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GF 666: Curse of the Omen - Trip Reports!

Does anyone know a good video hosting thing? (Not facebook, although it will go up on there eventually). I found a video from t'lodge that needs to be seen. :D
Hmmm. Time for my two pieces I feel. Although they will probably amount to considerably more than that... :roll:

Monday 26th October 2009 was a Monday. In October. During the year 2009. On this day I went to a park called Thorpe.

Apparently there were non-enthusiastic enthusiasts there, so I thought it best to join them.

Storage Times were had in Volvo of Uber Torque. Approve of this vehicle: Neal does.

We joined up with 3 gays, Spicy and a Bell at the entrance, immediately my hat and stick were stolen. Showtunes - They're for Ben :lol:

Hungry Times: I was not experiencing them. Big Bald Boss Man was not so lucky. He therefore disappeared with the gays.

This left Spicy Leighton Times. Spicy then got himself a seal of approval with many many Ferrari pictures. WANT! :p

Vortexoffunwashadatthispoint. Excellent seat choice led to being at the top for EVERY meaningful swing. More rides than March Live - I had already had them.

Meetup then took place. Monopoly times impressed people, shoulders were immediately slept on by Brad.

Silly Martyn is Silly. So he was clobbered atop the head with my stick. He fell to the floor. It was amusing. Marc found this to be the case most certainly.

NotquiteNemesisbutitwilldo was first. Seeming to do the trick - Advanced booking only entry was doing this.

Other rides that had been ridden to death were had. As well as operatorofblackpersonshairbutisquiteclearlywhiteanddoesnotknowwhatheistalkingabout happening. Detonator, most forceful in the UK? I am inclined to disagree with this quite frankly outrageous statement of fiction.

The rest of Thorpe day proceeded to be win. Especially laughing at Merlin's PCness when the "disabled" queue was longer than the "abled" queue for Slammer.

UpsidedownRAHgame is amusing. As is shouting at Jonathon Ross impersonating members of the general public. "THAT IS THE WRONG CONSONANT! PLAY THE GAME PROPERLY OR NOT AT ALL!"

After that, Vadge was beside herself.

Wondering why Thorpe didn't employ a fish for the puppet scene on Saw: The Now Seemingly More Than Occasionally Working Ride, was a fun game. Richard approved of this.

100% Ride Count - It's only for Stone Cold and Neal.

3rd place in the Costume Competition was mine. It is better than Ferrari. Positives - I strive to take them.

Large Orange Retailer times were next. 10litres of Cola was purchased at less than £1 sterling. Approve of this: It's hard not to!

Volvo of Torque - Approve of this, silly man in Ford did not!

It was decided that a cone of shame needed to be acquired. So in a very biblical manner, it was done. "Will does not like the TrafficConeofShame!"

Vodka - It does not approve of Ben

Brother's Festival Strength Cider - Possession of it generates Vadge Love in corridors!


Woman in Black discussion times ended the night. Or so Neal thought.

He was wrong with a capital doubleU.

Couch of Richard & Leighton was swiftly followed by rum theft. Prompting Jordan to quote Mr Depp.

Pugel sticks were stolen from sofa. They made a nice hallway bed. I approved. Leighton did not. Return to room was imminent. 5 o'clock in the morning. We returned to our room. Complex sentences - They're not for everyone.

After 3 hours of sleep, Leighton informed me that there was a bible present in the room.

Naturally. It was time for random passage reading. Resulting in a pleasant tone being set for...

Tuesday 27th October 2009 was a Tuesday. In October. During the year 2009. On this day I went to a world of adventure called Chessington.

Digression - That's enough of it.

"And the daughter of Egypt shall be put to shame. Handed over to the people of the North." [Jeremiah 46:24] OMG! Never before have I laughed so much. Stitch was so large it could have been 626. Beside herself - Jordan was this.

French breakfast was consumed. Furie had American breakfast. I wonder how many countries the Live can claim to have had breakfast from on the Tuesday?

Falling out of Travelodges - A past time taken up by Leighton. The funnier half of this story is in fact how he had recently retrieved the glass he expertly landed on from the Mark/c's. Silly Leighton is Silly.

We arrived (like only an upper class man reaching the peak of excitement can do), at Chessington World of Adventures.

Neal wanted Furie times. But had to settle for Fury times. Meerkats were also seen to. With many stange looks at our group of 9 (no we did not have rings to rule them all [although that is a shame in itself :( ] ); when I proceeded to shout very loudly "Where's the one with the gammy eye. All of the other meerkats are useless, I want THAT one!"

Gates opened. Fury got closer.

FormercastleofCadburywhichisnowfailcastleoffrenchsmartieslackinginEnumbersthereforeM&Msarebetter was also seen on the way.

Merlin then decided to take a rather dumb approach and copied Flamingoland. "Queuelines are for queueing, not the midway!" Amongst other loud noises leaving my mouth.

SW6 discussion took place. This led to the mentioning of Twilight (book of fail if ever I saw one - this is it).

Meyer's silly creations of silly prompted an exorcism by Bram Stoker. Shouting about Meyer "You have taken my perfectly legitimate idea of Vampires and made them SPARKLE!" Beside herself - Jordan once again found herself being this.

Meetup times were had. Death walked towards us. "Hi Alan" was the commonly used phrase here.

What seemed to be a dalmation dressed as death then appeared. It transpired that it was not a dalmation, but a Steven. That's more than enough said of that!

Unfortunately, disappear was something that Goon didn't do for nearly long enough. Just when Big John and I thought we were safe on Shipwreck of Spin. We turned in a very gameshow/blind date revealing type manner to see Steven! Howls of pain and agony were had. I hope there's a video. Gouging out eyes times - that was then!

