, was the worst thing Pixar have ever done.
Pans Labyrinth is a good film but it's boring to watch after you've seen it twice.

Yeah, I might have to agree with you and Furie about it losing its impact, but I think that could be due to the fact that like, when those people got their faces smashed in I was like OMFG because I thought it was like, a kiddie film at first. The second time you know what will happen, but I still bought it and it's on my "favourites" section of my movie shelf, so that says something!

As for Ratatouille and Cars; I agree with Ben that Rata was heartwarming, but it was just above average in terms of Pixar's. Monsters Inc and Nemo blow it away for sure, and as for Cars, well, I like to not even think of that as a Pixar because it was just kinda terrible. Not like, a terrible film for kids, but it was just kinda boring and not that funny.
Don't Mess with the Zohan

Well.. it had laughs.. plenty of them.. but the plot was thinner then Taylors posting ability.

I thought I was not going to like Ratatouille but I loved it. Great film that made me laugh and smile.

I wish they would built a rapid ride based on it :)
Quantum of shodyness, sorry Solace was awfull. It was everything a Bond film isn't. It would have been Ok if it was not a Bond film. Poor, stupid plot, action scenes are not that good, he leaves the man to live at the end, he leaves Green to kill himself, no sex scene, despite having one of the best Bond Girls ever in that Ukrainian bird, the only thing close to a sex scene is kissing the other girls back, MI6 is in a high rise flat, no gadgets for Bond, OTT MI6 interface thing, rip off of past films, sequel, they need to make another sequel to fill in loose ends-Mr White, Quantums members in MI6, worst song and credit scene ever, gun barrel seuence was at the end and rushed, too short, I could go on...
Do you really want me to go on...
Craig saves the film from being a complete disaster
How in the same year as The Dark Night can this come out, especially after Casino Royale being the best ever Bond film-Best Bond Girl, best Bond performance, best song, credits and gun barrel sequence, again I could go on...

Best film I've seen this year is Batman, but would everyone stop going on about Ledger! He was amazing as The Joker, but shut up about him, and realise how good Christian Bale was. He is definetely my favourite actor at the moment, even beats Daniel Craig. Everything about TDK was superb. Action scenes perfect, acting perfect, right blend betwwen action and plot, great plot, the emotion and feeling of the charecters superb and amazing soundtrack. I could go on...
The thinking mans action film.
On topic of action films, Aliens (the second Alien film) is just about the most exciting film ever! Superb in every way, providing you watch the extended version, which explains the attachment to Newt, and the Aliens look amazing, so why does AVP and AVP2 use computer ones that look rubbish. Alien 3 was awfull, and dont get me started on Resurection. That was painful to watch. Then AVP comes along and redefined awful films. AVP2 has killed it off completely, how after Alien 1 and 2 can they make AVP so bad? Well done, what a way to kill of such a promising series. Never will Alien 2 be beaten, only the fight at the end ruins it really, but Cindy Crawford's got a mole, you know.
^Don't get me started on the Alien films. :p
I found the first one absolutely balls. It was predictable, the acting was crap and the film as a whole is hyped up way more than it deserves.
On the other hand I enjoyed AVP as I was expecting it to be crap. It was but I found it better than Alien.
I found the AVP films, especialy 2, to have some of the worst acting I have ever seen. The aliens and Preds look awfull, the plot is hopeless, has nothing to do with the continuality of the originals aprt from at the end the predator weapon is shown to Yutani and how the hell do you nuke a town and expect nobody to know about it. Surely people would be suspicious about the sudden destruction of a town, and would a country nuke itself?
where do all the aliens come from? they just apear with out a queen, in the first one they hatch too quick. 2 is shot too dark so you cant see, and you know a films bad when you spend 1 1/2 hours deciding whether the alien is a pred, an alien or the hybrid.
The films were everything the originals wern't. At the end of 4 extended version, Earth is revealed to be destroyed. So either they will forget about it, another AVP will be made set between Alien 2 and 4, or another Alien will be made. Hopefully theyle forget becaause Alien 4 was awful-the Aliens kill themselves, the Newborn is sick and Ripley is a clone and just not Ripley. Hopefully the will leave alone the 3 series or start fresh or remake Alien 3 and 4.
Also, I heard that they wanted to make a 5th one, but FOX or whoever said no they want to keep making AVP films, and that there would be a 3rd one out soon.
Please no, they already have ruined two of the best, most iconic sci-fi/action/horror series and monsters. No more.
Cant beat Aliens, sorry that you don't like Alien, but Aliens is in a different league of good.
Resident Evil Degeneration:
Really good film. The CGI is fantastic and you keep forgetting that they're not real actors. The story follows on from the games after Resident Evil 4 so if you haven't played them or don't understand the story of them this the plot of this film may confuse you.
The pacing is good and the characters are believable and it's definitely worth a watch.

I don't like the idea of a grown up action film in CGI, but if its good, then it shouldnt matter too much

Looking forward to the new Terminator. Christian Bale is playing John Connor, and is set in the war after Judgement Day, so should be good