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The ^ < V game

^ ??????????????????? whats Sose?
< hoping Aidan will go to sleep
V Wants to go back to bed
^ as always, yes!!

< listening to the most fab album ever

V is waiting for neighbours to come on!!
^ yeah i am waiting for neighbours to come on

< is busy chatting to people on msn and listening to music rather than doing schoolwork!

V will also be chatting to people on msn
^damn strait. Only two people though.... which is unusual.
<absolutely hates school, and was reminded its hell on earth when he went back on monday
v also has to endure another term of pure HELLLLLLLLLLLL?
^ Yes i do have to endure another term of pure HELLLLLLLL
< Has a Rush sweet on his Shelf
v Smells and looks lovely???
^ Sure why not, lol
< Learning a song on bass
V Dosnt play bass?
^Errr i play bass. the instrument of the gods!
<plays bass
Vdoesn't play bass
^Nope used to play lead and classical but my hands are too small.
<Knattering on msn to a good friend about babies and what they have eaten today. ie saftey pins and dead snails.
V thinks I'm round the bend.
^ Is not at all happy with myself cant decide to wear on saturday

< Is watching will and grace

V will like will and grace
^Yes, haven't seen it in ages though because of other NEWER comedies...
<Has no exams today, or wednesday AND thursday next week!!!

\/Wants to finish his/her exams
^Wrong, I have none at the moment.
< Is doing work experience right now.... *cough*
V Thinks I should actually get off my butt and do my work.
^Meh, I don't condone using CF at work, but pffff, sod the work!
< Is lazing around listening to music
\/ Thinks I should probably get up at some point soon.
^ Is being lazy.
< Doesn't think you should get up and is also being lazy.
v Will be a girl (chances are low but who cares!).
^ Yes I am very much a girl thanks!

< Is trying to see if i can get to blackpool cheaply

V Will be going to coastal coasting cf-live
^ I wish!
< is currently at school, and cant be bothered to work
v Will be going to chessington on saturday
^ Yeah im going with you lot ... if joey told you ... i only found out you were coming through N:I Rocks lol

< Is busy loading music onto my pc

V Will be bored
^posts way too fast
<Bored and waiting for more requests for his signature shop
V Will be wearing green.