Best thing about Pan's Labyrinth? The couple in Asda arguing when they took it back.
"It's not in English! How the **** can you get a way with selling DVD's in THIS country which aren't even in English. It's a ****ing disgrace! I bought it for me mum because everyone said how good it was. 'Ere, mate - don't buy any DVD's from this place - they don't sell the English versions!"
:lol: Chav twat!
Watched it again last weekend actually with Madame_Furie (we recorded it 12 months back, but she never got around to watching it, but I kept it on the V+ box for when she would). She really enjoyed it too, but it lost it's impact on a second watching. Still a great film though.
I've watched two this week!
Ratatouille - I saw this on the plane to the Canaries earlier in the year and just didn't like it. Watching it on the plane though isn't the best experience, so I gave it another go. Rented it on blu-Ray to get the best from it, and sat and watched it with the Minor_Furies. Still, none of us were impressed. Technically it's a great film. It's really, really, really, seriously beautiful to watch. However, it's not re-watchable. The story is too straightforward, and the characters just a little too bland. None of those great Pixar 'giggle' moments. It's very similar in the way it's presented to me like Cars is. It's just a little too formulaic.
Not a poor film, but not as great as the other Pixar films. I use the maxi-minor_furie factor to rate kids films. If he wants to watch them again and again - then they have succeeded to a degree. If
I stay with him to watch them time and again - then they're a hit. Both Cars and Ratatouille fail as neither of us wanted to watch them again.
Last night I watched
Starship Troopers III: Marauder with Minor_Furie. We're both big fans of Starship Troopers, and Starship Troopers II wasn't bad - in a very similar to Robot Jox 2 way (If you've never seen Robot Jox - go and watch it NOW).
Erm, anyway. ST III:M is awful, just avoid it. It tried to get the level of cheese, violence and entertainment the original had - and failed miserably.
Another measurement I use is the Minor_Furie scale. If he loves it, chances are it's awful due to the fact he's 12. He loved it. It's awful.