What's new

The ^ < V game

^Nope, not really
<Is extremely tired from his friends putting him on expert work out mode on dance dance revolution.
V Is going to see Wallace and Gromit next weekend like me!
< Is saving his cinema money for Corpse Bride. YAY Burton. YAY Depp. YAY Elfman!!
V Also thinks that the Burton/Elfman/Depp combo is the best thing to happen to movies in a looooong time.
^Agreed, this year has had some crap movies, this will be good though.
<Is way too tired.
VStayed up until early morning?
^ Aint got a clue!

< Is really tired and cant be bothered to move from the computer chair.

V Will have pictures by their computer.
^ indeed...orp's freshly scanned and uploaded!
< Is having a lazy day!
V Will have been working hard today
^Nope I nearly fell asleep in lesson.
<Hopefully going to Ghosterforce!
VIs going to Ghosterfroce?
^Haha! Yeah!
<Is starting to get tired, and its like 8:15pm! Odd!
VIs starting to get tired aswell?
^ Damn right, I'm just having coffee now. Is a fellow coffee lover
< enjoying a nice strong coffee after giving myself a massive static shock
V Is wondering how the heck I managed to do that.
^Not really
<Is wondering about the funky small font size...
\/Went to Midland Madness...
^Indeed I did, are you slightly jealous?
< Is one of very few who have made it to every single full CF Live this year
V Maybe one of the other few?
^I wish...
<Isn't jealous of MM people as I am going to the Loopathon
\/Will be one of the two others going...
^A little, because I might be going!
<MSN has just signed me out again!
VMSN causes you problems?
^^Forgets that the Loopathon involves RITA in the dark

^Nope, not at all
<Just can think straight anymore
\/Has a day off Friday
^ I wish pffft. RITA, Dark?....meh the cars have no lights! :p
< Has just finished a Double Berry Bar he found in a shop today :D
V HAs heaps of homework