? I don’t know who is saying that, but it is far from the truth, while we don’t have accurate figure, El Toro and Steel Vengeance for certain don’t exceed -1.4g, and even that is a stretch. But -2g is just ridiculous, it isn’t safe as the upward acceleration causes blood to rush towards the head which can cause all kinds of medical problems.To be honest, while I know rides like Steel Vengeance, Skyrush and El Toro reportedly pull over -2G in places, I’d probably prefer the sustained airtime of a lower magnitude that this ride will reportedly give; that first hill should be absolutely sublime!
I can’t wait to see this thing open, as I think it could rank very highly for many!
I could have sworn that I heard that El Toro’s Rolling Thunder hill pulled -2.2G or something crazy like that? Skyrush also allegedly pulls -2G in places, and apparently DC Rivals’ non-inverted loop was once measured at -2G during testing, so it can be pulled off on coasters.? I don’t know who is saying that, but it is far from the truth, while we don’t have accurate figure, El Toro and Steel Vengeance for certain don’t exceed -1.4g, and even that is a stretch. But -2g is just ridiculous, it isn’t safe as the upward acceleration causes blood to rush towards the head which can cause all kinds of medical problems.
El Toro is definitely less, obviously it isn't professional, but the most I've seen for it is -1.4g on the rolling thunder hill, and honestly it doesn't feel like it comes close to Skyrush. But the only rides that seem to pull even close to -2g are Skyrush and the Raptrs, though there were some rumours circulating about Camiel Bilsen saying something about Pantheon hitting figures approaching -2g in the back.I've heard -1.8g for Skyrush and a similar number for El Toro's HILL (it deserves emphasis). Keep in mind that Skyrush only sustains those forces for probably three seconds at the absolute max, although it's likely that the rides only sustain a negative G force and instantaneously hit that peak. It's incredibly intense, but it obviously won't kill people.
Tell that to the one on I305's first drop!The airtime hill is the very first element, and Intamin is not known for trimming early.
The trims on I305's drop got removed when the first turn got re-profiled anyway.Tell that to the one on I305's first drop!
and yes I know the reason for that trim is different so don't @ me
I have a cloudy memory of seeing B&M Hyper track with the 'old style' trim mounts (circular holes in the track for the pneumatic cylinders) installed but not in use too. Can't recall which one, though.There has been at least one ride, I think Patriot, where space and attachments were made into the track in case a trim was needed. But then ended up not being used.
Yeah I bet there are a lot of false rumours regarding those numbersThere are standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials that specify the limits roller coaster manufactures should adhere to when designing a roller coaster.
For negative vertical g-forces these limits are the following (Base Case is a regular restraint, "Prone Restraint" means the restraints found on flying roller-coasters):
View attachment 9417
And for positive vertical g-forces the limits are the following:
View attachment 9418
All the graphs are from the Brain Injury Association of America, which I found on an excellent post on Nolimitscentral, which dives even deeper in the different type of g-force limits on roller-coasters.
The NoLimits 2 Mega Resource Thread - Guides, Tools, Scripts - NoLimits Central
The NoLimits 2 Mega Resource Thread - Guides, Tools, Scripts posted by A113 - NoLimits Centralnolimitscentral.com
I've never ridden Skyrush, Maverick or El Toro, however I doubt, that (with such standards and limits in place) these rides pull such enormous negative g-forces.
Superman at Georgia has places for trims to go if needed, but were never filled. (Used to be joked as Vipers Snake Bites)There has been at least one ride, I think Patriot, where space and attachments were made into the track in case a trim was needed. But then ended up not being used.
There has been at least one ride, I think Patriot, where space and attachments were made into the track in case a trim was needed. But then ended up not being used.
I have a cloudy memory of seeing B&M Hyper track with the 'old style' trim mounts (circular holes in the track for the pneumatic cylinders) installed but not in use too. Can't recall which one, though.
This guy right here. I have a feeling that we will eventually see a trim show up, but there is the possibility the mounting points were placed there as a just in case.Just thought I'd point out there are only brackets for trims installed on the airtime hill, there aren't actually any brake fins installed as of yet. Let's hope it doesn't end up needing any.