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The ^ < V game

^ Yep! A year to the day!

< Wants to go back!

V Likes the smell of cut grass!
^ Wants to go Flordia *cough.. going back in easter... cough*
< Has a Numb mouth and two new fillings
\/ hasn't been to the dentist in a while.
^Nope the day before my holiday, my tooth broke, so I had to get it made up agian.
<Is going to get school shoes and some new clothes at 5pm.
VHas been shopping lately?
< Hates Foo fighters with a passion...
V Lovesa em and says foo fighterz r da bom m8 nahh!
^ Nope!
< Will be watching the Terminator Trilogy this weekend :D
V will be going to a theme park this weekend :p
^Yes I am! TP this Sunday.... WAHOO!
<Thinks AeRo should of gone to CWoA last Sunday.
VUnderstands AeRo's custom title?
^ Definately understnds AeRo's custom title! :wink:
< Would've loved to have gone to CWOA Last week.....546 miles each way plus accomodation plus 2 Lives in three weeks = not possible *cries*
V Is looking forward to Midlands Mayhem
^ Last seen by me at Oakwood! I think...

< Just caught up on the desperate housewives episode he missed :D

\/ Loves Dh... Please!
^ Nope. I have never even watched one epidosde ever!
< Was talking about the Superman: Escape ride coming out this December the last time I posted here.
v Will want to ride a Superman themed ride now.
^Not at all suprised one bit!

< Is going to broing windsor castle today *cries* stupid schoolwork!

V Will be doing something much more fun!
^ Not really, have to do domestic work...house and garden
< Also has to do badges for next Live
V Will be having a really exciting day today
^ Not particularly, its rather monotonous.
< Might cheer up soon
v Knows a great way to cheer me up
^ There is a Live in 6 days time! :D
< Is sitting looking at Dream Bars :D but can't eat them :(
V Will not like white chocolate
^What do you take me for! I love white chocolate!
<Just had a double chocolate with white chocolate chips muffin!
VWants the muffin?
^ Na I'll stick with the Milky Bar I had to buy...*looks at dreams...grrr*
< needs to pack for 2 days in Leeds
V Needs to pack for School
< Is so organised he's already :).
V Knows that I haven't really packed, and am just lying about it really.
^I see school as a last minute thing, and I dont really need to pack anything. (Double engineering practical lesson yay!)
<Had another muffin. (Doubt I will ever have a six pack)
VHas a better mobile ohone thatn my crap Sony Ericson K500i?
^ Samsung E720...wish I'd got a Nokia....Damn your advice Az and Aly!
< More coffee required to finish off the MB.
V Thinks I am greedy for eating a whole Milky Bar in one go