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The ^ < V game

^Prefers lemurs especially ringtailed.
<Eating Katies birthday cake yummy.
V wants to eat cake.
^ Always wants cake....just never have any
< Thinks it is time for lunch....my god is that the time
V Had Brunch ages ago
^Brunch being a few rounds of toast
< Is still waiting patiently for a delivery
V Doesn't like bananas
^ Not really seeing as ive been at school all day in black trousers, black tie and black blazer.....O and a white shirt.

< Is looking foward to Lost tonight on Channel 4!!!

V Will have some chocolate!!
^OMG! Theres no chocolate in the house.. I may be forced to run to the shop before it closes and buy some.. or make some :lol:

< Loves G'n'R

v Has a ounce of sense in their brain and also loves G'n'R?
^ knows that I like GnR

< Listening to a real mixture of stuff tonight

V Also listening to 'music'
^ wrong there! :wink:

< Digging out The Chicken song ...it does sound like furie

V Hasn't a clue what I'm talking about
^Wha? like the chicken song..

< Is Listening To Christian Rock..

\/ is either annoyed, really bored, or listening to the chicken song
^ I dont really care why, its sooo pretty!
< Is pottering about thinking about how warm it is
v Is really cold
^aaaaahhhhh! Aircon in my little computer room... No, really, it's all broken, I have to be in here... Please don't take me back intot he office!!! :lol:

< Has temporarilly given himself access to the site again at work.

V Also posts while at work! Naughty young person!
^ Indeed....one of the benefits of being based at home! :D

< Has just returned home (office) having been out since 9.00

V will be returning from a place of full time education
^Not really, stupid school first day though :(

<Doesn't have any coursework...for now at least...

\/Will have started school today...
D'oh! Scool is a place of full time education! :p

^ Nope

< Smells ribs in kitchen and drools

V Will be relieved at the return of CF-i!
^True, and your going to win CFBB!

<Feels like eating Angel Delight.

VLikes Angel Delight?
^ i wouldnt exactly call it graduated but I kind of did when I was 16........
< has only one week to go before her two weeks away from work! YEY!
v isnt on holiday for ages
^ Thats for sure next half term starts 22nd October!
< Is gonna go and get some breakfast.
v Will already have had breakfast.