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you need side bracing

El toro has side bracing on the left side of the lift hill and drop and both sides of the airtime hills.
I know, I only added the supports to "decorate" the ride for the screenshots. I'm almost done with the layout, and the various testers say that it's accurate, except for the ending of the track, which is a bit short, and not placed exact to the real ride.

If anyone wants a look, then PM me.
New picture, and it's an overall of the ride.

oooh! Blurring goodness.

Looks like a pretty cool layout, although it's hard to see properly.

Will you be releasing it?
looks like a vertical lift intamin, cool beans.

I'll expect to see ALOT of these now, even I'm working on one.

^^ Hopefully, haven't completed a project for a while now.

The only thing holding me back, is what design I will use for the buildings, but the track is done (except flanges).

It's an Intamin, (^your right) Vertical Lift, 6 Inversions, forces range from -1.2 - +5.4 G vert, -1 - +1 lat and I have no idea on acc.
the stats sound pretty good, and the G-force sounds great. +5.4 is quite a lot, but not unrealistic, as long as it is excetuted well.
I am looking forward to the release of this ride.

Experimental time now.

Vertical launches :D

wanted to see how to do them and work a layout from it.

launches to 82.2 MPH but reaching a top speed of 118 MPH with +5G' and -1G

I bring joo


I've been working on a concept for a ride I've never seen before in NL:

A Liquid coaster!

First drop and coaster section.

Water section.

Airtime hill and Splashdown.

Second coaster section.

The Finale






105ft lift
140ft lift
122ft, 82 degree drop
128ft, 90 degree drop
2948ft long.
^ A hyper that goes 94mph? XD

fine it's a giga the thing under it said


which is similar to KKs advertising slogan

Heres the drop and in comparison I made a little man that is 5.91ft same height as myself. Also in the pic is a basic degin of what the main supports will look like.

:-[], -1 to +1 lats on an intamin????????????? A bit too high.

Anyways, that was funny Jer. But it looks too small, the track that is. The real things seem to be a lot bigger, no?
^where'd you learn about the lats XD needless to say i'm working on that.

and what do you mean by it looks to msall? is it a joke because of that comparison pic I posted?



Those are pics from the coaster I'm working on Haywire coming tomorrow! Now it's shorter then my last coaster but better made and less custom stuff as I'm still getting use to the program. But this ride does feature some interesting elements that you will find out tomorrow.
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