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Underconstruction Topic

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Leighton said:
^Your coaster doesn't have +/-1G lats..



It has almost 2!!!


haha but I just wna tto know where i said it!

btw Drop profile time!:


So far in my quest to make a gimmick free or low gimmickey ride this is the only one...a vertical drop, and the tallest straight vertical drop.
No, not you Jer. I was talking to Loefet. Intamins do not have anything above 0.3 lats. I know, I've talked to an intamin engineer on CS :P . 1 lat is allof your body weight onto the side of the train. I don't know about you, but that's painful. On those twister rides you normally see at fairs only get up to 0.8 lats, left or right. That's painful, even though it's only 8/10th of your body weight!!! :shock:
Before dealing with Xpress...

Leighton that is a pretty cool thing to do, first water coaster I have seen anyway.

Jer, it's looking good, but I think that you might want to use I-beams instead of "normal" round supports for that lift-hill structure and the bottoms might be a bit spread out, bot I can't wait until I can go for a spin on it. I really like long, steep drops.

Then back to Xpress...
Xpress said:
Intamins do not have anything above 0.3 lats. I know, I've talked to an Intamin engineer on CS :P . 1 lat is all of your body weight onto the side of the train. I don't know about you, but that's painful. On those twister rides you normally see at fairs only get up to 0.8 lats, left or right. That's painful, even though it's only 8/10th of your body weight!!! :shock:
First you seems to have no idea what you talk about (using guesses and info from some guy on CS who is claiming to work for Intamin), and secondly you pick me to have this argument with...

If you wish I can give you a list of Intamin made rides that pulls 1G lateral, and they can't do anything about it, and to prove it I will give you a challenge:

Either by hand or feel free to use your precious tools and do an inline-twist going at medium-low speed (like the ones found on Colossus, Kanonen, Storm Runner, etc.) and try to keep it under 0.3G lat as your source claims. I can guarantee you that you will fail.

All that I know is that most roller coasters have around 1G lateral as a normal limit and spikes up to 2G lateral. 1-2G Lateral is not bad at all, the worst I have experienced on any ride in lateral force is around 4G's on Space 2000 about 4 weeks ago, and that was pretty painful.
But then again it's not the amount of force that "determine" how painful it is, it's how fast it comes. It's more painful to get slammed into the side with a force of 1G, then being pushed into the side with a gradually increasing force.
And on my coaster it's more of the latter, it gradually builds up to 1G instead of getting a 1G spike. And you should know that since you have been test riding the coaster.

Then how do I know all this (second reason)...

Last month I spent 3 weeks on the TPR Japan and Korea tour with an accelerometer strapped on me, in August my brother did the same on the TPR Midwest trip, last year we did the same on a bunch of coasters in Europe. At the moment we have collected measurements from well over 100 coasters and other rides. So we know pretty well what we are talking about.

All coaster I have constructed in NL (since we started these measurements) have been using these results as a template on what force limits I design into the rides.

To give you a hint on how the data looks like when we plot them here is Kanonen.




And all together:
Accelerometer? HA! I got a $5,500 G-Force meter for free from my uncle. It is extremely precise, and can measure any force up to +/- 8gs. One of the best. Wish I could show you it, and my readings, but too bad. It's a prototype. :P .

As for forces, I can tell you that I've only gotten lats up to 0.8, and that was on ghostrider. All the other rides, intamin or not, had low lats.
To give you a hint on how the data looks like when we plot them here is Kanonen.

COOL! they're really interesting. The forces are quite high for a diddy coaster, but it prooves people are WAY too strict on forces somtimes. The basic colour changes (green yellow red) on the sim seem pretty accurate really for the acceptable G-Forces, i'd just stick to those.

As leofet mentioned, with forces you have to consider the change in force, its gonna be alot more uncomfortable to suddenly slam into a high lat, than to reach one more gradually. Also, I'm pretty sure B&M wingovers on inverts have high lats, watch peoples legs.

Accelerometer? HA! I got a $5,500 G-Force meter

lol! G-Force Meter = Accelerometer
bob_3 said:
Accelerometer? HA! I got a $5,500 G-Force meter

lol! G-Force Meter = Accelerometer

No, not really. Unless his meter can read forces in X Y and Z planes, then it is not a G-Force meter. It is commonly mistaken, no big deal.
^ Look stop trying to be a clever little **** and shutup. OMGZ I got an accccceleramotxzzzz from my uncle and its a prototype. Whoop de ****ing do. Do something with it. Otherwise shut the hell up yeh?