Someone gave a gun to maxi_minor_furie (hides in corner sheepishly); what followed was a sight to behold. I then found myself with an axe. Trade up times were had for m_m_furie. He then ended up with BOTH!

Following sinkingrideofbubbleworks, inflatable_furie_of_death decided to have his way with furie's camera in the Vampire queue. It still worked. Although inexplicable dust appeared on the lense.

Other rides were had, but atmosphere was not as good as Thorpe and happy times waned.

That is. Until lunchtimeVolvoofPotC happened. This was enough to make Chessington nearly as good as Thorpe. But Six Flags Olde England remained by far the better day. So good was it - that even glowsticks couldn't topple it. If you didn't go, then you are silly.

Afternoon did not have many over exciting times. Except for queueoftomblaster and rideoftombnonblaster. Pissed - this word encompasses the members of the general public on THAT ride. We were offered a re-ride. But for the sake of faff, we decided not to.

Dark times fell. Had fish and chips with the brothers (sorry Nic I doubt they are alcoholic I am sad to report). Spackersnake was ridden. It involved much oohing, aahing and what not.

I was then given a token glowstick by Ian. Charity from other members then increased my count to over 30!

Stick of win was win!

JukeboxFury was a fun game. Even if some of the music was not wanted by Will and myself. However, credit where credit's due. Fluch von Novgorod times were had, this made us smile. Angry shouty Germans in English queue are made of win. As is the ball I constructed with Stone Cold.

That last paragraph reminds me, not once have I mentioned placing responsibility on the Fatherland. I think it's best if I carry on this report not typing I blame the Germans. I think by now, Neal blaming the Germans is implied. So I don't think it's necessary for me to say...


... so I shall not.

Vampireofslowlifthill was followed by Vampireofneardeath. I mean, c'mon Merlin. I know for the majority of the time you are useless and justly slated on here for being so. But at that point we were all happy with you. So enthusiast genocide was not necessary.

Goodbye times were had. Ian's sarcastic mince was quite possibly the single most amusing thing that I didn't think of doing all Live! I approve.

Volvoofubertorque took me to the station. Neal took victory in Nuclear Glowstick War. Ben took me to the stationofpancras. Comfy Train that is Comfy took me to Derby. Legs took me to my flat. Gravity took me to my bed.

The end.
We were on the 1st train of the ERT, I dont see why people are saying we were nearly crashed in to. We waited before the lift hill due to the 2nd train not being on the 1st lift hill yet. As soon as it was about to clear the hill we rolled forward onto the lift and stopped again, when AJ tried to kill us with his bracelet.

For me the Vampire was running as it should when it needs to stack.
Silly Marc is Silly.

Unless there is a very very very well hidden MCBR in that first section. 2 trains were in the same block as each other. This worries me.
Lol what?

Someone explain the Vampire situation? Was it on 3 or 2 trains? Were you on the 2nd lift Marc by BK?

I'm massively confused...
3 trains. I highly doubt in seriousness that crashing was going to happen.

But we were still waiting at the bottom not connected with a moving lift hill. And didn't do so until the train behind was coming down the first drop :lol:
Yes the second vampire train coming increasingly closer behind ours was indeed terrifying.
Funny hearing everyone's laughter of getting stuck turn to nervous laughs as soon as we heard the train behind come of the first lifthill.
We were on the blocks infront of the 2nd lift hill.

We then rolled forward onto the chain and then stopped again on the lift hill. Yes it did seem a long time for us to roll forward but I am sure it was ok and normal.

I really do not think the 2nd train had left the 1st lift hill but I might be wrong.

The problem was due to 3 trains being in the station building at the same time waiting for us.

I was near the back of the 1st train and did not see the 2nd train so god knows. I did not even know people were worried. People infront of us and behind us were singing and laughing so no idea.
Yes we may have been on the blocks in front of the second lift hill.

But the train behind had left the first lift hill.

So unless there are still more blocks behind the ones we were on and after the first lift hill. We were in the same section. :lol:
We stopped in front of the second lifthill and you could see the chain trying to pull up a train that obviously wasn't there. We were all laughing and shouting fail etc until we heard the car behind crest the top of the first lift hill and go into the first half of the ride. This worried us but thankfully the section of track we were on was slightly slanted so we gently rolled forward until we caught onto the lift hill. It sounded like we were seconds away from death though. :lol:
Were you on the 1st or 2nd train of the ERT? The 3rd train was empty.

When we got to the 2nd lift hill I dont even think the chain was moving, it then started up and we slowly rolled into it and it pulled us up.

I did not here the 2nd train at all tbh.
I was on the 2nd row of the first train behind Erol and next to Ollie's older brother Andy ;)

The chain was trying to pull nothing :lol:
Ok so we were behind you and did not see this 2nd train so am even more confussed.

I would love to know how you could see the 2nd train beind us when its so hard to get your heads out the restraints to look behind :)

Does not matter anyway, the trains did not crash and no one round me looked at all worried.
I was on the first train of ERT behind Neal and my brother. And Marc you can hear the sound of the train coming off the lifthill clearly from where we were. Plus not to mention the line of glowsticks going round behind the trees. :p
I'm not sure what happened or why but I was pretty concerned when we weren't moving.
My video is done but I don't want to post it until the next page or it'll get lost at the bottom of this one.
Ollie said:
My video is done but I don't want to post it until the next page or it'll get lost at the bottom of this one.

No doubt you would just post it and then quote it on the next page and the next and the next.
^Lol could do or I could keep plugging my channel in a desperate attempt to boost my views (even though I've already got quite a few). :p