Martyn B said:but it is now time they were retired with a memorial at the entrance a la Corkscrew at Alton Towers.
Slighty different circumstances really. Corky became iconic around the Country, and made Alton what it is today. LVW's Go-Karts have just kept going for 20 odd years.
Firstly, I do NOT run CoasterForce and the views of any singular individual on here does NOT represent the views of the whole group, or the management. It is RIDICULOUS to refer to me as "you guys".Mackem Lad said:Joey said:I don't understand why rethemeing the rat was a "step in the right direction". It was a waste of money for a park, in my opinion. What does it achieve?
Gives the park one of the most unique and enjoyable ride experiences in the country? The Rat was 22 years old, it needed a change, but the park knew that closing such an iconic and already well themed attraction would be a total waste.
Raptor Attack is quite frankly brilliant; I'd question a budget of £500,000 would get the park anything near as impressive.
Joey said:As for the Go Karts. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but were they not free? Of COURSE they cost a lot to run, because Lightwater Valley was the ONLY park I've ever been to with free Go Karts. They don't have an ounce of sense. But instead they remove them?
Because charging for them goes against what they stand for. Forgive them for not actually wanting to squeeze another £3 out your wallet...
They're a popular attraction but the running costs continue to rise due to fuel duty. Again, I'd question the decision to ask guests to cough up an extra £3 (that's £12 for a family of four, on top of the £66 admission fee) would go down well after they've been enjoying the attraction at no additional cost for over 20 years.
Joey said:the management don't have a clue.
Make sure you let them know that next time you guys ask for ERT.![]()
Oh what bull****. LWV is a BUSINESS and a very poor one at that if it is more concerned with those kind of ethics than making money.Because charging for them goes against what they stand for. Forgive them for not actually wanting to squeeze another £3 out your wallet...
Mackem Lad said:As for "you guys", it just seems everytime LWV related news is posted up, it is met with the usual negative and hostile reaction. For a park that is good to you guys, you give it so much stick.
Mackem Lad said:it just seems everytime LWV related news is posted up, it is met with the usual negative and hostile reaction. For a park that is good to you guys, you give it so much stick.
marc said:caffeine_demon said:Surprisingly I quite enjoyed the one at fort fun - didn't find it too rough..
Yes we know you have told us 4 times now![]()
slappy mcguire said:The park is changing, and while it is there, I'd suggest that those who value their opinion on this site should really fill in the survey that the park has on it's facebook page.