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The ^ < V game

^ Nope, but kinda has to on Monday for one day only...Damned IOSH!
< Should really be going off to work again
V Thinks I should stay home
^Yep stay at home. Get someone else to do it lol.

<Is being a lazy g*t

V Is also being a lazy g*t
^ Yep but has big p[lans to go to work despite being advised by Matt to stay ant home
< Needs food before he goes
V Will still be thinking about breakfast
^ Yes I do actully.

< Is wondering wether to go to bed or not?

V This will be the last pot on this topic of the evening.

< Will go to bed in a bit (maybe)

v umm, uses two slashes instead of a v to make a downward pointing arrow?
^ Yeah its now sunday and yes free and easy day ahead
< Is really bored, and cant sleep
v Is having the same problem
^ Kinda, worked saturday but done nothing today, lazyness is baaaad!
< Had a lazy day.
V Also did nothing.
^ Nope, I washed the car and I learnt how to use HTML
< Is looking forward to degining my new website :lol:
V Has a website.
^ no sorry, can't be bothered
< has spent ages looking for the arrow key to the left to discover it is right next to the space bar!
V knows where the arrow key to the left is!