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The ^ < V game

^I've been on earlier...it's a case of if i go back on...

<Is annoyed at RCT3's refusal to now work with all packs...

VWill be drinking until the early hours of January tonight...
^ Too right, at bloody work waitning for copies to finish

< Has spent far too long over Christmas playing with RCT3.

V Had a large bogie in need of picking (please note HAD) :p
^ Not really.
< Has just realised that I started the 100th page in this topic (that's two milestones I've made in this topic woo!).
v Will want to make a milestone in this topic.
^Yes! I'm very jelous :(

< Has had an exceedingly bad day because my best friend is trying to quite smoking, and I won't let her smoke. It's really horrible! The atmosphere's so tense and urgh! I think I'm more stressed out than her! Plus, first day back at college isn't very exciting!

V Is having a good day
^ Yeah the two weeks before xmas

<Is still trying to fathem out Jakes Av and now his sig too :?

V will know what the heck hes on?
^ Havent really watched it, it didnt cath my interest.
< Is trying to work out who most of those rejects are that have entered the big brother house
v Know who everyone is