airtime_uk_ash said:
Lofty said:
Yeah, this will not be 'one of the most exciting rides on the planet', just no. If I was Nick, I'd be pushing it to be named 'the UK's most exciting' etc., it's not gonna come close to Helix or Taron in terms of intensity, experience or excitement.
You don't know this for a fact though do you? I'm sure if you loaded a crappy nl2 video of those two almost 18 months before opening it would be the same! You harp on at ati for posting crap yet you yourself have just compared two fully built and operational rollercoasters to a no limits video bravo

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Actually, yes I do.
The speed of the coaster is reputedly 49.7mph into an 88ft airtime hill, I'm gonna use the term 'airtime' loosely as I can absolutely guarantee you'll only receive a slight pop entering and leaving the element - unlike Helix's airtime hills that consist of constant negative G until you transition out of the element.
Helix is so fantastic because of the ground-hugging layout that navigates down the hill, picking up speed in an organic form (minus the two 'boosts'), this mixed with the incredible airtime and really snappy quick transitions. This doesn't have anywhere near the same fluidity with the layout, they're really two completely different coasters.
Taron is so incredible because of the theming and the sheer force, not to mention the second launch (that's nearly 75mph). The second launch on Taron is so so so so powerful and doesn't feel like it's going to stop pushing you, Helix's doesn't have that and neither will this. The reason it works so well is the fact that you slow down ever so slightly before the launch to make it ore impactful and the audio int he area is synched with the train to make you have one last breathing space before kicking in with the second launch. I can absolutely guarantee, this coaster will run like Helix, the second launch is fun, but it doesn't actually feel like a launch - it feels like a slow push to gain momentum again, I can't explain it, it's something you've gotta experience to understand.
So yeah, it'll be great fun but just not on the same level as Helix nor Taron - but it'll still be one of the best coasters in the UK the day it opens.
So, I can 'harp on' all I want, thanks. What he was saying was completely different, he was stating that he had to stop watching a POV to look on a forum at a post? That's completely different from the point I'm trying to make. So let me make a suggestion? Before you try to call a member out on here, and one who actually knows what he's talking about, I suggest that the post actually refers to said said argument in a format that makes sense and isn't just complete rubbish and an obvious misunderstanding like above.