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Well after playing GTA4 since thursday (sneeky copy from work) I have to say this game is amazing, From the story to the graphics, from the voice actin to the way it plays its all absolutly awsome. Rockstar have done a hell of a job with this game, With a open worl enviroment like GTA you expect a little graphical flaws as the game is sooooo big but let me tell you not with this one it just looks so good and all the little touches are cool to. Like when you steal a car you break the window with your elbow then have to crouch in the car and actually hotwire it berofe you can drive off, Then if you crash hard you will come flying through the windscreen and fly down the street. The new physics engine is great with people actually interactin with your car when you pile into them instead of just falling over and the cars all handle great but take some getting used to due to the new physics. Then we have the shooting and fighting they have ironed out all the little niggles and iplemented and incredible fighting sysytem with a full cover system for shooting which also has auto lock on which also has been fixed its just that good. On top of this add the online modes which are actually emense. We thought rockstar might actually have a little dabble online but they have gon full out with it from 16 player online throughout the full city in loads of differerent modes including death matches. You get to make your own charicter and go postal on other people lol its great. I will admit this is the smalest city but its the bigest game for content. the side missions that you dont have to do have been given the same polish as the main missions so you dont actually realise you playing a side mission, Niko is very humerous and you actualy grow to like him and want him to win. all in all GET THIS GAME its the game of the year in my opinion.
Jer - I enjoyed the demo of 'The Club', but bought UT instead... Hmmmmm... :lol: I enjoy the demo playing against Minor_Furie, but I prefer the single player of UT.

I bought Pixel Junk Monsters for the PS3 on Friday, after getting the demo from the US store. It's a superb little game, and well worth £3.50. Smelly, you'll like it too :)
^Why don't you get a 360 if you only want it for GTA IV? They are much cheaper than PS3's, unless you prefer PS3's etc..

Out of interest how many people buying GTA tomorrow? I got mine pre-ordered and picking it up at 12 tonight :D
I'll get GTA IV when it's cheap :) Really not that fussed about getting it 'right now'.
spicy said:
^Why don't you get a 360 if you only want it for GTA IV? They are much cheaper than PS3's, unless you prefer PS3's etc..

As I've said before..

The ps3 has MUCH fewer games available for it.. But more (exclusives) i actually want to play.

Yes i know the 360 is more technically better (although gta looks better on ps3), and has more games..

But all the games i want to play on 360 are available on ps3 (the same is NOT true the other way around).

So easy choice for me.. and blue-ray playback is the clincher.
furie said:
Jer - I enjoyed the demo of 'The Club', but bought UT instead... Hmmmmm... :lol: I enjoy the demo playing against Minor_Furie, but I prefer the single player of UT.

and UT is?
Smelly said:
Probs "Unreal tournament"

Yes, UT is indeed Unreal Tournament. I know it's a little know gaming series, which has never really taken off or anything :p
I queued up for two hours for GTAIV last night.

It's worth it.

Trust me.

Every little detail is amazing.
^ <3

Do you think it will be sold out everywhere already?

I wanted to get it tonight after work but am I **** bracing rush hour traffic in town if its sold out.
You'll probably find it'll be available in rip-off merchants such are Currys and Comet. Normal means are doubtful. It's also worth checking out Sainsbury's too, as they sell at RRP. I doubt very much you'll get a copy on the cheap though now.
It was advertised as 39.97 in Tesco, but on the night it was 44.97. Pissed off, as I only had 40.00 and a handful of change, but my discount got it down.

Sam you should be able to find a copy, but not sure about prices. I think for every one PS3 version sold last night, 10 360 ones were.

I expected it to be empty, so while I was at work I asked if they had had many inquiries. Was told that I should stay up there after I finished at 10 :p Got in the queue at 10.30 after rushing home, and the queue probably peaked at about 200 people.
One of my colleagues is married to a bloke who owns a games shop- so she's reserved one and is bringing it in for me tomorrow. W00t! :D
Bah, I really want a copy of GTA IV, but don't own a 360 or PS3. :(

Bournemouth has loads of em. Every games shop I went into had some in stock, for about £45.
Only place in Croydon that I saw with a 'sold-out' sign for GTA IV was Gamestation...

Not that I care unless/until it comes out on the PC, much like San Andreas, then I'll join in...
Just had a 3hour session of GTAIV and its one of the best games I have ever played.

Its just amazing really, the visuals are stunning and they have gone into so much detail its unbelievable.

The online play is really cool aswell, although I only played it briefly.

Shouldn't be sold out I saw plenty of copies today, I picked mine up for £39.99 which is about right, I doubt you will find one cheaper than that.
Big john wrote on last page
Well after playing GTA4 since thursday (sneeky copy from work) I have to say this game is amazing, From the story to the graphics, from the voice actin to the way it plays its all absolutly awsome. Rockstar have done a hell of a job with this game, With a open worl enviroment like GTA you expect a little graphical flaws as the game is sooooo big but let me tell you not with this one it just looks so good and all the little touches are cool to. Like when you steal a car you break the window with your elbow then have to crouch in the car and actually hotwire it berofe you can drive off, Then if you crash hard you will come flying through the windscreen and fly down the street. The new physics engine is great with people actually interactin with your car when you pile into them instead of just falling over and the cars all handle great but take some getting used to due to the new physics. Then we have the shooting and fighting they have ironed out all the little niggles and iplemented and incredible fighting sysytem with a full cover system for shooting which also has auto lock on which also has been fixed its just that good. On top of this add the online modes which are actually emense. We thought rockstar might actually have a little dabble online but they have gon full out with it from 16 player online throughout the full city in loads of differerent modes including death matches. You get to make your own charicter and go postal on other people lol its great. I will admit this is the smalest city but its the bigest game for content. the side missions that you dont have to do have been given the same polish as the main missions so you dont actually realise you playing a side mission, Niko is very humerous and you actualy grow to like him and want him to win. all in all GET THIS GAME its the game of the year in my opinion.

Just for anyone who cant be arse to read the topic here is a review of this awsome game