Mega Poster
Guys, more important news. The track is finished 
Edit: **** too late

Edit: **** too late

I believe the word you're looking for is beautifulI'm sorry for the bad language, but this is ****ing obscene:
1. They say 4.8g, not the direction. That is important, as it can be the combined force. There is no statement around showing 4.8g vertical. We like to assume that they mean vertical forces, but we can’t tell unless specified.
Many people praise GCI for the small ejector pops, yet GCI themselves(!) say, that their trains are build for 0g at Max. Still, you feel those pops on GCIs. How are they doing it? Very quick transitions into low g areas.
Luckily, the rules are very similar, so I can speak for both. SVs -2g are highly likely to be with a full train, hot day, rainy track and no trimming.
Trimms are actually helpful to keep a ride more intense, as you have better control about the intensity of an element. Airtime above -1g is highly regulated, and it gets even harder above -1.5g airtime.
4. Many people tried to inform you about the differences weight, weather, maintenance, time and other factors can make. The first elements won’t feel that different, but the longer the ride goes, the bigger the spread. I always try to measure long rides when they are warmed up to give a fair impression.
- purchasing a professional accelerometer
- designing and building custom parts for a secure mounting of all the equipment
- programming a special readout tool
- contacting the Marketing department
- flying to Energylandia
- getting my whole equipment personally checked
- getting an official filming permission
Is homemade for you, let me know. I haven’t been sitting in my basement playing around with FVD before I made my statements. We have invested countless hours until we even got the first usable measurement.
I'd love to hear more about our project being bull**** from a guy, who doesn't know how many people are involved and who these people are, without even knowing what equipment or even knowing what software and knowledge was used.
According to the older version of the DIN EN 13814 Hyperion would accelerate you with a maximum of around 5.25 g and a minimum of -1.4 g (vertical).
Furhtermore I still don't get your point, where you're claiming -0.8 g (!!) are nothing but floater airtime. Floater Airtime is around the 0 g (vertical) area. -0.8 to -1 g are like you were upside down. If that wouldn't eject you from your seat, you should eat less, to not get stuck in your seat.
-0.8 to -1 g are like you were upside down.
If that wouldn't eject you from your seat, you should eat less, to not get stuck in your seat.
We can't handle so much misinformation at once.
I don't know why the others are still arguing with you, there's no point in it.
Someone doing these detailed of tests should realize that G forces have nothing to do with weight. If a man weighs 250 pounds, and experiences -1 G, he will feel 250 pounds of force per second pushing him up, out of his seat. (I'm 99% sure this is how this works). If you're me, and weigh around 120 pounds, you will feel 120 pounds of force per second pushing you upwards.
Do you realise what you are talking about? At first you completely dismissed my sarcastic comment on your twisted perception of airtime, and at second you still did not deliver any RELIABLE statistics. Instead you completely messed up the terms of velocity, force, mass and acceleration. Pound is a mass. A force is a derived unit from mass and acceleration (1 Newton = 1 kg*m/s²). Pounds per second isn't even a unit. 1 g means 9.81 m/s² of acceleration (as earths average). That means every second you accelerate by 9.81 m/s - I am pretty sure you tried to explain this to me, but failed miserably.
Go on, build your FVD Coasters and claim theoretical numbers to be the same as real numbers. Until now you completely winded through my argumentation and haven't delivered any factual arguments.
Someone went out and used physical, actual equipment and you're still arguing using marketing figures and best-guess computer simulations? I'm sure an intamin can hit their quoted figures in the best case scenario, in the same way I'm sure every coaster ever built can hit their theoretical throughputs on a unicorn day.
Beautiful... Genuinely excited, haven’t actually done Walibi Belgium yet, so waiting on this bad boy like an excited kid!!!Those are some nice pictures Walibi posted, aren't they?
I think we all need to relax about this. The numbers someone has put out there are not going to make your experience of the ride better or worse, why can't we just appreciate the graphs for what they are and not get so defensive over it. But nonetheless, the airtime on this ride is going to be nuts.Look, I don't know how this works. I'm a musician.
But, I do know, most people of various body types will experience ejector on an ejector hill and so on.
If his equipment had said 4.5, I would be likely to believe the rest. But 0.65 is big difference.
Yes, the speed changed ride by ride. But:
(alt 7 numpad)
• The speed of the chain is adjusted
• dynamic trims are added
• speed is adjusted through mid course brake runs
• I'm 99% sure the type of lube and wheel is changed by season. I remember taking a backstage tour at California's Great America. They claimed to be one of the few parks that had a machine capable of re-doing the synthetic composite tire on the outside of the wheels, usually poly-urethane? idk. Either way, if I remember correct they used to export to other parks in the chain. When a ride is first build, they experiment with various "tire" composite material types until they get the one that most accurately matches the computer render.
While Hyperion doesn't have trims, it's certainly modern enough to have a chain lift with an adjustable speed. Correct me if I'm wrong.
But, on a good run like you were riding, I see no excuse why the first drop should be off by 0.65 G's vertical.
Anyway, the ride looks great!
I think we all need to relax about this.
Bloody hell, that looks insane! I just hope it rides as well as it looks.I'm sorry for the bad language, but this is ****ing obscene: