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The ^ < V game

^ Is the world's worst predictor!
< Is listening to the Badger Song
v Will go to "Anything Goes", click on the Badger Song topic, click on the link and watch the Badger Song.
^ No I won't, I'll stick with John Mayer

< Listening to John Mayer right now (Wheel)

V Likes listening to John Mayer's music
^ HUH?

< Doesn't keep track of music now at all.

V Knows what Josh is talking about. Or is Josh going off on me for not knowing.
^yes i do
<loves tussuades and making avatars and siggys
Vis going to like theme parks/rollercoasters
^ You just said that because you know your prediction would be right didn't you?
< Anyway yes I do like theme parks and coasters. Is also feeling discouraged because I found something stupid, posted it here and everybody hates it. I hate it when I do that!
v Will have more common sence than me (and that's not hard to beat either).
^Shouldn't feel discouraged as half a million people voted the thing the best too!

<Has a bundle of common sense, but an impulsive nature that completely over-rides it!

V Has sunburn
^ Well not right now because it's winter but you should see my face during the summer sheesh!
< Feels like making more songs on Acid Express.
v Will have a job.
^does a paper boy count?
<is practising his sigs and avs
vwill be better than me at making them
^ No but I'm thinking what I had for dinner though! Mmmmm chicken...
< Feels great for some reason.
v Will feel great too.

Ad - Check out the new screens for my RCT2 park! (Shameless self promotion here!).
^ Yes got many great things happening in the not too distant future.
< Gonna watch Most Haunted Live soon
V Is a ghost gonna beat up Derek and make Evey scream :twisted:
^ It's on my list of things to do when I'm dead!
< Seems to have picked up a part-time student lifestyle (stopping up late at weekends doing thnigs that are surprisingly worklike)
V Is looking forward to the live in 6 days time!

< Will probably be allowed to do crystal maze

v the above has a direct knock on effect on the person below?
^ No sorry don't know what you're tslking about.
< Likes Crunchy Nut cereal.
v Will also like Crunchy Nut cereal.
^ I do, but don't ever eat it for breakfast.

< Can't stand breakfast.

V May be slightly confused.

<is ready for band camp

V is also ready for band camp, and wouln't start those stupid 'band camp' jokes
^Band camp needs to burn in hell...

<Hates band camp (and Cross Country conditioning)

V Wishes activites like band and XC would start at the begining of school, not a month before...
^ Doesn't like Band Camp and XC.
< Hasn't been to Band Camp but would like to go I guess and hates XC as well.
v Will be very athletic.
^ Must be beeping joking. (unless it involves a dancemat)
< drinking caramel hot choc
V Is an honourary couch potato
^nope i get out as much as i can to play sports
<went over the front of the handlebars of his bike today
v has been to sfog and will pm me about what its like