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The ^ < V game

^ Catcher for the Orioles, a baseball team.

< Guessed based off Josh's post(s).

V Thinks silver looks better than gold.
^ still gotta get my lazy butt over to the movie theatre.

< won the Google Image Wars from the looks of things.

v shall bow down to their master.
^obviosly likes to boast about where he lives
<Has been called gay and mildly camp on occasions
V Will call me gay or mildly camp?
^ is gay

< isnt gay, and, honestly, do I really need to boaster about america's rockin roller coast?

v's momma is gay
^ will probably like your crazy music :D
< wants to be brave and conquer the max
v will help her to do this, or atleast try
^ Are you talking about Max Air?
< Would like to go on Max Air because I like The Claw which is very similar.
v Will live near CP (most likely to be Hyde244).
^Well sorta. I'm really in between.
< Is glad that there are no chavs in Aussie theme parks.
v Is upset because there are chavs in Brittish theme parks.
^ Definately
< Watched Live8 today and thought Pink Floyd were ace
v Also watched Live8 today and thought Pink Floyd were ace
^God yes. Pink floyd ruuule!
<Reckons pink floyd enjoyed themselves so much that they will carry on playing
VHates pink floyd?
^There ok I guess
<Not wanting to go to work in 30mins.
V Dosnt want to go to work as well?
^ More or less, yes.
< Is buying his 50th anniversary Disneyland tickets today!
V Just picked their nose, and will now deny it.
^ Going to Disney Land *Grrr*
< Didnt pick his nose, but is attempting to get megaaaaah dried wax from ears with otex :p
V Has drank a small amount of otex and likes it.
/\ seems to like people drinking weird things
< has drank nail varnish remover
\/ has drank some other weird substance
^ I correct, I was painting ocne and picked the pot of turps up insetad of my pot of tea, lol - burny!
< Drank a potentially leathel substance.
V Also has done.
^Um no I haven't.
< Woke up consideribly early this morning (9 am as opose to about 11 or 12 he he).
v Has sleeping disorders.
^ Yeah, look at the time.
< Is a virgin in this topic!
v ...is a member of CoasterForce?