I watched
The Mist last night, and actually really enjoyed myself.
It wasn't anything stunning, by far, but I guess I'm a sucker for human drama. Especially ones where our flaws leak throughout the movie, causing panic and/or confusion. Oh, and ones with bigass monsters, too
Pretty well shot, actually, and it showed during (without the aid of almost any music at all (a feat in itself) - and the stuff that was used was low ambience at best) tense scenes, using near silence to its full advantage. The monsters, while occasionally looking a tad too fake (only at the beginning), were astounding considering the budget. Looking it up on Wiki - $18million. $18million! For the WHOLE FILM.
The acting was actually above par across the board. And a child actor that can act! My hat goes off to Marcia Gay Harden, as the religious nut. Playing religious fundamentals must be a right laugh, because she made it seem easy.
The ending was probably one of the only proper ways of ending the film too, leaving a poignant and unsettling feeling. I would've really REALLY hated to watch a cheerful yay-we-miraculously-survived ending that plagues these films. So hooray to Darabont for making the right decision. It wasn't done in a cheap way either, if anything, about as anti-Hollywood as Hollywood gets these days.
So, overall, tense monster filled human drama that never lets out (other than for maybe the luvvy dovey bit in the middle

), and fun to watch. 7.5/10
Shorter review of
After having read originally the ones that totally hyped it up, then the ones that completely dissed it in every respect, I watched it with what I hope was a neutral stance, and actually enjoyed myself.
Again, nothing life changing or Oscar worthy, but fun to watch and definitely an experience. It even did a good job of sucking me in. Never once breaking the illusion that I wasn't there (other than the glitching stuff, which was fresh for me, and worked well.) The acting wasn't that bad, other than Hud, who I could see they were desperately trying to make seem funny, but just seemed like that irritating guy who hangs around with you. No laughs from him, at all.
The CG itself was actually very good all around, especially the bridge scene.
The story sort of worked, but it did seem like a cheap jab at conspiracy theories and all that 9/11 stuff. Could've been done more... tastefully, I suppose.
All in all, not as bad as the bad reviews said, but not as good as the good reviews said. Interesting, but could be done better. 7/10
Okay, maybe that wasn't that much shorter...