No-one wants to hear from a 14 year old little boy who's trying to show off and look big when all he has in his room is an S-Club7 poster and a barbie doll.
Xpress said:
No, not really. Unless his meter can read forces in X Y and Z planes, then it is not a G-Force meter. It is commonly mistaken, no big deal.

Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about, otherwise you would realise that the X Y and Z axis are the Vertical, Lateral and Linear Gs, which are being shown on Peter's Kanonen plot.

tks said:
^ Look stop trying to be a clever little and shutup. OMGZ I got an accccceleramotxzzzz from my uncle and its a prototype. Whoop de do. Do something with it. Otherwise shut the hell up yeh?

No-one wants to hear from a 14 year old little boy who's trying to show off and look big when all he has in his room is an S-Club7 poster and a barbie doll.

tks said:
Look at me, I'm tks. I'm so cool because I like to cuss at people who are clearly more superior than me.

I'm a filthy stinking rich white boy, who is 16 years of age. I don't have to shut up :P

And I do believe that is you, who has an S-Club7 poster, and a barbie doll. I however, have more than you will ever own in your life. :P :P

I guess this world can't handle the rich people.

Leighton said:
Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about, otherwise you would realise that the X Y and Z axis are the Vertical, Lateral and Linear Gs, which are being shown on Peter's Kanonen plot.

X Y and Z planes are:
X vertical
Y lateral
Z aceleration

Apparently someone didn't know that. :?

I Read the second quote and was like Ed wrote that? lol you know your sad when you mis-quote a highly respected member on purpose

anyway as a side project I began building a Rez Tribute ride. It's tagline "The newest WTF ride"

Xpress said:
X Y and Z planes are:
X vertical
Y lateral
Z aceleration

Apparently someone didn't know that. :?

In this scenario; acceleration and linear G's are the same thing.

I bet you just looked that up on Google before making the post to make you seem clever.

Also, you might notice that the 3 graphs posted by Loefet are showing those three things, yet still you claim it isn't valid.

Throw in the "I'm a rich kid so I can do what I want" comment and it's made pretty clear what kind of person you are, and your credibility is all but gone.
Xpress said:
X Y and Z planes are:
X vertical
Y lateral
Z aceleration

Apparently someone didn't know that. :?

I didn't say they were necessarily in that order, I was merely pointing out your lack of ability to distinguish what is being shown on a simple G force plot, even when they were clearly marked.

Hah. Xpress it really goes to show that money really doesnt buy you friends, I think pretty much everyone hates you.

What did the fact that your parents have money have to do with that argument at all? You clearly have no idea what your talking about and yet you still continue to go ON AND ON.

I wish you would go away. and quickly.
LOL, no. Not going away for a while. As for that statement, I haven't got any idea why I said it. Maybee because I was a little bit PO'd about tks' post? Idk.

Lain said:
In this scenario; acceleration and linear G's are the same thing.

I prefer acceleration, instead of linear.
Xpress said:
I prefer acceleration, instead of linear.

You need to be consistant with your units. Vertical forces, Lateral forces and Linear forces are all measured in G's, or the multiple of the force of gravity that acts apon a body.

Where Linear Gs and Acceleration may mean the same thing, They are measured in two completly different units: Gs and m/s^2
So they are not the same measurement, one measures the change in speed over time, and the other measures the force acting on the object in the Z axis.
Xpress said:
LOL, no. Not going away for a while. As for that statement, I haven't got any idea why I said it. Maybee because I was a little bit PO'd about tks' post? Idk.

Lain said:
In this scenario; acceleration and linear G's are the same thing.

I prefer acceleration, instead of linear.

well then i think you should reconsider not leaving i mean the list of people who hates you goes on:


need i say more?

I pretty sure you don't even respect yourself. so hey lets add you to the list of people that hate you XD.
I thought this post consisted in show our No Limits projects to the rest of the members of the web!

I had some little problems with my next coaster, Qasqaii. I was finishing it this month, but I have to move the releasing date. Sorry!

QasQaii- Coming soon November 2007
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