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The ^ < V game

^ Doesn't think your greedy, just not nice for not sharing!
< Just about to leave the IT Lab at Uni.
V About to stuff their face with something tasty???
^ I wish!
< Is getting really annoyed at this computer due to 6 viruses slowing it down completely!
V Will know a good anti virus!
^Needs norton.
<eating pastry.. home made.. by me.... NO IT DOESN'T SUCK!
V will jump to conclusions and says: Wow that guy sure is a crappy cook for cooking pastries with random stuff inside?
^I have to try it first, but I dont want food poisoning!
<Lamb chops are ready soon.
VThinks that lifes great?
^Well when you have a CF-live at the weekend..........of course it is!
< Looks at the pile of ironing and sighs
V Is wearing stockings and suspenders
^ If you don't tell anyone...I won't have to kill you...

< Is doing a 10 page Media Essay

V Will be deciding to go to bed...
^ Nah not yet. It's only 7:30 now!
< Has wasted a lot of time thinking of words that can be made from Medalion.
v Will say something irrelevant.
^ Aren't Emo's just soo annoying...

< Is in a strange and 'Off' mood...

V Will also be in an odd mood...
^ Ish, not tired enough to fall asleep though
< just caught a spider and threw it out the window (doesnt mean i like them!)
v Likes spiders?
^ Yeah they're not bad. I get a lot of them around my house.
< Has lots of creepy crawlies around my house.
v Will also have lots of creepy crawlies around their house.
^ Yeah, Spiders! *needs a cat*
< is gonna be really busy today
V Will have a fairly busy day ahead
^Oh yes. Student Loans to sort, Maths work to do, washing to put in, and I could go on.
< Is know banging head on table in fear of busyness?!?!?!
V Has a beaming smile because they will spend the day doing nothing!
^ So far that is true
< Needs to go offline to avoid procrastinating any further
V Can be online and work without any problem
^ Sometimes, but not really lol

< Is dreading babysitting two little monsters on thursday night.

V Would babysit monsters for money.
^ Erm ... not as much as Coffee :p

< needsing chocolate, but its all packed
V will feel sorry for me