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The ^ < V game

^ no no no no dont liiiiieeeeeee, err, I mean yes
< Is going to bed, got a long day ahead of me tomorrow
v has a nice lazy day to look forward to
^ No I went to see the Queensland Orchestra.
< Had a day that started out good but got really ugly.
v Will have had one of those days before.
^ did the no evil stuff with me, but dave messed it up!
< not going to ghoaster force
\/ is going to ghosterforce
^ I wish I could but its very unlikely
< Is soooooo BORED!!!
v Is doing something interesting?
^ I am if you call MSN and CF interesting... god I need counterstrike. Stupid steam not accepting my mums credit card

< Is on shiny new PC... yaynesses.

v Is signed into xfire?
^Cross fire?!?! Its still around.. i loved that programme!!

< er.. is making a secret plan

\/ know's nothing of my secret plan!
^Got it in one...

< Has a stiff knee from so much sitting down doing sod all.

\/ Is sitting down doing sod all...
^ has the same clock as me i see in the photos of members

< Has had the day off today

\/ on webcam too
^Nope, I gotta' go to school a little later today because the year 6's were looking around it last night.
<Went to bed early last night because of a killer migrane!
VTalks to me on MSN?
^ Indeed...doing so now! :D
< Has lost 18 posts since lunchtime :cry:
V Will think that is funny