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The ^ < V game

^I am not in a bottom set, but a middle
<Is glad the weekend is here...
\/Will be participating in some competition...
^ Nope,Ii never was any good at competitions...
< Is on holiday for two weeks!!! and is really really bored already
v Is also mega bored
^ Definetly...and don't you know it :p

< Is in a brill mood even though it is a horrible sunday and is doing homework!!

V Will also be doing some sort of Home-Work...
^Yep, been doing it all weekend, I'm bieng given far too much, I don't have any time for fun anymore, its like leaving school then coming back home to one...

< Likes rollercoasters :)-P)

v Also does, by some freaky coincidence?
^ Nope, didn't have any this weekend.

< Doesn't want to go to school monday.

V Also does not want to go to school monday.
^ Who wants to go to school on anyday??...

< Has finished all his homework and is in a better mood than the brill mood I was in earlier

V Will also be in a very good mood
^ Always!

< Has 20 mins until lunchtime

V Will be the next person to post in Forum Fun :p
^ Hmmmm...A Lil'...

< Am pleased that I didn't take RE and dropped it when I could!!...Unlucky Hales!! :(

V Will be doing a subject or working somewhere where they have slight regrets...??
^ Yeah, I should never have given up my job as IT manager for contract shoveller at the fish head and elephant crap factory...

< Had birthday cream cakes after lunch for Accountant Andy's 51st.

V Wishes they'd had cream cakes and nice cuppa!
^nope dont like cream cakes!

< Is getting annoyed at people not answering their phones!

V Has a bad habbit of not answering their phone (like me hehe)
^Not really
<Is chatting to the person above on MSN
\/Doesn't have MSN.
^Actually not really...
< Doesn't mind how long he spends on it, but agrees that ^'s on it loads...
V Will change the topic.
^ okay then..... :oops:

< Bans self from MSN tomorrow (not really...away all day :p)

V Will be home all day tomorrow
^Nope, but I have spoken to you before on msn!

<Is kinda' tired.

VWants me to have a nice sleep?