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The ^ < V game

<Is listening to his favourite ever songs...
\/Is listening to some form of music...
^ Yup...The Fantasmic Fireworks show Theme Tune to be precise...

< Is my birthday in 1 day and a bit!! :D

V Will have recently or will be soon, celebrating their birthday
^ How did you know?
< Is really annoyed at the insane school hours in Israel
V Also hates school.
^Indifferent at the mo.
<Is having a chat with Jon, who says he's dead.
\/Wonders if Jon is dead...
^Slappin'! (Peters face) :p

< Has to go to school at a ungodly hour tommorow... to catch the bus to drayton manor :-D :-D :-D

v also going to drayton tommorow and fancies a meet up?
^ Extremely...Seeing as I just found out I have an English Essay due in tomorrow, which I haven't even started and didn't even know about

<Really Really Worried

V Will offer their help and do the Essay for me?? :p
^ I'm sorry what is a shower?
< Has very sore eyes (probably because of all the late nights I've had he he!).
v Has had lots of sleep lately.
^ Yep! I got a decent six and a half hours last night! :)

< Needs to win the lottery very soon.

V Has a few grand to let me have on a 0% loan for 20 or 30 years :)
^ Wow...A guy after my own heart :p

< Despite all the Essay's and h/w that I had to do yesterday...and the many more I have to do tonight...I'm in a great mood!! Why you ask??
Because it's my BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!

V Will wish me a happy Birthday for tomorrow :p
^ Meh xmas is more fun!

< Is really really bored but excited about tomurow

V Will be doing something fun tomurow.
^ Yup...MY BIRTHDAY!!!

< Is eating a Del Monte Orange Lollypop...Yuuuummmmm!!

V Will be eating something nice??
^ seabrooks cheese n onion crisps, I dont know about THAT nice though
< Is going to a party on sunday (yes I know, an odd day for one)
v Has nothing at all to do over the weekend
^Basically, nothing planned at least
< Is pumped about getting to a park next week
V Has been over 2 weeks since last trip
^ God yes! I need to use my Dreamworld pass as much as I can!
< Has a Dreamworld pass that's nearly expired.
v Will have a fresh theme park pass.