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The ^ < V game

^ nopey. don't own much green actually lolol

< just had my driving lesson and went fast :D :D (well 55) lolol!!

V can drive!!
^I wish..... You don't.
<Listening to good music Yaaaay thunder rock rally! Ben is a legend
V has been gloated to at some point.
^ Nah dont have RCT2

< Is half watching the greatest film ever .... Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights

V Wont like the film im watching!
^ Actually i do like the film
> Has twisted his ankle
v has been to thorpe park
^ Has a very bad injury.
< Has never been to Thorpe Park (it's so sad!) and is listening to Ultra Sonic.
v Will not like Ultra Sonic (I know there is a lot of people who don't like this stuff).
^ who????????????????
< thinks about her lovely bed
V wants to eat doughnuts
^aww poor erol....... no fatty pancakes!
< could benifit from a diet, but can nae be assed.
v for some strange reason is typing from a laptop on megafobia?
^ Um no.
< Should get on with science.
v Doing something that he/she shouldn't be doing eg. RCT2, porn (just kidding!)
^ Nope, my computer died. Therfore no porn....

< Really pissed because the Orioles lost again

V Will be burned at the stake tomorrow if he/she is a Reds fan
^ I dunno what Red is appart from it being a colour...?
< Needs to get on with media coursework which was due in 2 weeks ago.
V Will loose a tooth in the next 24hours if you dont read this whole topic again.
^ nope but from too many sweeties
< still hungry for more food but wants to loose a few pounds(no chance)
V has many concert tickets for this year?
^ Nah just me and my Dad

< Is completely stressed, scared, anxious, nervous about my Leisure and Tourism exam this morning.

V Will think Leisure and Tourism is piss easy.
^ Oh yeah, definitely.

< Didn't know there could be an exam on Leisure and Tourism.

V Wishes they could just screw final exams.
^ Yeah except I have my final exams in Novemeber sometime!
< Is doing science, listening to Yellowcard and posting on the forum simutaniously.
v Doing more than 3 things simutaniously.