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Weird, Wacky & Strange Coaster Bits

Ah, the classic game of Cred or No Cred...

These things look sketchy as all get out!

Here's a little gem I found on rcdb - I'm not sure this one ever operated, but still, that airtime hill :p

Shame this was their only coaster really - looks to me like a Chance Hyper GT-X on steroids (and that's saying something), 16 years before Lightning Run!
^ The only one that has been built (at least by rcdb). I find it weird how the only coaster from an American company has been built in Indonesia of all places.
Most of the time, if a coaster company is based in one country, they rarely build in-country. The only few exceptions(that still operate) are RMC, GG, and GCI. B&M and Intamin(as far as I know) never built a coaster in Switzerland.
^ B&M and Intamin aren't a fair comparison, since there isn't a single park in Switzerland that could support one of their coasters... But when it comes to the American companies, most of them have built their rides in USA (or NA in general). The only exceptions are perhaps GG and S&S with their recent projects in Asia.
GuyWithAStick said:
Most of the time, if a coaster company is based in one country, they rarely build in-country. The only few exceptions(that still operate) are RMC, GG, and GCI. B&M and Intamin(as far as I know) never built a coaster in Switzerland.

Netherlands has plenty of Vekoma. Germany has plenty of Mack.
^ Fair point, there are 'only' 8 Mack coasters currently operating in Germany outside of Europa Park. A better example would probably be Zierer, which has 24 coasters currently operating in Germany. And I even have a better one in Europe - Soquet, which has built a huge majority of their rides in France (I guess that the only coasters, that currently operate outside France, are the 2 in Colombia and one in Poland).

Doesn't seem weird (enough)?
The name for this powered coaster is: Steep Roller Coaster at Center for Cultural District 12 in Vietnam.
At first I thought it said Sleep Roller Coaster, which is a much more appropriate name because that's exactly what I would do on that thing. :lol:
Sneaky said:

Doesn't seem weird (enough)?
The name for this powered coaster is: Steep Roller Coaster at Center for Cultural District 12 in Vietnam.
Ah but the camera angle hides the fact that it is placed on a 45 degree slope, you can tell because there's a pole holding the tree up :p.
Let's play "Is it a cred?"




Images from RCDB: http://rcdb.com/2709.htm#p=10566

Yeah, so it's like a sled/steel coaster hybrid. To me, it looks like a really unsafe cred. Not that it's not safe, but the fact that it's basically supported by toothpicks, and the only restraint is two handles, I don't see this as something I'd run to.
I think CanobieFan has ridden it and I will certainly give it a go whenever I get a chance to get up there.
I've always been intrigued by these rides and I'd love to ride it someday. Sadly, the only one that is still left is the one in the post mentioned above and is located in more or less no-man's-land (when it comes to enthusiast's point of view) in Ontario.

Those coaster are/were manufactured by a Canadian based firm Bailey. The reason behind me using 'are' as an option is that the manufacturer is still in business and still sells them. Actually they were also present at some IAAPA exhibitions in the first few years of the new millennium (I think I've read this on some coaster connected website a while ago, but sadly I don't exactly remember where, so I can't link it).


In total there have been 6 of these coasters (they are coasters, even though the 'trains' do seem rather unconventional!) built:

1. Putt N'Pond Speed Park, Ohio (Pipeline Express)
The prototype coaster was built in 1986 in Ohio. What made the prototype stand out from the rest, was the fact that it was one of the very few (if not the only) coasters that did have tracks made from a material that wasn't neither wood or steel. Instead, the coaster used plastic (PVC) rails! It closed down in 2000/2001, a few years before the park did.

coaster footage starts at 0:30


2. Kid's World, Jersey coast
The second of these babies had a really short lifespan. Here's the quote from rcdb

The owner had received a permit to operate the roller coaster the day before the fire that destroyed the pier. The fire started at about 3pm on Monday and the park was closed at that time. It isn't believed that the roller coaster operated on the previous Sunday.


3. Sauble Beach Fun World, Ontario
The third model operated from 1988-2008. There's not much to say about this one, since there's limited info to be found about its history. Here are some photos from rcdb and a youtube POV.





4. & 5. have both been built in 1989. Pipeline Express, which is located in Wild Water and Wheels is the only one that is still operating, whereas the second one, that was operating in Windy Hill Watterboggan Park (Myrtle Beach) has been taken downin the late 90s.

6. Located in Boardwalk Fun Park, Grande Praire, Texas and built in 1992, this is the only of the 6 models that did actually see a serious accident. The coaster opened with the park in July 1992, but was closed less than 2 months later, after a serious accident. A 12 year old fell some 12 metres into an unused pool, causing her to slip into a coma. The coaster never reopened and the park closed for good after their inaugural season. The whole complex (along with the coaster) was left SBNO and was finally demolished in 1997.

Hope that any of you will find these info helpful and worth a read. :D

http://www.bannister.org/coasters/trips ... and_wheels
Maaannnn! The Autosled is AMAZING!
Here's my POV of the one at Wild Water & Wheels.
The place is about an 1.5 hours east of Canada's Wonderland... It was 'closed' when I got there because of bad storms that had rolled past the area but they opened it for me (and gave me 3 rides) the guy at the end of my video, is the op / park owners son... who didn't wanna climb back down the stairs. It was honestly a lot of fun for a small ride, and had a surprise pop of air going into the first turn.

EDIT - And it is 100% a coaster credit!