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The ^ < V game

^ Sent of my Pleasure Island application form yesterday! Hopefully hear a reply soon

< Thinks college, winter, and everything else about this possible moment in time sucks, apart from Stealth being called Stealth!

V Is happier than happy can be! :lol:
^nope.. its just Cool...

< Knows why Stealth is Stealth, and X:/No Way Out's Original Theme

\/ Doesn't know.. but wants to..
^ doesnt give a flying stuff at this moment in time

< Is practicing on photoshop

V Will be a wizz at photoshop
^ Nope, I don't have a photo editor on my new PC yet.

< Is lazy and has so far taken 4 weeks to set up his new PC.

V Is also lazy and will give an example of their abject laziness.
^ INDEED! I cannot be arsed to move at the moment so I shall just pi*s myself on this chair...
< Is preparing for a puddle
V Thinks I am very clean
^ depends how you react to the puddle
< can smell food cooking and wants to eat it
V has just had food and feels sorry for me because i have to wait?
^ No, but I need a coffee.
< Is knackered after hard day at work.
V Is a lay about student, and doesnt work.
^ Of course! Specially as I cant do rides atm!

< Is practicing animation on Photoshop :)

v Will be working really hard today ...?
^is liking this

<is currently writing this secretly at school

V will be awake
^ Has a HUUGE screen :p

< Loves Eminem (How did you know?!)

V Likes cheesy pop music :p