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What parks do you have zero desire to revisit?

I've not been to Knoebels yet, but it looks really cute! The Storybook Land was absolutely dead when I went, so it had no atmosphere. And none of the coasters were open. It was the worst day of the trip by far!
Thou stickest a dagger in me. :confused:

OK, that sounds rotten.
I hated it o_O
You take that back!
Tornado is one of the best contraptions ever made. Shame no othe park has the balls to install another iteration of this model.

As for a park I am in no rush to go back, my vote goes to any of the ****e Sommarlands across Denmark with +1s, Hanayashiki (Tokyo) and honorable mention to Chessington, unless they build something decent.
Ignoring the many, many cred-whoring places with a coaster or two and focusing on more major places, the ones that immediately spring to mind are:

California's Great America
I'm going to have to go back at some point down the line for new stuff, but I HATED every second in this place. Probably the worst operations I've encountered outside China, but without at least having the decency to have decent rides.

Everything about this place, from the approach via an industrial estate to the poor ride selection, was dreadful.

Tobu Zoo
F**k the Mega-lite; everything else about this overpriced s**thole is appalling.

Quancheng Euro Park
An impressive entrance hiding a whole s**tload of mediocrity. Loadsa creds though.
I can definitely see why people would hate that ride, but I adore it. It's just non stop intensity and insanity and it's easily the best spinner I've done.
It's certainly interesting, but the cars with the restraints aren't suited to the turns and it was uncomfortable at times.
Best spinner I've done is probably Time Traveller, but that's a good coaster, not just a ****ty spinner ;)
California's Great America
I'm going to have to go back at some point down the line for new stuff, but I HATED every second in this place. Probably the worst operations I've encountered outside China, but without at least having the decency to have decent rides.

@tomahawk doesn't need this kind of validation
Tobu Zoo
F**k the Mega-lite; everything else about this overpriced s**thole is appalling.

I have to admit this one, too. Tobu Zoo was just BAD. It had a huge woodie, a Mega Lite and the rest were just some fairground rides plonked all over the park. The park definitely seemed a bit run down.
Odd, I quite liked Tobu Zoo actually. Sure, it was overpriced, but it had a certain charm I thought. Maybe I was just happy because I was still in Japan :p

However, I never intend to go back because, I mean, why the hell would I?
Can also had Ferrari Land into here. Red Force is fantastic but there's nothing else there and was packed when I went meaning long queues for everything.
Michigan’s Adventure. Unless they somehow open something huge.

This guy. I hadn't been in a decade and got reminded yesterday why I hadn't been back. Shivering is interesting and not as rough as I remember but it's still not worth a revisit, especially with how far off the beaten path it is.
Michigan’s Adventure. Unless they somehow open something huge.
This guy. I hadn't been in a decade and got reminded yesterday why I hadn't been back. Shivering is interesting and not as rough as I remember but it's still not worth a revisit, especially with how far off the beaten path it is.

Lol yep, I'm adding it to my list too. My last visit prior to yesterday was in 2010 and I noticed that the flying scooters were literally the only thing that changed over that timespan. It doesn't look like any sort of landscaping has been done in years nor has anything received a fresh coat of paint since my last visit. Granted, I say all of this but if they do happen to build a new coaster, it's a three hour drive so I could make a +1 happen real quick.

I'll have a trip report up fairly soon to elaborate on my thoughts.

EDIT: http://forums.coasterforce.com/thre...ns-un-adventure-and-grand-rapids.42375/page-3
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I actually rather enjoyed the Arrow Looper but that park is in some rough shape and unless they're going to open up something huge (which I doubt as I would be shocked if the park even opened next season let alone built a cred) or I have a friend who REALLY wants to go there's just no reason to go back. It's kind of a shame actually, The park owns a TON of land and it's pretty prime real estate new Niagara Falls (like you can see the falls on some of the taller rides) but the old just hasn't built up the place. If someone wanted to buy the park and put a LOT of money into building up the park and moving away from the Animal shows (kind of like what the Sea World parks are doing) I truly believe it could be a huge money maker and a great destination.
La Ronde and Michigan's Adventure are definitely high up on the list, but I'd also say pretty much every Japanese park I went to besides the Disney and Universal parks, as well as Fuji Q and Parque Espana. Himeji is probably the worst offender. I also didn't really like Drayton very much as it's just a bunch of drab or closed rides in a very soulless park.
Bakken - It's really not that bad, the mine train is great, and they have a sky fly and a couple of ghost trains, but I won't go back unless something incredible is built there.
Bakken is kinda weird. Nothing is wrong with it I feel, but they add rides at a sporadic rate and it's kinda out of the way. Like of all the parks near me, if I want something quick there's Tivoli, and with a little bit of extra planning there's Liseberg. Bakken kinda falls in the middle zone between the two where I have no real drive to go there unless they add something cool.
I would personally say that I'd like to revisit every park I've been to as they're all lovely in their own way, but the closest to a park I wouldn't want to revisit is Legoland Windsor. When I went in August 2017, the park was absolutely rammed and I just felt a little out of place among the park's target audience. Areas of Legoland were quite nice and Dragon was actually surprisingly good, but I'd say Legoland is probably my least favourite park I've visited thus far. That's completely relative, though, as I still enjoyed my time there to an extent; it was just hard to enjoy it fully due to the crowds, if you get what I mean. To be fair, a day in the summer probably isn't the best day to judge Legoland on.
To approach this topic I started out by thinking that I would go back to any park I have been to before if they opened a new coaster. The only park that I saw that I probably wouldn't go back to even if they opened a new coaster is Clementon Park in New Jersey. They would seriously have to open something record breaking for me to go back. First and foremost the amount of money I spent to ride Hellcat was insane. I want to say it was about $35 for admission and another $10-15 to park. So after spending a ton of money you get into the park and and Hellcat is god awful and there isn't really that much else to do that you can't do at any other park. So this has to hands down be my number 1.

Other parks I don't plan on going back to unless they opened a new coaster include Playland Park, Great Escape, Luna Park, Legoland Florida and probably about 50 small places with only one or two creds.
Interestingly enough there’s been a few places I’ve disliked but always want to give a second chance however there’s 2 parks I’ll never go back to even if they added amazing new coasters and that’s Bottons and Fantasy Island. Bottons bar the KMG Freakout the place is a dive and I don’t know how it survives it was dead when we went and staff were horrible. Fantasy Island bar Milennium and Beast it was a bad park with iffy staff and godawful clientele you can see they are trying to rejuvenate the park but I don’t have an excuse to go back.
Universal Studios Hollywood: Overpriced, too many simulator rides, I'd rather go to Disney than here.